
The vast body of the Dragon of the Candle Flame erupted with infinite divine power, surrounded by no circumference, and fell in the center of the land!

The divine power emerged, and then transformed into a dragonstone statue, and the shaking from the Great Wasteland finally came to an end!

The Buzhou Mountain, which had previously been affected by this shock, once again became stable, supporting the three realms of “gods”, “people”, and “ghosts”.


A bright [candle fire] emerged from Mount Buzhou, and under the illumination of the power of the gods, the spiritual power of the riot in the great wilderness was also much calmer.

Everything seems to be as it was before, but the rolling mountains have disappeared, a red land!

All kinds of terrible traces have been left in the wilderness forever!

When Fang Qin saw this, he took a little shape and headed towards the pillar of Mount Buzhou.


In an instant, he has returned to the stone platform,

Liu Mengli’s two girls looked a little haggard and worried, and when they saw him coming, they finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their eyes were full of joy.

Fang Qin smiled softly and whispered, “It’s all right, let you worry.” ”


In the midst of the Divine Realm, there was silence!

The moment Demon Respect Lou intervened in the battle, the terrifying spiritual power riot and the storm of space collapse had completely eliminated the peeping that originated from the Nine Heavens.

The entire mysterious sky is a blur, and it is difficult to detect the battle in it!

However, even if you don’t look at the scene in the sky, just from the vibration coming from the top of the pillar of Buzhou, you can know the fierceness of the battle, extremely terrifying!

Nowadays, the level of battle, even the gods of the Divine Realm who have always been high and high, are still terrified!

“Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, this matter…”

A god bowed down and said with some hesitation.

This matter involved a wide range, but all three of them were extremely powerful beings, and it was a little uncertain how the Divine Realm should act.

The Fuxi Heavenly Emperor did not say a word, looking at the heavenly curtain in the center, and there was some coldness in the depths of his eyes.

‘Dragon of the Candlesticks… Demon Lord…’

The former is the innate god, the most vast existence of divine power, which has always been jealous of him;

Although the latter is slightly inferior, the immortal and immortal characteristics are also extremely difficult and indelible.

And also…… The existence of the ‘blank’ fate.

He had never imagined that that Terran race had such a terrifying combat power that it could not compete with the Dragon of the Candle and the Demon Respect Building.

Such strength is so great that even he needs to be cautious about it.

Fortunately, after peeking at it for a long time, he also roughly recognized some of its essence.

Although the combat power is definitely not bad, as far as the level of life is concerned, it should not be an immortal existence…

Does it take a shot, or…’


Kunlun Mountains, Qionghua Sect.

Because nearly half a month ago, the birth had changed greatly, and the beasts in the mountains were a bit crazy!

There are many people who rush into the mountain gate, causing harm to some disciples who have poor cultivation.

Coupled with the inexplicable power that makes people feel shocked and unknown in the source, although there is no obvious harm,

But it made people anxious and uneasy, and the more profound the cultivation, the more they felt a sense of great terror!

The entire sect was now a bit of a cliché, and many disciples were patrolling everywhere.


Two sword rays landed! Head towards the Qionghua Mountain Gate.

“Stop! Who’s waiting for! ”

The two disciples at the mountain gate rushed forward to inquire, and when they saw the faces of the people who had come, Mingchen was immediately shocked:

“Uncle Ziying! And the young man who came before…”

Saying what he remembered, he hurriedly said:

“Uncle Master, the boss once instructed that if he sees you return, he will ask you to go to Qionghua Palace, because he has something important to inquire about.”

Murong Ziying heard this and nodded slightly, “I know.” ”

Mingchen had some hesitation in his heart, but he still couldn’t help asking:

“Uncle Master, where have you two gone?” I heard that it was not very peaceful outside, and I didn’t know why most of a month ago…

It’s only a lot better today. ”

Murong Ziying shook his head slightly, and he also had some doubts in his heart about this matter, saying:

“I don’t know much about this.”

“Is this so… Well, Uncle Master please. ”

When Mingchen saw this, he didn’t ask any more questions, and Mingguang let go of his body.

Murong Ziying bowed his head slightly, and then stepped into the mountain gate and went to Qionghua Palace.

Yun Tianhe smiled at the two and said hello, and followed suit.

After the two men walked away, Mingguang suddenly fought a cold war.

“Hiss, wonder, how did I suddenly feel so cold just now, as if it came from that young man’s body?”

Mingchen also touched his hairy arm and wondered, “It seems to be so, and I don’t know what is going on.” ”

“Or maybe he has a treasure hidden in him, and I don’t know how he dares to hold such a cold thing on his body.”

