In the Kunlun Mountains, at the foot of the Qionghua Mountain Gate, two old men in blue and white robes walked out of the town of Boxian.

With a crane hair and a childlike face, a pair of fairy wind Dao bones, looking at the Qionghua Mountain from afar, he was slightly relieved.

Elder Qingyang whiskered and said, “After more than a month, I have finally come back, and I can bring back [Kun Scales], which is also a good trip.” ”

Elder Chongguang heard this and shook his head slightly, “If it weren’t for the fact that you said that you were going to go to the Yandi Shennong Cave to explore it, it would have taken some time, and I would have returned early.” ”

“Hey, since you’re passing by there, it’s good to probe a little, but the third cold weapon doesn’t land at all.”

Elder Qingyang said, and sighed a little.

These three cold vessels are the most yin and cold things in the world, and it is not easy to find nature.

It was a surprise that they found the “Kun Scales” in more than a month, and they were extremely lucky.

It’s just the two cold weapons left, but some don’t know where to start.

It is rumored that things that appeared in the Jimo area hundreds of years ago have passed so long now, I am afraid that I do not know where to go for a long time;

And the last cold artifact is even more mysterious, only in the door of the record scroll, there is a word,

There seemed to be a yin to cold thing in the Yanyan Emperor Shennong Cave.

But I don’t even know anything.

When the two of them returned, they went to explore, but they only encountered countless spiritually powerful demons inside, and it took a lot of time, the search was unsuccessful, and they had no choice but to retreat without any results.

“…… Alas, needless to say, hurry back, there are more important things.

We’ve been delayed a lot of time now. ”

Heavy light seemed to think of something, his face was slightly condensed, and he spoke out to warn.

“You’re right…

Let’s go, go meet the boss, think she should know something. ”

What Yu Chaohu and Chen Zhou had seen and heard really made them feel a little uneasy.

Want to know what the two juniors of Yun Tianhe are and that one… What a relationship.


In the Qionghua Palace, after receiving the disciple’s report, Su Yao’s face was shocked, and he hurried towards the outside of the palace.

Before they could go out, Chongguang and Qingyang had already entered the Qionghua Palace.

“Two elders, you…”

Su Yao was shocked in his heart, the two elders of Chongguang and Qingyang were the elders with the highest rank among the Qionghua Sect today, and they were the most profound in cultivation.

After the battle with the Demon Realm, in addition to the deceased Sect Elder Zonglian, he was the only remaining elder of the Qionghua Sect.

It was only a dozen years ago, not long after she took over the position of leader, and after working together to freeze the Xuanxiao that had fallen into the state of a mad demon, she retired and retreated, and her words were not in the trivialities of the door.

Since then, she has asked the two to go out of the mountain, but the attitude of the two is extremely firm, and they have not been able to achieve their wishes.

He even begged her to order the people in the door not to come to the mountains and disturb the purity.

Over time, she did not dare to bother more, for fear of provoking the two of them.

After the son of Yun Tianqing met with the two elders, she took this opportunity to visit Yi Er.

Only in the end did they learn that Murong Ziying and Yun Tianhe had been entrusted by the two to go out to find something, so the two did not say much and ordered her to leave.

Now that the two of them had actually come to Qionghua Palace at the same time, Su Yao was surprised and happy in her heart.

“The two elders have figured it out, Qionghua is not as strong as before, even if I try my best to revitalize this gate, I am also emaciated, if you can go out of the mountain…”

Shigemitsu interrupted her words and shook her head slightly:

“Needless to say, the two of us did not come here to go out of the mountain, but there is an important thing that has to be so…”

Speaking roughly, he and Qingyang went out to help Xuan Xiao find the three cold weapons.

Su Yao’s face was slightly stiff, and her heart sank.

No matter how she herself asked the two elders to get out of the gate, they all ate a closed door,

That Xuanxiao only needed the three cold instruments for a little word, and the two elders didn’t say a word and went out directly to look for it, such a gap was really difficult to accept.

When Elder Qingyang saw her face, he roughly knew what she was thinking and said softly:

“The affairs in the door, the boss handles it very well, and he doesn’t need my two help…

As for Xuan Xiao, I am really ashamed of him in my heart, and the boss does not have to think about it. ”

Su Yao reluctantly nodded and said, “Su Yao knows in his heart that Master Xuanxiao’s disciple can get rid of the erosion of Yang Yan, which is also a fortunate thing for this door…”

Saying what he thought about and what Shigemitsu said, he reacted, suddenly his face changed, and exclaimed:

“Ziying and the two of them didn’t go looking for the three cold weapons?” This…… Do the two elders know where they went? ”

Previously, the two elders only talked about the departure of the two men, but they did not explain the specific matters of the two people.

