
In the face of Yama’s inquiry, Yun Tianhe did not feel afraid, but said straightly:

“You mean the Great Dragon?” Do you know? He was the one who helped us enter the ghost world. ”

Murong Ziying also said in a polite manner, “It was through the Buzhou Mountains that I helped that divine dragon to open the Fa Array of the Ghost Realm…”


The black and white impermanence face changed, and the already pale face seemed to be even more miserable, and some of them shivered.

I only felt that I was unintentional, as if I had accidentally offended someone with a great history.

Although they have never been in contact with the gods of the town, they have also heard of the great names,

Even His Majesty Yama, the lord of the Ghost Realm, needs to be respected, which shows its vast divine power.

These two people can get the help of the gods, and they seem to be valued by them?

As soon as Bai Wuchang’s heart thought about it, the tight chains wrapped around his mana began to loosen, and Yun Tianhe and the two of them instantly regained their free bodies.

King Yan glanced at the impermanence, and without adding more words, he was silent and said:

“Since it is the help of the Dragon of the Candlestick, then this seat will not investigate the crime of trespassing into the Ghost Realm, but the Ghost World is not a place where Er and others can stay, so let’s leave!”

King Yan had never thought about what to do to the two of them, plus one of them had the breath of a divine dragon on his body.

Since this is the case, it is also a face to give the Dragon of the Candlestick,

Moreover, the life level of the two people, Yama King naturally knew at a glance,

Even the existence of the gods who controlled the Book of Life and Death was quite surprising.

In the past, among the human race, except for those who had truly attained enlightenment and immortality, the rest were nothing more than mortal flesh and had a short lifespan.

Even if there are some special cases, it is an extremely rare situation, such as the breath of the dragon on the animal-skinned teenager in front of him.

Even if they have not practiced, they are all immortal, which is a blessing from the gods.

But this kind of divine favor, for a long time, who can have such a source of blessing? Very few!


Although the breaths of these two people are somewhat different, it can also be seen that the core of their cultivation is the same source! Is it that breath….’

King Yan took a deep look at the Yun Tianhe and immediately said to the black and white impermanence:

“To bring them out of the ghost realm is that there is still the temple of impermanence, and more aftermath is needed.”

Without waiting for the two to respond, a blood light floated, instantly turning into an illusion and disappearing, leaving the realm of impermanence.


Yun Tianhe was a little anxious to see this, and asked in a loud voice:

“Are you their boss?” Then you must know things here.

My dad suddenly disappeared from the rotary mirror table, what the hell is going on? ”

“Speak carefully!”

“Don’t be rude!”

The faces of the black and white impermanence changed, and they subconsciously drank and complained, and in the next instant, there were some subtle colors.

Yun Tianhe frowned, and did not hear a response, the person who looked extremely powerful seemed to have left.

When Murong Ziying saw this, he slightly pulled the Yun Tianhe and hurriedly arched his hand:

“The two of them are the legendary gods of black and white impermanence, and please forgive the sin of disrespect, my companions have experienced little worldly things, and they are a little offended by thinking of their fathers.

Dare to ask, just above the wheel mirror table…”

The two of them looked at each other, and since the two people in front of them, even Lord Yama, had a light attitude, and the two seemed to have some relationship with the god of the Buzhou Mountain.

In this way, they naturally cannot despise casualness as they have just begun, and they need to give a certain amount of respect.

“Your father’s soul is fine, it just stopped the spiritual power of the Wheel Mirror Platform, and it was directly teleported back to its original place.”

“Well, Your Majesty Yama has already spoken, please leave the Ghost Realm, we will open the Fa Array to the human world for this purpose, and leave!”

After saying that, the two of them combined their mana and reached forward with a wave of their hands, and the fixed Fa Array here emitted a Dao Dao red aura.

A spiritual array flickered and staggered, and between the slight fluctuations, the scene of the human world was faintly visible.

“Well, then, well…”

Yun Tianhe was relieved to hear this, and did not dwell on it much,

Glancing at Murong Ziying, they both stepped into the Fa Formation a few steps forward and instantly disappeared into the Fa Formation.

“Whew! Finally send these two people away, let’s go, back to the Temple of Impermanence! ”



In the Divine Realm, a mysterious curtain of light fell down.

