

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, many more days passed.

Located in the Buzhou Mountain, the vast spiritual power vortex was amazing, enduring for a long time, like a huge funnel shape, covering thousands of miles away, all of which were absorbed and refined by Fang Qin!

In that state of mysterious and mysterious understanding, the various Daoist divine powers obtained by the body gradually converged and merged, and constantly deduced and improved.

All kinds of chapters, in the process of continuous integration and refinement, have transformed into more exquisite and profound methods!

Under such mysterious deduction, a new chapter has finally evolved gradually!

“Ding, [Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture] Fusion Characteristics [Dragon Elephant Holy Body]…”

“Ding, [Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture] acquires the characteristics [Cang Hell Town Prison]…”

【Dragon Elephant Sacred Body】:From [Dragon Elephant Body], [Qi and Blood Furnace], [Qi and Blood Gang Qi], [Candle Dragon Method]… Constantly blending and evolving into the vast dragon elephant holy body!

Inscribe the Holy Emblem, just like the embodiment of the dragon god image! It contains the power of endless terror! The flesh is comparable to the power of [God]! In the midst of the heavens is also the Eucharist with infinite potential!

[Cang Hades Town Hell]: The amazing realm that was conceived from the [Dragon Elephant Holy Body]! Summoning the Endless Heaven and Nether Realm, covering Heng Yu, and suppressing all things with the Dragon God Elephant!

Fang Qin didn’t say a word, his heart was like water, and as soon as his thoughts moved, he directly began to practice the vast chapter of deduction!


Following the new chapter, the pale golden qi and blood of the Inner Dao Dao shone slightly,

The faint dragon elephant seal engraved in the whole body began to sound, and the qi and blood around the body boiled up!


The mighty qi and blood of the Thunderbolt are unimaginable, and the amazing power sweeps through!

The whole body, in the qi and blood, the meridians, the root bones, the internal organs,

Each Dao being was emitting an amazing devouring power, and the vast True Element in the body seemed to turn into a supreme medicine, constantly replenishing the surrounding body!

In an instant, even Fang Qin’s vast True Element Quantity was absorbed by half in a short time.

Fang Qin was not surprised, and the other two Qi and Shen Techniques that were holding on to him were also constantly running, making up for the terrifying devouring power emitted around him!

That is the vastness of the essence needed for metamorphosis, which cannot be fulfilled in a moment!

The already terrifying vortex of spiritual power seemed to be absorbed in an instant, like a river pouring down.

In an even more vast range, endless aura was induced!

With Fang Qin as the center, an astonishing suction force was emitted, and the violent spiritual power in the entire wilderness did not have any resistance under such a mighty force, and directly all of them began to have a convergence image.

The radiation is far away and extremely vast!

The whole wilderness was affected by this vast force, and it seemed to have a faint sense of vibration again!


The Divine Dragon Stone Statue that surrounded the Great Desolation was also shaken, emitting a slight radiance, and with the help of the vast divine power, the entire Great Desolation was much more stable.

The shaking subsided.

It’s just that the vast and extremely vast aura gathered, but with the passage of time, it was even more terrifying!

An illusory dragon shadow appeared, and some of them looked at the figure sitting on the stone platform to practice!

“This!? …… It was also too terrifying, what kind of Fa he was practicing, and he had such an amazing vision…”

The Dragon of the Candle looked at the endless brilliant scene around him in the distance, and even he, as an eternal being, was a little stunned under his knowledge!

I’m afraid that this image of spiritual power gathering will encompass most of the Great Desolation Land after a while! ’

Looking at Fang Qin’s eyes gradually became a little strange.

Although this person did not look like an innate god, speaking seriously, it might be much more terrifying than the innate god!

At the very least, if the gods were to refine their divine powers, it would take endless years to gain them.

Where like this incredible person in front of him, in a short period of time, the breath was much deeper and more mysterious than when he had just met!

And it’s getting stronger… At this speed of cultivation, it is no wonder that he can achieve such achievements! Talent is hard to imagine!

Well? This breath of life…

Even this last gap seems to be being filled.

It’s hard to imagine how a Terran could have achieved such a degree. ’

The amazement of the Dragon of the Candle is on the surface, if it is said before,

Fang Qin only relied on his extremely terrifying tactics and Dao Techniques to stand up with the two top gods and demons, and when it came to the fundamentals of life, he was far inferior to the two gods and demons.

So even if it is still far worse, but that life force is already getting stronger and thicker.

The climb is extremely amazing, and there seems to be a sense of great transformation between them!


In the Divine Realm, Emperor Fuxi suddenly opened his eyes, and an unimaginable color of consternation seemed to emerge from the depths!

‘What’s going on!?’ That man seems to be trying to break through? ’

If Zhou Shan was not connected to the Divine Realm, and the other party was sitting on the Zhou Stone Platform, it was naturally difficult for him not to pay attention!

It was only the scene that Fang Cai had peeked at, but it was a shock to his heart! Somewhat unbelievable.

But even if it’s hard to believe, this is indeed the most likely thing.

In the case of Fuxi, who is one of the three emperors, his divine power is infinite and he controls all things.

It is difficult to hide the things of the world from him, how can you be wrong!

Thinking about such a possible change, even Fu Xi, who was the Emperor of Heaven, couldn’t help but feel a tightness in his mind!

That extremely mysterious person already had such amazing strength before, if he was allowed to continue to cultivate and improve, how would he know what level he would reach?

Although he held the authority of the world, he had only been jealous and cautious before.

However, at the speed of Fang Qin’s amazing cultivation transformation, it really shocked him a little, and he was horrified!

If we really talk about the cultivation speed displayed by the other party, will it not be long before we become a true immortal and endless demon?

Moreover, it is also such a terrifying and monstrous existence of divine power and combat power!

At that time, who else in the Six Realms could be his opponent?

I’m afraid I can’t even do it myself…

‘This man! What exactly is the origin… Why has it always been difficult to peek into fate, as if it does not exist in this world… Could it be that Nuwa … The remaining means?

No…… It is unlikely that even Nuwa would have the power to create such a being, but if it wasn’t for her, what would have happened!? ’

Fu Xi thought about it like this, it was like a fish in the throat, it was difficult to calm down!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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