She subconsciously thought that the two of them should be looking for the three cold weapons, so she didn’t think much about it at that time.

But now the two elders said that the three cold instruments were the two of them looking for,

Then this thing…

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, thinking about the ghost world mentioned by Yun Tianhe before, he couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy in his heart.

Shouldn’t it be…

Elder Qingyang sighed, “That day… I told the two of them about the lack of circumstance. ”

Chongguang also said bluntly, “Boss, the most important thing I am waiting for here is to learn about Murong Ziying and Yun Tianhe.” ”

Su Yao’s face changed, he didn’t expect that Yun Tianhe was so determined, and when he got some news, he ran directly to Bu Zhou!

What a danger! If there is any bad pool, and it makes that person unhappy, will Qionghua not be…

When Chongguang and Qingyang saw Su Yao’s look, they glanced at each other and slightly lowered their heads.

“It seems that the boss also knows a lot about this matter?” The law on those two juniors, is it not…”

Su Yao’s face was a little solemn, and he said softly, “There is something wrong with the two elders and me in this matter, and I have not been able to explain it in advance.

Ziying once told me some things, and the Fa that the two of them were cultivating was indeed passed on by this…”

Although Chongguang and Qingyang had already expected it, after they were determined, they still couldn’t help but shake their hearts.

“In this way, the two Ziying are really like Qionghua Grandmasters, who have been given by God, and there is such an astonishing Heavenly Fate, and the things in the world are really wonderful!”

The power of the gods, he had seen a little, and the law taught by such beings would never be simple, and perhaps there really was a method that pointed directly to immortality, and it might not be impossible.

Elder Qingyang’s tone was inexplicable, both amazed and envious.

Of all those who ask for immortality, who does not aspire to become immortal?

He was able to practice the cultivation up to now, and he was just average, but he had experienced a lot of things in the world, and he knew that it would be difficult for him to become an immortal in this life, and he had already seen it.

However, the two juniors, however, seem to have had a lot of opportunities to become immortals compared to them, which is really enviable.

Elder Chongguang also nodded silently, not knowing what to think in his eyes.

Su Yao’s face changed when he heard this, and his heart was worried, and he asked in a loud voice, “God!? That’s not…”

“Is the boss trying to speak the truth of the immortals?”

Elder Chongguang shook his head slightly, “I’m afraid it’s not as simple as the Immortal of the Enlightenment, and the boss may not know what the two of us have experienced in the area of Chen Zhou and Chao Lake…”

Chongguang and Qingyang both talked about what they knew, and they were shocked and shocked.

I thought it was unimaginable to be a enlightened immortal, but I didn’t expect that I still wanted to be bad.

Reiki changes, mysterious methods, Chen Zhou’s innate Bagua Formation, Fengshen Mausoleum…

The anecdotes and anecdotes from all over the world correspond to each other.

It is shocking that all these things seem to be related to it.

Elder Qingyang also said with a solemn face, “Hey, Heavy Light, it seems that you and I may have done something wrong in a hurry!” ”

Shigemitsu pondered, “With the power of the gods, maybe they don’t care about these things.

Moreover, Yun Tianhe and the two of them could have this source of blessing, and they had to pass on the Fa from God, and they should be able to protect themselves if they wanted to. ”

“Oh, I hope so!”

Su Yao also fell silent, and the words of the two elders made it difficult for her to calm her mind.

After a while, Shigemitsu looked at Su Yao and said:

“Now it can only be like this first, but listening to what you say, the disposition seems to be… I don’t have to worry too much. ”

Speaking of this, there are some doubts in his eyes, and the things that Fang Cai said on both sides should not be guilty.

But why did Chao Hu see it in the first place, so he didn’t want to see himself and Qingyang.

After thinking about it for a while, it was fruitless, and it could only be omitted for the time being.

“Boss, please borrow the Lingguang Algae Jade for use, Qingyang and I have already found one of the Three Cold Instruments, the [Kun Scale], so let’s deliver it to Xuan Xiao first.”

Elder Qingyang shook his head:

“Well, let it be brought to the boss, I am really ashamed in my heart, just try my best to find a cold weapon for him,

If he can really succeed in the end, when he breaks through the ice, he is willing to come to see me and wait, and then say something else. ”

Heavy light was silent for it, and also nodded slightly.

“…… Be. ”

Su Yao knew that it was difficult to refuse this matter, and could only respond.

Besides, she didn’t have any extra thoughts now.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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