The light and shadow of the Dao Dao seemed to gradually become blurred from the clarity of the beginning.

It was affected by the vast force, it was difficult to fully probe clearly, and it could only reflect the blurred scene.

However, around this, the previous picture is enough to shock a group of magical beings.

Vast! Terror!

In the face of the earth-shattering divine battle revealed in the heavenly canopy, all the gods were silent.

Some of the previous questioning words have not dared to say anything more.

Such a terrifying being that can be held against the Dragon of the Candlestick, no matter what kind of creature the other party is, deserves respect, or awe.

“The strength of the Dragon of the Candle is really terrifying, is this its true divine power?”

Even if it is a flying god general, I am afraid it is not as good as it…”

“After all, it is an innate god that has existed for an extremely long time, so the divine power is understandable, but it is indeed too terrifying, and it is difficult for us to wait for it.”

“The one… Is it really Terran? How did he cultivate such a vast power? ”

“I don’t know, it’s too incredible to be able to hold on to the Dragon of the Candlestick!”


The Jurchen Divine General, who was located in one of them, looked at the situation above the central canopy in silence and sighed helplessly in his heart.

‘Turns out, is the gap so huge…

He hadn’t sent his full strength at all, or rather, altogether…’

Although he experienced the feeling of powerlessness on the shrine, he knew that he was definitely not the opponent of that person,

But seeing such a great power also makes me feel incredible.

The Fuxi Heavenly Emperor, who was sitting on the throne of the gods, seemed to be sleeping in a false sleep, and did not pay attention to the battle above the heavenly curtain.

In fact, there are many complicated thoughts in his heart, and he is also shocked by the strength displayed by the person who is all ‘blank’, and a trace of doubt arises.

‘The human race created by Nuwa could not have cultivated to such a realm!’

Previously, I wanted to borrow… This time it seems that there is also a deficiency. ’

Deep in the eyes that seemed to be closed, there was a faint hint of deep thought.

If before, he still had a ‘bad control of the ants’ attitude towards the Terrans, although he was surprised, but there would be no other emotions.

Now, then, it is worth his prudence.

Suddenly, the Heavenly Emperor opened his eyes slightly, and looked somewhere in the distance, a flash of brilliance.

‘Demons… Is it okay…’


A golden light shone in, and a god came in from outside the temple and prayed:

“Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor! The Well of the Gods and Demons seems to be moving! Whether to send the gods to the defense! ”

When the words fell, all the gods in the temple were stunned and shocked!

The so-called well of gods and demons is the entrance to the space formed between the god world and the demon world, and for a long time, it was because of the fate of the meeting.

It is also the reason for the formation of the Demon Realm, which is the only spatial intersection of the two worlds of God and Demon.

Today, between the two realms, the beings of the two races of gods and demons, because they are immortal beings, their strength is the first gradient level among the six realms, and the two are mostly inconsistent.

There have been countless battles, and most of the gods and generals sealed in the Divine Realm have come out to guard this place.

The most famous nature is that the first god of the divine realm will fly the puff!

As the first god general of the Divine Realm, he guarded the Well of God and Demon by the order of the Heavenly Emperor,

Extremely amazing divine power and combat techniques have resisted countless demon clans and made the Divine Realm calm for thousands of years, and no Demon Clan can continue to be unrestrained in this Divine Realm!

However, since the human world counted, more than a thousand years ago, the god would fly Phong because of the private battle with the demon lord, unauthorized departure from the well of the god and demon, and then he was held accountable by the Heavenly Emperor Fuxi to degrade the mortal world and suffer from reincarnation as a punishment.

Since then, the Demon Realm somehow seemed to have less offensive momentum, and added a lot of troops to guard the entrance to the Demon Realm.

This time, for some unknown reason, such a strange move occurred!

All the gods looked at Emperor Fuxi and waited for his will.

However, unexpectedly, Emperor Fuxi did not seem to care much, and said in a low voice:

“Don’t shoot, just let him go.”

“This!? ……

Be! Obey the orders of the Heavenly Emperor! ”

A group of gods and gods were shocked and uncertain, but because of the Heavenly Emperor’s order, they still responded to it.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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