
The wilderness!

A thick dark cloud covering thousands of miles suddenly emitted a terrifying roar of thunder!

Heaven and earth suddenly brightened as day!


Between the flashes, it was faintly visible that all the thunder seemed to come together, forming a purple thunder spiral spear.

Just like suppressing the gods and demons in the world, it is all over the world!

In an instant, it struck the head of the horned dragon of that majestic elephant!


The amazing roar of the dragon, accompanied by a candle-like glass of dragon’s breath, rushed to the thunder spear!


Click, click!!

The space seemed to freeze for a moment, and the next moment there was an overwhelmed cracking sound.

However, before it could roll up the space wind, it was instantly attacked and eliminated by the thunder and candle breath, and the power of destruction instantly emerged, covering thousands of miles away!

The aftermath is even more vast, constantly spreading towards infinity!

However, before it could spread, the terrifying fluctuations in all directions were once again dissipated within the great wilderness and could not pour out of the outside world.

A melodious sword roared higher and higher, Sen Han sword meaning!

The terrifying Five Spirits surged with heat, but in a few moments, the two exchanged countless more battles!

Bring infinite power and unimaginable destruction!


Suddenly, both Fang Qin and the Dragon Weapon of the Candle were shocked.

In the distance, a domineering power came, and a crimson blood light emerged, instantly attacking both with infinite power!

There was an unknown being who dared to meddle in the battle between the two gods!

The attack came instantaneously, and it didn’t seem to give Fang Qin the slightest chance to react, but this speed was actually a bit slow for such a battle.

‘This is…’

Fang Qin was a little surprised, his mind was moving, and the sword light around him floated!

Ten Thousand Swords – Aura Sword Array!

The Dragon of the Candle on one side is also a five-colored Xuanguang floating, fighting back!

Wumang Town Evil Broken!


Blood light, sword light, and surging five-colored radiance, Sumire erupted with a terrifying power of annihilation!

The unknown comer, covered in blood, and demonic qi soared into the sky, seeing that his attack was eliminated, and he did not say a word!

But in the next instant, the figure had disappeared, and the attack was much faster than before!

It was even a terrible existence that he wanted to fight Fang Qin and the Dragon of the Candle with his own strength!

However, the power it exudes is by no means weak, and it has a domineering and solipsistic intention!

It didn’t seem to be much different from the power of the Dragon of the Candle and Fang Qin.

In the face of such a mighty power, neither Fang Qin nor the Dragon of the Candle cared much!

Now there are several options, one is a direct strike! The two of them work together to defeat this unknown comer! Three for…….

Without further ado, you’ve already made a move!

And yet the next moment!

It seems that there is a tacit understanding of the heart,

Both Fang Qin and the Dragon of the Candle made the same choice!

Two fights together!

In an instant, the terrifying attack struck the other two except themselves!



The battle between the two gods is already terrible!

Not to mention the existence of three mighty beings!

The resulting fluctuations are even more terrifying!

The whole wilderness shook ten times and a hundred times more violently than before!

The addition of the third being seemed to make the battle instantly intense.

This is all because although Fang Qin and the Dragon of the Candle Candle will not leave their hands before, after all, they are not dead battles, there is still room for them, and they have not really swung their killing moves!

However, this amazing being who suddenly joined the battle situation was a killing machine with terror in every move!

No hands! Unimaginable power everywhere!

Of course, how Fang Qin and the Dragon of the Candle exist!

One has evolved from the weak and small cultivation, and the depth of the foundation is even more terrifying than the gods and demons!

By this point of cultivation, the three spirits of the Spirit and Spirit had become extremely vast!

Moreover, the martial path cultivated is created by itself, and the horror of the strength that can be exerted for its own way is unimaginable!

The other is the ancient divine beast that was born at the beginning of the opening of the world in this world! Divine power and divine power are extremely vast!

Both have arrogance, and where will they let themselves fall behind, in the face of infinite killing opportunities, naturally and mercilessly go all out!

Red-colored Excalibur! 【Candle Fire】Breath of Glass! Bloody Sea!


The space around it was too late to cry out in sorrow, it could not be maintained at all, and the space within hundreds of miles instantly turned into a place of nothingness!

The power of Yu Wei’s annihilation spread for thousands of miles!

Everywhere you go, everything is blank and gone!

Hundreds of miles of space are nothing! The surrounding space is constantly collapsing towards here!

Endless cutting turbulence and space winds sweep in!

Even if the gods in the Divine Realm arrived here, most of them would fall into this terrible place!

However, the three of them were fighting each other without any impact, and they did not have the terror of the care!

In an instant, there are countless fights!

In the remaining days, the battle intensified!

Even if that vibration could always be controlled in the wilderness, the extremely terrifying and vast power was difficult to cover up and sweep out!

Let the countless beings in the Six Realms exist, all of them are terrified!

Until the terrible fluctuations, which seem to be difficult to suppress any longer, want to rush out of the great wilderness and affect the land of the extra-living in the great wilderness,

A surging figure of Zhenyuan suddenly stood up.

Fang Qin’s brow frowned slightly, sweeping into the distance, the strength of his body seemed to boil up in an instant, and the Xuanhong Sword in his hand seemed to be slightly distorted!

Swing your sword!


Two earth-shattering sword marks instantly struck the vast dragon body, and the existence of the Blood Red Demon Qi surging forward!

The dragon’s claws and two blood bonus blades were fully probed and the bell sounded.

The power of terror surges!

The blood-red figure suddenly disappeared, and between the roars, it had been repelled!

The vast dragon body of the Candle Dragon also fell backwards, and only slightly lost its strength between the meandering and swimming!

The battle has come to a standstill!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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