“Mingguang, the affairs of others, we don’t have to investigate more.”



In the Qionghua Palace, Chongguang and Qingyang got the news and hurried from Qingfeng Stream.

Seeing Murong Ziying’s two unharmed figures, he was immediately relieved.

Go forward and look at the boss with a slight chin.

“Ziying, you two… Did you find Mount Buzhou? ”

“Murong Ziying has seen the two elders!

The disciples and Tianhe had indeed found the legendary Buzhou Mountain, and had already returned from the Ghost Realm. ”

Hearing this, Su Yao and the two elders were shocked and a little suspicious.

“Did you really go to the Ghost Realm?” Is that…”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head, “I have already met my father, talked to him about many previous things, and I already know it.” ”

Hearing this, both Su Yao and Qingyang Chongguang were stunned.

Elder Qingyang was silent for a moment and said, “As the saying goes, reincarnation, Tianqing has not yet been… Is there anything difficult about it? ”

Yun Tianhe shook his head, “My father said that he wanted to apologize to Xuanxiao, so he has not been reincarnated, but his mother has already been reincarnated early.” ”

“Is that so… Tianqing, alas, he is not as free as your mother in this regard. Elder Qingyang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Su Yao frowned slightly, “Hum! What’s the use of knowing now that you’re wrong? The broken mirror can not be re-rounded, apologize, can go back to the past? ”

Yun Tianhe frowned and retorted, “My father is not apologizing for the ascension!” Neither he nor his mother had done anything wrong in this regard!

I just feel sorry for Xuan Xiao. ”


Yun Tianhe saw that none of the three of them spoke, and after thinking about it, he took out the Wangshu Sword Dao:

“As I said before, as long as I understand what has happened in the past, this sword will be returned to you.”

Su Yao silently took over the Wang Shu Sword and gently stroked it, without saying a word.

Seeing this, Elder Chongguang shook his head slightly and sighed, looked at Murong Ziying and asked:

“Ziying, do you know that more than half a month ago, the heavens and the earth changed drastically, and the shocking vibrations came from the north of Kyushu?”

The two of you went to the Great Desolation Mountain, and it was in that direction that you know what really happened? What did you see? ”

When the words fell, Qingyang and Su Yao also returned to God and looked over.

For this matter, the entire cultivation circle of the world, even if there was nothing they didn’t care about, wanted to know what that extremely astonishing and vast power was all about.

Murong Ziying and Yun Tianhe glanced at each other and pondered:

“Back to the elder’s words, the disciple did not know the reason for this.

I went to the ghost world with Tianhe, and it didn’t take long for me to feel the vibration, and then… After returning to the human world, he had already arrived in the Huai River area, far away from the great wilderness. ”

He looked at the three people who were listening intently and said, “However, I did encounter something unusual before. ”

Elder Qingyang asked, “Oh? How unusual? ”

Murong Ziying took a deep breath and said, “I waited in the land of the Buzhou Mountains, and I met a god, and it was with his help that I waited to enter the ghost realm…”


The faces of Su Yao and the others suddenly changed, and they hurriedly inquired about some details.

Murong Ziying did not hide it either, and directly told him about his general encounter with Yun Tianhe.

The Great Desolation is not Zhou Mountain Dragon God! The ghost world is black and white! Yama gods!

All these things, ordinary and unimaginable, were said like a fantasy.

The three people present were stunned and shocked.

“It is amazing that such beings have also appeared.”

“The previous changes did involve the gods, but what is the reason…”

Looking at the eyes of the two people, it also gradually became strange.

It is truly incredible that such a being, which only exists in myths and legends, can be encountered by the two of them one after another!

Thinking about the two of them before, they had also received a god to teach them the cultivation method, such an earth-shattering opportunity was really unimaginable!

They were all a little silent, and it was difficult to ease up for a while.

Yun Tianhe saw that they did not speak, and took out a scroll with a faint blue light from his arms, and a shocking cold breath appeared, saying:

“That, I have already decided to help Xuanxiao, on the way back, Ji Mo just happened to be nearby, by the way to find two days, this [Guangji Han Tu], do you want to send it to Xuan Xiao now?”

Qingyang: “…”

Heavy light: “…”

It took a lot of time for the two of them to find the [scales],

As a result, these two juniors found it in a day or two, and the gap between them was really complicated, and it was even more certain of a guess in their hearts.

Tianhe and Ziying may really be the kind of people with profound blessings and amazing luck! So with talent like this…’

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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