
The center of the ghost world, the temple of Yan Luo, is where the lord of the ghost world, Yama, is located!

At this time, he was receiving distinguished guests from the human world, and Yan Luo personally accompanied him.

The Divine Officer of the Fate Yin Division poured some Heaven and Earth Spirit Tea unique to the Ghost Realm, and the aura was dim, which was extremely beneficial to the cultivation of the gods.

“Sir, a battle with the Dragon of the Candle and the Demon Lord, the Six Realms were shocked!” Yan Luo also has a heart of admiration! ”

King Yan bowed his hand slightly, and his eyes looked at this cultivating human race that was incredibly powerful.

Facing him directly, he really had an unimaginable sense of coercion, and even as the supreme being of the ghost world, he was moved by it and felt depressed.

When Fang Qin saw this, he also smiled slightly and said:

“The name of the King of Yama in the Ghost Realm is also a long-admired reputation, and Fang Qin came uninvited, but it was a bit disrespectful.”

He was also a little surprised, this Demon Realm Yama King was also extremely powerful, and although it was not as good as the existence of the Dragon of the Candle, the divine power was definitely not bad!

“Where did the gentleman speak, haha, with the cultivation of the gentleman, the world is so big, where can not go!”

Ignorance…… Sir is here today, but what is the matter? In the ghost world, I can still decide most things. ”

When King Yan saw this, he was relieved to see that his speech and attitude should be a reasonable person, but he did not have to worry about any chaos.

Although he was a level of gods and goddesses such as the Dragon of the Candlestick, the Nine Heavenly Goddesses, and the Flying Phong Divine General, in terms of tactics, he was far inferior to the existence of the first three.

If this powerful human race strikes at the Ghost Realm, it will be very difficult for him to stop him.

So when he sensed an unusually vast and thick breath coming to the ghost world, he immediately came to greet him.

One is that such beings really cannot be neglected, the other is to know the purpose of the other party’s coming, and the third is that they themselves want to meet this incredible human race.

In the end, what kind of existence can be withstood the Dragon of the Candle and the Demon Lord, and even seems to be slightly victorious.

Fang Qin smiled slightly, introduced the three people around him to King Yan, and said:

“In fact, it is not a big deal, I came here to end my girl’s wish.”

In addition, in addition to the land of the ghost world, I have indeed not come, and I also want to see a scene of the earthly palace, which is made of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to understand it in cultivation, but it has troubled the king of Yama. ”

When Yama heard this, he was a little stunned, and he looked at the three women around him, and he was also a little surprised.

One is a human race, one is a demon tribe, and the other is a soul body, but it is a bit strange, no matter strictly speaking, it should also be regarded as a ghost tribe.

The three are rare and beautiful in the world, and each has its own color.

King Yan sighed in his heart, it seemed that this extremely powerful Mr. Fang Qin was a man of temperament, but it was a good blessing for these women.

It’s just that……

Thinking about what Fang Cai Fang Qin said, he glanced at Han Lingsha and said with some deep intent:

“I look at this girl, could it be…”

Saying that, he glanced at Fang Qin and decided:

“Since I am a member of the husband’s family, then I have eliminated the responsibility of the Han family, so how about selling face and sir?”

Han Lingsha listened to the words, originally some of her face was slightly red, but when she heard it, her face changed slightly, and she gritted her teeth: “No! No more! ”

Looking at the Yan King, whose face was a little suspicious, Han Lingsha looked back at Qin below.

Fang Qin bowed his head slightly, and said softly, “Lingsha, what do you think?” To put it bluntly…”

With Fang Qin’s nature, he would naturally respect Han Lingsha’s choice and would not make decisions for her at will.


Han Lingsha said, “Your Majesty the King of Yan, then… The loss of Yang Shou, our Han family is no longer doing it, but the wrong things we have done in the past also need to be made up, and we will accept the punishment calmly…”

It is not that she does not want to avoid the suffering of the clansmen, but this matter itself is her own fault first, and it is already a very good thing to have the opportunity to know and solve it.

Those acts, though they are spoken of first, are mostly for the purpose of taking out the poor and the poor,

But no matter how to say it, they and other people have indeed benefited greatly from this, and they have not been hindered by money for many years, nor can they be regarded as without selfish desires.

In addition, the Han family style is also quite severe, paying attention to one person doing things and one person doing it, the sins of a clan will naturally be redeemed by themselves, and if the people in the clan know things, they will not agree.

King Yan was a little silent when he heard this, and nodded slightly:

“It’s also…

However, although Er and other people of the Han family have this sin, on the one hand, they are not all for selfish desires, and second, they have come to help the poor and the poor, and they have also made up for a lot of merit over the years.

Coupled with the credit redeemed in the past, it is almost over, or not…

If your people can offset their faults, the ghost world will make them reincarnate normally.

Rest assured this girl, I will settle the matter. ”

The rules in the ghost world are extremely strict, and because mortal beings have done meritorious deeds, they will not be spared the fault of loss.

It was only by looking at Fang Qin’s face that he bluntly said that he was exempt from guilt.

However, since this girl was so reasonable, the king of Yama would naturally choose a compromise method so that both sides could accept it.

He sighed and said, “Lady Han, since you have entered the ghost world, you naturally know about this love affair, and it cannot be dissipated after you die in the earth.”

After the death of the living beings, there is also infinite sustenance to be deposited on the things that accompany the burial.

Disturbing the rest of the deceased is indeed in the precepts of the ghost world, and in order to deplete the yin and yang virtues, our ghost world is only acting according to reason. ”

Fang Qin nodded slightly, “So… The king of Yam was annoyed. ”

Then he said to Ryosha, “Ryosha, what do you think?” ”


Han Lingsha heard the words and quickly bowed to thank him.

Since the king of Yama had said that he would act according to merit and demerit, she naturally would not refuse.

There was no reason to absolve her of guilt, and she knew in her heart that the people of the clan would not be thankful for this.

But since such merits are offset, it is naturally excellent.

Listening to what King Yan said, it didn’t seem that such things were really reasonable, but only because of Brother Fang Qin, so it would be like this.

He glanced at Fang Qin, and there was a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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