
Fang Qin pondered for a moment and glanced at the Dragon Dao of the Candle:

“In a battle with me, you will not blame the Fuxi of the Divine Realm?”

I heard that the first god of the Divine Realm would fly in the air, and it was for this reason that he was demoted to the mortal world! ”

Fang Qin said, his expression was a little strange.

Although there was something wrong with the god Fei Peng leaving the well of the gods and demons guarding the town without permission, such a first god general, the divine power was huge!

In addition, he has made great achievements before, even if he is guilty and his merits are offset, he should not be so responsible.

Moreover, even if it is true that sin cannot be forgiven, it is better to make them wear sins and make meritorious deeds, than to directly demean the mortals!

Is it worth such a big fuss to lose a member of the most top-notch god in order to punish the crime?

And in the end, he was really degraded to mortals, and he didn’t know that Fuxi really had infinite power to this point.

Can you control this level of existence at will, so that it is impossible to resist, or is there something else hidden in it?

But when he saw the previous invitation to fight the Dragon of the Candlestick, the other party did not hesitate to agree,

It is also to leave the Buzhou Mountain without authorization, fight with him, and eventually lead to the heavy building is also a strong intervention in the battle, and eventually evolved into a scuffle between the three!

In this way, it is very similar to the situation at that time, and it seems to be even more serious!

“Oh ~ Buddha-figures want to keep the town not properly, so they keep it!” If you don’t want to, even if the Heavenly Emperor says, you can’t command the Buddha-figures! As for the flying canopy…

Or it is caused by personality, or there are some scruples, but I don’t know!

But you…”

The Dragon of the Candle seemed to be a little dismissive, and as far as he was concerned, the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor was also valued by him as one of the three emperors of the early world, not because of the position of the Heavenly Emperor.

After all, the former is the remnant of the great god Pangu, who has a favor and merit in all things in the world.

As for the latter, it is a self-proclaimed statement, and such an innate god as him would not really take it to heart.

With his strength, even Fuxi needs to respect three points, how can he care about this!

Fang Qin listened to his words and said with some doubt, “Me? ”

The Dragon of the Candle said, “Only a few people are okay with the Fa Gate you have passed down, if it is…

The Heavenly Emperor was afraid that he would be outraged!

Oh ~ all said here, how do you do it, I can’t control. ”

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, somewhat clearly.

Before, he had been so strange and strange about the cultivation method of this world, and he had doubts and doubts.

You must know that in the Immortal Sword World here, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi can be much stronger than the Evil World, and it also contains all kinds of gods and demons, and the foundation is definitely not low!

However, the cultivation method of the mortal world is extremely imperfect!

The Fa that existed in ancient times, and so far in practice, there is no sign of perfection at all, and it even seems to be getting weaker and weaker.

The mortal races who truly rely on their own cultivation to become immortals are extremely rare!

There are also many immortals who are introduced into immortals in the Divine Realm, and the control is in the Divine Realm.

Now it seemed that it should be the will of the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor who was sitting above the Divine Realm.

The purpose should be to not want the Terran to rise!

The reason may be the battle between man and god a long time ago!

At that time, after the Demon Realm was completely formed, the world was shocked by such an immortal and immortal powerful being.

The Three Emperors Fuxi then declared himself the Emperor of Heaven on the grounds of fighting against the Demon Realm, opposed!

And establish a hierarchy so that the gods are far above the humans, and the humans need to worship the gods!

Later, as time passed, such inequality seemed to become more and more intense, and finally aroused the great dissatisfaction of the Terran race.

At first, there was a heart of resistance, and thus the war between man and god broke out!

At that time, Fuxi was furious about it, causing Nuwa to destroy the human race and recreate a lifetime of souls from scratch.

However, Nuwa should not, but instead go down to the Divine Realm, help the Terran race, and resist the destructive trend from the Divine Realm Divine General!

The end result was that Fuxi ordered all the gods to return to the Divine Realm and closed the Divine Realm’s doors, completely separating the two realms from then on.

The slightest rumor is that the Heavenly Emperor introspects himself, and it is not known whether this is the case.

The Terrans, under the protection of Nuwa, barely retained their lives, but Nuwa also died of exhaustion.

Now it seems that perhaps from that time on, the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor in the Divine Realm has become defensive against such a human race with strong resistance emotions.

After the fall of Nüwa, it seems that she also left a lot of means in the land of the earth.

One of them was the innate Bagua Formation method that was spread in the land of Chen Zhou! Let the luck of the human race be maintained to a certain extent.

The second is the method that affects the cultivation of the human world, and many forces in the cultivation circle have made offerings to the gods of heaven.

All because there are many core cultivation methods of this discipline, which are derived from this,

Just like the Nine Heavenly Daughters of the Qionghua Sect, she guided the Dao Fa understood by Qionghua’s ancestors and created the Qionghua lineage.

Among them, Shu Mountain was the most severe, and the first generation began to become immortals, which was the method of ascending by the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor himself.

Since then, every person who has ascended to immortality, whether he or she has become an immortal or not is in the hands of the Divine Realm.

Since then, the Three Emperors Artifact, the Town Demon Sword, the Five Spirit Wheels, and the origin of the Lock Demon Tower seem to have the figure of the Divine Realm.

There is also a place worth investigating, that is, the existence of such a person as the Three Emperors, not to say eternal and immortal, but it is absolutely impossible to fall so easily.

The argument that Nuwa died of exhaustion and Shen Nong’s violent death was extremely ridiculous in Fang Qin’s eyes.

Both seem to be related to Nafushi.

Fang Qin thought about it in his heart, he was not in many tubes, as long as he was strong, no matter what he did, he could not affect himself.

With great interest to the Dragon Road of the Candle:

“Is it… That’s funny, what I’m going to do, it seems to be about to make it unhappy, haha! ”

“Oh? How dare Ru have such courage? It was a bit unexpected, but it was reasonable!

At that point, Buddha-figures will not get involved in such things…

Fang Qin, there is such a existence as you in this world, which may be much more interesting! Hahaha!! ”

The Dragon of the Candle heard the words and took a deep look at Fang Qin, as if he felt extremely interesting, and laughed.

Speaking of which, the huge and vast dragon body went directly towards the circumference, directly surround it, and raise an infinite halo!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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