
In the depths of the wilderness, which is extremely far away from Kyushu, it is a gray image all year round.

Everywhere are dark mountains towering, one after another,

In the center, a vast mountain stands tall, reaching the whole world, and it is the legendary Buzhou Mountain!

The candle light shines from here, although it is not very bright, but it spreads far and wide, illuminating the whole wilderness!

Bring some life to the dead and silent wilderness, and will not completely belong to the nether country, the ghost world where the dead and the undead are located.

In the whole wilderness, in addition to the Buzhou Mountain, there was also a scene that shocked the heart!

The unimaginably huge dragon stone statue is like the stone of the blue underworld and the darkness!

Meandering through the mountains, it seems that the entire depths of the wilderness are surrounded by it.

The huge stone statue of the blue color seems to have survived for a long time, with a hint of ancient atmosphere,

Surrounded by a faint cloud of spiritual power, as the vast body spread throughout the depths of the great wilderness, between the underworld, a faint glow emerged.

Looking along the body of the vast dragon stone, I saw that it finally snaked upwards, wrapped around the most vast mountain in the whole wilderness, above the Zhou Mountain,

Looking at the sky from afar, I don’t know its height, and I don’t know how deep it is to explore the ground.

Ordinary cultivators can only observe a very small part of it at most.

It was difficult to peek into the full picture of this dragon stone statue!


Located above the Dragon Pillar of Buzhoupan, about a kilometer above the ground, a huge floating stone platform naturally formed.


Rather fierce aura fluctuations came out,

The two figures were so overwhelmed that they fell powerlessly on the stone platform one after another.

Between the clothes of one of the animal skin teenagers, there were burning elephants, and between the breaths, there was a fierce heat.

Yun Tianhe only felt a little hot all over his body, and he rushed to run the Gong Fa with all his strength, and only then did he calm down slightly.

Fortunately, with his physique and the method he had cultivated, the ice and fire phase and resistance were extremely high, but it was not unbearable.

Looking at the illusory shadow in the distance, there was a rare caution, and some of them said with some palpitations: “You! So strong! ”

Murong Ziying’s face beside him was also solemn, looking at the illusory huge dragon shadow and his heart was shocked.

Is this the power of the gods, even if it is just a glimmer of illusion of the other party, I and Tianhe will not be able to resist…

Maybe only the seniors can compete with it…’


A thick sound resounded in this realm and reverberated all around.

At the edge of the stone platform, the illusory and hazy dragon shadow probed forward slightly, seemingly extremely happy, staring at the two ‘mortals’ in front of him, and said with great interest:

“Funny and bold mortals! It’s good that you’ve been able to hold out until now! Buddha-figures count as you passed!

Since you have passed the test of Buddha-figures, it may not be impossible for you to get your wish!

The door to the ghost world, I’ll help you two open it, just…”

Speaking of this, the tone was somewhat subtle: “Like you mortals, Buddha-figures are still seeing it for the first time, which is really strange!”

It can not be regarded as a Taoist immortal body, but it is not a simple mortal body, and mere mortals can contain such vitality.

Although Shouyuan is still extremely short, it is not bad among mortals.

I think it is because of the Fa you are practicing?

It was an eye-opener for Buddha-figures, hahaha!

The Buddha-figures have been insecure for 9,900 years, and when they are about to complete their merits, they can see such interesting scenes frequently! ”

The illusory dragon shadow seemed to be extremely happy, and with a wave of the dragon’s claw, a purple teleportation array appeared on the stone platform.

“Mortals, this array is the passage to the Temple of Impermanence in the Ghost Realm!” Just enter! ”

Yun Tianhe was overjoyed to see this, he did not expect that he and Ziying did not win the war, and he also promised to help,

Struggling to get up, he shouted, “Thank you!” ”

Murong Ziying also breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and said, “Thank you Divine Dragon!” ”

“Buddha-figures are looking forward to what would happen if King Yama saw you two people with strange fates and strange fates, hahaha ~ it must be very interesting!”

After that dragon shadow was said, it gradually dissipated and disappeared, leaving only the heavy pressure that was difficult to dissipate.

However, seeing this, Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying were much more relaxed.

That Divine Dragon was here again, and even Yun Tianhe was a little unbearable and nervous, and now he could only breathe a sigh of relief.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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