
The Three Emperors of Pangu, one of the Essence Spirits of Fu Xi, was born when the heavens were opened!

Born with supreme divine power, divine powers, and the heavy responsibility of creating the world!

Such heels are extraordinary, and it is unimaginable for the gods and demons of this realm!

As a result, Fuxi can create beings of the [Divine Clan] and wield countless powers!

However, this divine power of creation not only fulfilled him, but also an insurmountable cage that trapped him!

The moment he was born again, he was already invincible, the peak of his divine power!

Therefore, in the endless years, they can only be trapped here, and it is difficult to make the slightest progress!

Of course, long ago ago, Fuxi did not have such a concept of cultivation as it is now.

With his vast divine power, he was already among the many innate gods, so what was the harm in practicing or not?

It was only with the three emperors’ respective pioneering actions that the world opened up by Pangu gradually became full of vitality.

Among the [Divine Clan]【Terrans】【Orc Clans】,

Although the number of beasts is numerous, their abilities are complex, and they are all over the earth, but there are many [knowing me] obstacles, lack of wisdom, and lack of spirituality!

Although the Terrans have seven passions and six desires, and the feeling of affection surprises them, Shouyuan is extremely short, and at the beginning of his birth, he is cowardly and not valued by him.

Only the God Clan he had created was the most powerful clan at that time!

Although the fruits of the Divine Tree were extremely rare, not many gods had been born for a long time, and the number of the Divine Clan was far inferior to that of the Terrans and the Beasts.

But the flaws are not hidden, the birth of the divine beings is a huge divine power, and the Shouyuan is almost endless,

It is infinitely more powerful than the [Beast Clan] created by Shen Nong, and the [Terran Clan] created by Nuwa!

This situation also made him proud!

There are many divine realms that claim to be the heads of the three emperors and are high above the nine heavens, overlooking the earth at four times of change, and the change of reincarnation.

Such a lofty mentality, until a long time ago, a certain Fuxi created a god clan under the mortal,

After reproducing with mortals, there were great changes.

The divine power of that god suddenly fell, lost countless times, and soon after, he fell and died, shocked by the beings who knew about it!

It also made Fu Xi wake up!

The power of the gods has such a great flaw, and if it is not prohibited, it will give rise to infinite changes!

Hurriedly formulated the Heavenly Prohibition of the Divine Realm, stipulating that the gods in the Divine Realm must not have feelings of love!

After implementing the Heavenly Rule, he reflected on the matter and had a vague sense of crisis.

If the God Clan he created had such weaknesses, then would he be the same as the Source?

Later, every time he consulted and thought about it, he finally realized the truth!

The three emperors of the first world were transformed by a spirit left behind by Pangu, and only one of them was obtained.

However, in the life of the world, the unity of spirit and spirit is the state of mixed perfection.

And the god of the three emperors only got a part of the remnants of Pangu, although it was born at the time of creation, but the foundation was difficult to make up, and there was such an unsatisfactory situation!

After careful consideration, he set his sights on Shennong and Nuwa, who were originally cognates!

If we can reunite the spirit left behind by Pangu, can we truly achieve perfection, true immortality, and a step higher in divine power?


At that time, the three-race scuffle in the earthly struggle and the subsequent war between the gods and men were all wars derived from this malicious trend.

But what a existence of the Three Emperors of the First Age!

Even if Fu Xi is one of them, it is difficult to truly suppress the existence of the other two equal personalities, and the final result is naturally failure!

But he also really determined this matter, the three emperors of the first world, indeed they were all in an incomplete state, with a huge flaw.

If you reproduce offspring, no matter what form you leave offspring, you will lose your own divine power!

Although it will not directly fall and die like the god of the day after tomorrow that he created.

However, a body of divine power will also be constantly lost, no longer the supreme divine power at its peak!

The game of gods behind those two wars, Shennong and Nuwa were all set up by his means, which basically amounted to falling and dying, but it did not allow him to fulfill his wish and complete himself!

In the end, it promoted the birth of the Demon Clan, and the separation of the two realms of man and god, but it was directly in Fu Xi’s heart!

The former naturally has the means of Shen Nong in it, and the immortal nature of the Demon Clan, even he has no choice, he has a great headache, and can only send the gods to guard the Well of the God and Demon!

And the Terrans, such cowardly beings, in the ancient times, in the war between men and gods, also broke out an unimaginable cohesion!

