“That’s it!”

A faint voice of words came out and resounded all around.

Fang Qin’s robe was somewhat tattered, and he slightly wiped the blood color from the corner of his mouth.

The True Element was in operation, constantly recovering the damage it had suffered before.

Fighting with two extremely terrifying divine demon beings, even Fang Qin would inevitably suffer quite serious damage!

It was the remnants of the two of them’s vast divine powers, the blood-red demonic qi and the breath of the candle fire that had been infected!

Even if ordinary demons are contaminated, they will turn into ashes!

It’s just that his realm cultivation has been extremely extraordinary so far, and the three spiritual techniques of the Spirit Spirit are extremely mysterious.

Continuously grinding down these forces belonging to the gods and demons, recovering their own injuries,

Now that the battle has stopped for a while, the resilience of terror has come into play!

Fang Qin’s body rose up, and the demonic qi and candle breath that had infected his body also appeared and dissipated slightly.

More is destroyed by its vast true element.

The Xuanhong Sword in his hand was slightly loosened, dissipated, and stood in the void, looking at the entire Great Desolate Land!

Now the Great Wasteland is a doomsday scene under the influence of the terrifying battle of gods and demons!

In addition to the most central mountain boundary, the wind, magma, thunder, frost, magic qi, and sword intent spread in most places in the wilderness!

The aura that pervaded the heavens and the earth was extremely disordered and violent!

All kinds of forces were close to each other’s influence, and constantly colliding and spiritual power erupted, and the space emitted unbearable moans!

If the three of them continue to fight in spite of everything, I am afraid that it will be really difficult to end, and the entire wilderness will be shattered!

This was something that Fang Qin did not want to see.


The dragon of the candle swims the vast body of the god, and there are scars all over it,

It’s just that these things are not very serious for such a terrible divine body.

The only few more terrifying damages were the sword marks on the dragon’s claws and a scorched black mark on the dragon’s head! And a blood-red knife mark!

The Dragon of the Candle let out slightly, and a dark colored qi and blood-colored demonic qi were forced out by it, but it was much better.

Hearing what Fang Qin said, he also gave up and did not continue to fight.

The candles between the dragons and the eyes shone brightly, and they also knew that the whole wilderness was already overwhelmed!

“Such a scene, it is indeed not appropriate to fight again!”

Between the words, looking at the empty figure in the distance, a look of trepidation appeared in his eyes.

Even if you have not underestimated this person before, after the real battle, you can know the horror!

Inside such a tiny body, there was an extremely vast amount of power, and even he was shocked!

You must know that in his perception, although the cultivation strength of the other party is extremely strong, the life level is far inferior to the existence of his level!

However, such a huge gap was flattened by its extremely mysterious tactics and Dao methods!

Such combat power is truly amazing!



The blood-red shadow in the distance rushed up into the sky, and in an instant, it crossed the distance of ten thousand meters and attacked!

Stopping in front of Fang Qin, the black feathers behind him unfolded, and the blood light magic qi on his body dissipated, revealing a tall and burly figure!

The head is born with double horns, red hair and dark lines, and a cold face, and between Gu Pan, there is a domineering spirit that looks at the world!

The surging demonic qi was extremely vast and terrifying! It is the lord of the demon world, the demon respects the building!

The most powerful demon god in the Six Realms!

“I didn’t expect that in this world, in addition to Fei Peng, there are even beings who can fight with me!”

This battle! Joyfully! ”

Zhonglou looked up at the sky and smiled, the blood armor on his body was now in tatters and shattered, and there seemed to be deep bone sword marks and candle breath around him, but he didn’t care much, and his battle spirit was extremely boiling!

As a demon god, he is an immortal being, and the people of the world dream of eternal life for him, but Erer!

In the vast life, he has been immersed in fighting and practicing for many years!

However, as a Demon Lord, his strength was already an invincible existence in the Demon Realm, and who would be his opponent!

For a long and tedious time, he was eager to fight!

Until one day when he broke into the Divine Realm and met the being who was equal to him!

The first god of the Divine Realm will fly!

Both the tactics and the cultivation were comparable, and the two had fought thousands of battles, but they had not been able to distinguish between victory and defeat.

However, such a situation was extremely short, until the two were fighting in the New Immortal Realm and were detected by the Divine Realm.

After that, Fei Phong was degraded to the mortal ground by the Divine Realm Heavenly Emperor, but the existence of fighting with it seemed to be gone!

Of course, this does not mean that there is absolutely no existence in the Divine Realm that can be maintained with Fei Peng.

As a Valkyrie of the Divine Realm, the Divine Power of the Nine Heavenly Goddesses was not much worse than that of Fei Peng.

It’s just that the Nine Heavenly Virgins are women, and the demons respect Lou Sheng’s arrogant nature and disdain to fight with them;

Yama’s fame was not weak, but what he saw was just a god with deep authority and ruling the ghost world, but he was not very good at tactics.

As for the Dragon of the Candlestick, although he knew that there was such an ancient divine beast,

But he never really met it, and when the dragon of the candle really appeared in the world,

But when his town was not well guarded, it turned into a dragon and a heavenly pillar, so that it was necessary for the stability of the three realms of gods, ghosts, and people.

Strictly speaking, the demon world is located in the anti-world of the god realm, although the beings of the two realms have been fighting for many years,

However, the two realms of God and Devil are in opposition to each other.

If there is no change in the Zhou Mountains, and the Divine Realm is greatly affected, then the Demon Realm will not be an exception!

So he didn’t have the heart to fight for such beings,

The Fuxi Heavenly Emperor of the Divine Realm, who did not know the depths, could not allow such a thing to happen.

You can only go back to the demon world and continue to practice yourself!

Originally, in recent times, he was also sitting in the demon world as usual,

Unexpectedly, an extremely vast breath swept through, emerging from the human world, shaking the Six Realms!

The source is the Great Wasteland on earth!

Luck with the vast magic power, you see the legendary Dragon of the Candle fighting an unknown being!

He only glanced at it for a moment, and his war spirit was suddenly boiling!

Even if they are far apart and the feelings are not real, the battle between the two is undoubtedly extremely terrifying!

Not even the slightest weaker than this demon of his!

Infinite surprise and battle intent prompted him to directly rush into the sky, enter the Well of the Divine Demons, and directly enter the Outer Realm from the Divine Realm!

And can’t hold back, directly intervene in the battle of the two!

And these two did not disappoint him!

The horror of his strength gave him a sense of crisis, even more thrilling than the battle with Fei Peng! It’s also more enjoyable!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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