

In the realm of the Impermanent Hall of the Ghost Realm, the blood light filled the air in an instant!

A mighty breath descended here, and an inexplicable shadow stood above the Ghost Realm!

Black and red dragon robes, head worship crown, there seems to be infinite Yin Qi gathered around him!

However, such a thick yin qi is not like the usual eerie and strange, but reveals a mighty image! There is divine might.

The shadow is enormous, thousands of feet high, standing in the realm of impermanence,

The previous fierce shaking calmed down a lot at the moment when this shadow appeared.

When the black and white impermanence saw this figure, he immediately bowed down.

Exhale, “Your Majesty the King of Yama!” ”

Both Murong Ziying and Yun Tianhe looked at the vast shadow above the sky with some shock, and just looking at it had an indescribable sense of pressure.

Such a feeling had only been felt on the side of the previous Dragon of the Candlestick.

After listening to what the two said about black and white impermanence, Murong Ziying’s pupils shrank and he was somewhat silent.

‘Is this the legendary king of Yama…’

If the legend of the god of the Buzhou Mountain is still relatively rare, then the myth and legend of the king of the underworld has spread far and wide!

The so-called ‘King of Yama wants you to die three more, who dares to keep you to five more.’ The words are well known.

Its existence as a treasurer of life and death is revered by many beings.

Now even such beings have appeared.


The shadow did not have many words, but looked up slightly at the sky above the ghost realm, across the great wilderness above the huge boundary.

There was an extremely terrifying divine battle raging in that place, and the vast spiritual power annihilated all matter, even the ghost world separated by one realm was greatly affected.

‘Dragon of the Candlesticks… And who is that holy? Why have I never seen it…’

The King of Yan was shocked in his heart, the Dragon of the Candle was an ancient divine beast in the world, with vast divine power and extremely terrifying, and who dared to fight with it!

However, now not only has it appeared, but the most important thing is that the strength of the two seems to be different!!

In the Six Realms, when such beings appeared, and it was really unimaginable to cultivate such a divine power! ’


A wave swept through, and Yama’s eyes seemed to be shocked.

Before that extremely terrifying aftershock came, the Divine Power of Fortune and the vast blood-colored Yin Qi suddenly gathered together.

When it condenses into a point, it suddenly rises up and spreads around like a silk net!


In the next instant, there was a huge shock of terror more than all the previous ones.

The mountains shook in a burst, the earth boundary shook, and many buildings directly shattered!

This time, it does not only affect the impermanent field, but also the areas separated by the outside are also affected.

If it weren’t for Yama’s pre-emptive attaching a divine blessing, I am afraid that the impact would be a hundred times greater.

The aftermath alone caused such visions. ’

Yama’s face was solemn, and he was constantly blessed by the power of the void, and the Dao Dao Divine Force came out.

The powerful divine power surrounded the entire Ghost Realm and the places connected to the Buzhou Mountain, and constantly formed many defensive arrays in all directions.

It took a moment before the huge shock was erased.

There was a long silence, a slight sigh.

“The Dragon of the Candlesticks, and the unknown being, this seat is not as good as it is…”

Some complicated glances, the terrifying being who was fighting with the Dragon of the Candle was inexplicably frightened.

Even though he was the lord of the Ghost Realm and held a high position of authority, in terms of strength, he was still inferior to the existence of the Dragon of the Candlestick.

And the one…

Looking down, black and white impermanence, he said:

“Wait and manage the field of impermanence, and do not derelict in your duties!”

The black and white impermanence should be that Yama is the lord of the ghost world, ruling the entire ghost world, and naturally they need to worship the existence.

King Yan’s indifferent eyes looked at Yun Tianhe and the two and inquired:

“Why are there two living beings in the ghost world?”

Although the words were light, they shocked the black and white impermanence, panicked by it, and hurriedly said:

“Your Majesty the King of Yama, these two people broke into the ghost realm from nowhere, and they were affected by that shock before, and for a while they did not notice, and their subordinates knew that they were wrong!”


King Yan ignored the words of the two and looked at the two with some surprise, glancing back and forth.

He is the lord of the ghost world, and the existence of the gods who are in charge of the book of life and death is the most sensitive to the life number and life grid.

Slightly swept the two people, I felt strange.

The number of life expectancy of these two people was very unusual, especially one of them, and the breath on his body surprised him.

‘Breath of the Dragon… There was also a strange aura implicitly, and why did the life of these two people have a vague image…’

Looking up at the Great Desolation slightly, he knew in his heart how the two had come to the Ghost Realm.

“Mortal, what is your relationship with the Dragon of the Candlesticks?”

As soon as the words came out, the black and white impermanence suddenly looked at the two Yun Tianhe people in disbelief, and their hearts were hairy.

As King Yan said, these two people should not have something to do with the unguarded gods.

But how can such a mortal being be qualified to be related to such a vast god?

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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