
Kunlun Qionghua Sect, in the Forbidden Land, a roar sounded.

The steaming mist drifted endlessly, accompanied by a scorching hot Yang breath.

A figure slowly walked out, the breath on the body, constantly changing,

One moment the yang is scorching, the next moment it becomes extremely cold, and between the two opposing breaths constantly changing, there is a surprising power sweeping in.

Xuan Xiao felt the amazing power flowing in his body, laughing, and his expression was slightly crazy!

“This kind of power is Master Taiqing, and compared to me, it is far inferior!”

He also never imagined that the Yin and Yang Method that he had slightly understood from Yun Tianhe had such a mysterious way.

Supplemented by two yin and cold things, it not only stopped the power of Xi and Yang Yan, but also gave the two the opportunity to connect, and the cultivation made great progress from this.

“…… The most important thing is that the method of the double sword, with my current strength, even if it is not perfect, should be able to be used.

If you add a person who is not weak in cultivation to help, it is not impossible! ”

Xuan Xiao raised his head and looked above Qionghua, squinting his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth flashed a smile.

In that part of the sky, there seemed to be a change in the sky, which was a sign that the demon world was about to go.

“What a providence! Just in time for these nineteen years of operation, not only can the grudges of nineteen years ago be repaid, but even Qionghua’s ascension is just around the corner!

Wu Xuanxiao will fulfill the wishes of Qionghua for generations, but never finish it! Hahaha! ”

The next moment, Xi He Xin Fa and the Ice Condensation Technique were running at the same time, and the coldness surged and calm was restored.

Slightly frowned, secretly said:

It’s just that the astonishing power that comes from nowhere, what kind of existence it is…

It was even more terrifying than the shaking more than a month ago, is there such a terrible existence of so many terrible gods and demons in this world…’

Originally, more than a month ago, the terrifying vibration that came from the depths of the Great Desolation that Su Yao had learned from his mouth was already extremely terrifying.

But I didn’t expect that more than a month later, there was an unknown existence that was even more terrible.

Across the realm of unknown distance, the power emitted was extremely vast and terrifying!

Even the arrogant Xuan Xiao did not dare to say more, that kind of power was beyond human power in his opinion, and it was not too much to say that it was the power of heaven and earth.

Xuan Xiao thought about that power, and now he felt his heart pounding, and it was difficult to suppress it.

After a long silence, I stopped thinking about it and walked outside.

The most urgent thing now is to take advantage of the coming of the demon world, transport the double sword, net the demon world, seize enough aura, and then perform the method of ascension!

He wants to soar into immortality!

After that, let’s talk about something else.


Five days later,

The ghost world is the land of the dead and the dead, and the living cannot enter!

Only now, there are four figures walking in it, as if there is nothing, there is no ghost world ghost pawn can detect.

Han Lingsha’s face was a little guilty:

“Brother Fang Qin, Mengli, Long Kui, I’m sorry… I’m so willful…”

During this trip to the ghost world, she proposed that she wanted to meet her relatives and tell them that the Han family was no longer doing the depletion of Yang Life.

Thinking about his own thoughts, but asking them to accompany him, it is really a little embarrassing.

“No problem, if you want to go, I will naturally accompany you, rest assured.”

Fang Qin shook his head and said comfortingly.

On Liu Mengli’s elegant and light face, she also said with some disgust:

“Lingsha, you told me before, don’t be so polite…”

Seeing this, Long Kui, who was staying by Fang Qin’s side, also stepped forward and gently held his hand and said:

“Sister Ryosha…”

“Hee-hee, I know.”

Hmmm, Dragon Aoi sister is really gentle, very cute ~ come, let me hug ~ ”

Han Lingsha saw this and smiled brightly at Fang Qin and Liu Mengli,

Saying that he directly held the soft and cold body of the dragon flower in his arms for a long time, the affection made the dragon flower’s face a little red, and the glutinous glutinous returned the words.

Liu Mengli smiled in her eyes, lightly covered her mouth, and looked at it gently.

It is also strange to say that the dragon flower has existed for a long time than a pedestrian.

But well, she is soft and weak, and I see that the temperament of Youling is too protective,

In addition, after talking and getting acquainted, they also felt more and more pity for what she had experienced, so everyone in the group directly loved her as their little sister.

Even when Liu Mengli, who was relatively cold, faced the dragon flower, she was smiling slightly, and between the words, there was a lot of love and pity.

In this way, it also made the dragon flower feel extremely warm in a short period of time, and opened her heart,

The unprecedented peace of mind and attachment of the two big sisters generally take care of her Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli.

In this way, on the contrary, the other party Qin was a little shy and embarrassed, often did not know how to speak, did not dare to look at him, only followed him closely behind, but did not speak.

Fang Qin teased her for a while, feeling quite interesting.

Just at this time, Ong~

The blood-red color appeared, and Fang Qin swept away slightly, without speaking.

A majestic man dressed in a black and red dragon robe walked over and bowed his hand slightly:

“Ghost World Yan Luo, I have seen this gentleman!”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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