Follow Nüwa to block the flood and make up for the lack of heaven, until the end she stubbornly resisted.

Such an astonishing will to resist really made him angry and frightened.

In the battle of the gods and men, the Terrans gradually understood the method of cultivation.

After a short period of practice, there has been definitely no weak progress.

Although it is still far inferior to the gods, it is a sharp contrast to the gods who can gradually increase their strength over the years.

Fu Xi was jealous in his heart, even if the war ended, he finally left endless means.

Set up an innate gossip array to suppress the luck of its family,

He also ordered many gods to guide the cultivation of the Terran race, disrupt their path of cultivation, and constantly exert influence.

Even if there is a truly cultivated existence, it is definitely necessary for the Divine Realm to decide whether it can be given a soaring ascension!

At this point, Fu Xi thought that the Terrans were no longer enough to worry about.

Among the Six Realms, the only Demon Clan, although it was difficult, was not enough to let him do anything.

Of course, there were also a few innate gods that made him jealous.

However, those are not necessary to take care of it for the time being, and although he is jealous of his status at this point, he will not be afraid.

Until the appearance of that person!

The sight of the mountains that did not come out of Fuxi’s eyes saw that the image of the gathering of aura was getting bigger and bigger,

The breath of the figure sitting in it seemed to be more and more shocking and terrifying, and in the eyes, it showed murderous intent!

This Terran really subverted his view of the Terrans, and the other party’s various practices also made it difficult for him to feel at ease…

Fu Xi slightly transported the divine power, and in a flash, he had already thought about it a lot, and finally hid his killing intent deeply, and said:

“In the Netherworld, there is a human race named Fang Qin!” The Tao is profound and the mana is vast, and it can be the god of my divine realm! ”

As soon as the words came out, all the gods were a little stunned!

Immediately after that, he reacted and bowed down, “Zun Heavenly Emperor Fa-will!” ”

That kind of existence can indeed be placed on the throne of God!

In ancient times, it was not that there were no human beings to seal the gods, but until recent years, they had not seen it for a long time.

However, it seems that the person with great divine powers and amazing combat strength has summoned him to the Divine Realm to seal the gods, and all the gods feel acceptable in their hearts, and there is no objection!

There were even many who were excited by the fact that the Divine Realm had one more God of War with amazing combat power.

The Heavenly Emperor’s face was expressionless, the Dao Dao halo appeared, the power was shrouded, and no other god dared to look directly at him.

After thinking about it, he said with Tianxian in his mouth, “Invite the Nine Heavenly Virgins to come!” ”

With the strength of that Terran race, it was not appropriate for ordinary gods to go!

After thinking about it, the only one who could hold on to it in the Divine Realm now was the Nine Heavenly Virgins.

One of the Divine Officials was instructed to summon the Dharma in front of the palace of the Nine Heavenly Virgins in the Divine Realm.

It seems that the existence of the Nine Heavenly Virgins, which is vast and powerful, does not need to be facing the temple.

Therefore, it is generally hidden in the Nine Xuan Palaces of the Divine Realm, and it is also its temple!

It didn’t take long for a soft glow to appear!


A figure dressed in a wide-sleeved flowing fairy dress and stepping on the existence of nine colorful auspicious clouds descended into the Great Hall!

When all the gods in the ranking saw the figure of the incomparable posture, they all bowed down and said, “Worship the Nine Heavenly Virgins!” ”

The Nine Heavenly Goddesses are the gods of the heavens, and naturally have a status of respect, and the gods of the latter heaven see it and also need to perform rituals.

The woman stood in the middle of the great hall, under the great divine power, emitting a halo of light, her face was slightly blurred, and her beautiful face was faintly visible.

The gods in the main hall, those with low divine power, could hardly even see their faces, and could only feel the unimaginable majesty and style between their lines and movements!

Make all the gods feel respect!

The Nine Heavenly Divine Daughters bowed their heads slightly, looked at the Heavenly Emperor on the throne and said:

“The Ninth Heavenly Lady has seen His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, but she doesn’t know what important things the Heavenly Emperor has summoned?”

The voice is soft and fairy, but it has an awe-inspiring power of its own, which makes the gods shocked and worried in their hearts.

The Heavenly Emperor opened his eyes and glanced at it, then narrowed slightly, repeated his previous words again, and finally said Tianxian Dao:

“Nine Heavenly Virgins, please Nether Realm, and lead that human race into my Divine Realm!”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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