
Qionghua Forbidden Land!

Yun Tianhe relayed some of Yun Tianqing’s words, and after Xuan Xiao heard about it in the ice, he was silent for a long time before he said:

“Well, why bother…

I know about this, you are here to tell this story? ”

Yun Tianhe took out the [Guangji Han Map] and said:

“And this, the three cold devices you want, I helped you find one.”

I heard the two old men say that they had found one before, and that there was another one, and I would help you find it later. ”

Xuan Xiao had a moment of surprise and said in an inexplicable tone:

“You are…

Sure enough, it was for me, it was… Cloud Azure let you find? ”

Yun Tianhe shook his head, “No, I just think I should help, so I helped.”

Although Dad wanted me to help, he also said that everything depended on my own wishes. ”

“In this way… Oh, good! Good!

Yun Tianhe, I Xuan Xiao will accept your kindness, as for the third cold weapon, it is not necessary, two cold weapons are enough! ”

“Eh?” Yun Tianhe was a little puzzled.

“It is also because of you, before I observed the mysterious breath in your body, I had some understanding, and I was more certain than ever!”

Therefore, this last cold weapon, there is no need to find. ”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head and said in surprise, “Well, then!” ”

“You go out first, I break through the ice, I will make full luck, if it is…..

Well? Your cultivation has improved so quickly!? ”

Xuan Xiao noticed the breath of Yun Tianhe and found that it was much deeper than before, and he couldn’t help but cry out in surprise.

In ordinary cultivation, it is extremely good to make progress in a few years, and how long before this has been such progress!

Yun Tianhe smiled and said, “Ah, this, I don’t know much, just keep practicing according to the Fa!” ”

Xuan Xiao said with some mixed feelings:

“Your talent… Oh, you go out first, I need to borrow two cold weapons, luck to make the exercises! ”

Yun Tianhe nodded, leaving the Guangji Cold Map, and left the Xuan Ice Cave.

The cave fell silent again, and Xuan Xiao sighed slightly, and then ignored it.

In the past, he asked himself that it could not affect him more.

Now, only continuous cultivation is his vision!

“Is Providence so…

When I broke through the ice, I transported the Law of the Two Swords and soared into immortality! And then there is… Not quite! ”

Thinking about the terrible power I have felt for some time, my heart is urgent and expectant!


The two cold instruments float around the icicles, and the cold air of the Dao Dao is constantly ingested.

Xuan Xiao Yun made the [Ice Condensation Technique] consume the Yang inflammation in the body!


The Land of Shu Mountains!

A young man dressed in Shushan Daoist costume, holding a scroll, came to a library in the door.

This place is the place where the Shushan Sect records records, and it is a jinglou.

There are many Xinmi of the Six Realms, the history of Shu Mountain, and some anecdotes are included here.

The scroll that the young man was holding this time was the scroll of the world that the Elder had just added to the door, which was specially dedicated to recording some major events.

Seeing that there was no one in the four directions, he secretly opened it and took a look.

【…… During the years, the north of Kyushu was born with great changes…

It seems to come from the great wilderness and the mountains, which last for a long time, until the half-moon period, gradually slowing down…]

“Look what you see! You stinky little devil, put it away quickly! After tidying up, come to the martial arts training platform to find me! ”

Suddenly, a low and grumpy voice came over, startling the teenager and hurriedly saying:

“Yes yes! I see, Master! ”

Seeing the footsteps far away, the teenager breathed a sigh of relief.

Hurriedly closing the scroll, I did not dare to look at it again, and placed it on a bookshelf with the item “Chronicle” written on it.

After placing it, I cleaned it up again, and I saw that it was much neater, and I couldn’t help but be a little satisfied.

When he turned back to leave, the afterglow was swept away, and he suddenly felt a suspicious sound.

A few steps to the side, and on one of the shelves, take out a book.

The blue paper cover, quite new, does not have a title on the written cover.

“Oh, strange, is there such a book on this shelf?” Don’t have a name yet? How I haven’t seen it. ”

The young man was surprised that this place he often came here to tidy up, which was extremely familiar.

It’s just that this book seems to have never been seen before, and this texture is a little different from other books.

Other books have been placed for a long time, and over the years, they will gradually turn yellow, but this one is a little new.

Feel free to open it and look at it, and you will be shocked!

“Good word!”

Although he didn’t pay much attention to the way of calligraphy, he could still see the extraordinary handwriting and quickly admired it!

It took a while before I began to look at the content, but it was roughly skipped, but it was slightly wrinkled.

“What is this? It seems so esoteric that I can’t understand it…”

Although he didn’t understand much, he had some strange feelings, which prompted him to open the first page from scratch and take a closer look.

Looking at the past word by word, somehow, it seemed to be in a trance,

There were some vague changes between the lines in that handwriting, and they became sharp, and between the dragons and snakes, they seemed to be connected into one, and when they saw the last word, suddenly, there seemed to be a shocking edge that jumped out!



The young man was horrified, startled, and the book in his hand fell, and he collapsed on the ground.

There was some sweating on his forehead and his breathing was slightly short.

“This!? What is it? ”

The teenager was a little frightened, his body trembled slightly, and when he thought back on the feeling of talent, he seemed to have become a little unreal.

He hesitated, and with great caution stretched out his trembling hand, and slightly picked up the book that had fallen to the ground.

A quick glance, only the handwriting of the Dao Dao Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance was written on it, and the strangeness of Fang Cai seemed to be just an illusion.

After watching it cautiously several times in a row, nothing happened, and then I breathed a fierce sigh of relief.

I picked up the book, but I didn’t dare to look at it again and put it back.

Remembering Master Fangcai’s urging, he hurried outside.

Only when the footsteps landed at the door, they paused again.

Looking back, there was a moment of silence, and then I walked back to the bookshelf, picked up the rather strange book, and put it in my arms!

“…… This word is so well written! Isn’t it good for me to learn more…

Well, after I look good, I put it back, this place is a library such as [Chronicle], and it should not be a hindrance…”

Thinking like this in my heart, I was a little unbelieving.

For some reason, the strange feeling just now shocked him, but it made him wonder what was going on, and wanted to continue to see the secret of this book.

And what is recorded in it, what exactly is said.

The young man vaguely felt that the things inside were extremely not simple, hesitated, or closed the door, went outside, and disappeared in a moment.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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