
Now that the matter had been decided, the king of Yama commanded the god of Yin Si to make it happen.

King Yan looked at Fang Qin, remembered what had happened before, and said:

“Sir, before that, two young Terran people came to the Ghost Realm.

Although he is not an immortal body, his life expectancy is far greater than that of ordinary people,

The breath cultivated by the two of them is somewhat similar to the Fa cultivated by these two girls, could it be your descendants? ”

Before those two Terrans, he was still a little suspicious.

At that time, I didn’t know why this monk from the human world had such a vague image of fate, and Shouyuan was very different from ordinary people.

Coupled with the fact that one of them possessed the breath of a divine dragon, it was also believed that he was related to the dragon of the candlestick.

Now that he saw Fang Qin, and the two girls around him, he suddenly felt that the breath of the Fa Gate he was cultivating was somewhat similar, and he had the same source, so he asked this question.

Fang Qin smiled and said, “That’s it.” ”

King Yan was slightly stunned, and his face was somewhat subtle:

“…… Sir, I don’t know, although this Fa is mysterious, it is not heavenly, and now it is fine, if it is passed out, I am afraid that …”

As for this, I will not say much.

Fang Qin only bowed his head slightly, thinking in his heart that this Dragon of Candles and the King of Yan had the same words,

It seems that the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor really did not tolerate this matter.


‘What does this have to do with me!’ ’

Fang Qin didn’t care much, and looked at Long Kui, who was sitting next to him, gently grabbing his clothes, and obediently did not speak, and asked the King of Yan:

“Can the King of Yan know that a thousand years ago, Long Yang, the crown prince of the Jiang Kingdom, could be reincarnated?”

As soon as these words came out, Long Kui’s eyes lit up slightly, and he slightly grasped Fang Qin’s clothes.

Fang Qin slightly patted the tender and cool little hand of the dragon flower to show his peace of mind.

Looking at the king of Yama, there was also some curiosity in his heart about this matter.

Originally, if he only inquired about the human world, Prince Jiang Guo a thousand years ago, I am afraid that the King of Yan would not pay much attention,

However, if it was the reincarnation of the first god of the Divine Realm, Fang Qin believed that this Yama King would definitely know about it.

Sure enough, after listening to Fang Qin’s words, King Yan’s face changed slightly.

“Oh? Does Sir also know the name of the Divine Realm Fei Peng? Also……

The name of the First Divine General of the Divine Realm is indeed the name of the Six Realms. ”

Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli both listened to it and immediately felt strange, and even Long Kui was a little puzzled.

Isn’t this asking about Long Yang? What is the Divine Realm Flying Phong that is being said?

“Yes, I can stand up to the Demon Lord, the divine power is vast, the combat power is amazing, although I have never seen it, I also know its strength.”

Fang Qin nodded slightly, and seeing that Liu Mengli and several people were a little confused, he briefly explained the deeds of the Divine Realm Fei Peng, and finally said:

“…… I heard that the god was finally relegated to the mortal world, and this first reincarnation was Long Yang, the brother of Long Kui. ”

“Eh!? That prince of Jiang Guo… Dragon Aoi’s sister’s brother actually has such a history? ”

“I can’t believe it was like this…”


King Yan sighed with some amazement, “Sir, he even knows such a secret thing…

But also, with your cultivation behavior, how many things in the world can be hidden from you. ”

Then he said, “But I’m going to disappoint my husband…

Although I am nominally in charge of the god of life and death, this matter does not exist and is under my control.

Such a vast existence as General Fei Peng’s divine power, even if it is … Nature is also not under my control, but is free from heaven and earth on its own.

It is also difficult for me to know what happened to his soul now, and only when he is reincarnated as an adult can he know one or two. ”

“Is this so…”

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed, but he also understood, slowly nodding his head, somewhat thoughtful.

Comforted the somewhat disappointed Dragon Flower.

“Brother Fang Qin, Long Kui is fine…”

Although Long Kui was disappointed, he was not much sad.

After all, now compared to before, he could only stay alone in the magic sword, and he was frightened by the powerful ghosts outside the center of the magic sword, and he had already won countless victories.

In addition, she wanted to find her brother, but it was only a thought in her heart, missing the brother who loved and cared for her.

But I also knew in my heart that if I wanted to find my brother a thousand years ago, my hope was extremely slim, so I didn’t have much hope.

Fang Qin saw this slight jaw, and after that, he discussed the Tao with the King of Yan!

First, as the supreme being of the ghost world, although he is not good at the method of fighting, he has a deep understanding of authority and the path of reincarnation and death;

The other is to go from a mortal to such a vast level of hard practice.

For the worldly Taoism, the understanding of various aspects is even broader, all of them are involved, and they are all to the point where they are definitely not weak.

Both have gained from the discourse.

Yama Wang was somewhat shocked by the depth of the Dao Fa cultivation involved in the other party.

In particular, one of the methods of soul cultivation for the six days of passing, the mysteries of the method,

Although he hadn’t listened to it all, he felt that he could understand it a lot so far, which showed that it was extraordinary.

Thoroughly impressed, he said, “The method of soul cultivation for the six days is unheard of, and there is such a perfect method,

Sir is not a ghost clan, but it is unimaginable that he can create such a soul cultivation method! The depth of this realm is far less than that! ”

“Yama is not bad.”

Fang Qin shook his head slightly, and glanced at the system’s prompt tone.

“Ding, comprehend [the Law of Yan Luo], and obtain qi luck points…”

“Ding, comprehend [the law of life and death], and obtain qi luck points…”

Fang Qinxiu had cultivated to this point, and he could already do it for the cultivation methods of others, and just by looking at his breath, he could deduce them on his own.

With Yama’s divine power, it would naturally not be so simple to deduce his method, but under the two paths, it was much easier.

The former is the core method that Yan Luo has cultivated, and it is the profound door that he has realized over the years in the ghost world!

The latter is the realm of life and death that can be involved in his control of the Book of Life and Death, which is extremely mysterious, and it is the realm of God that can control the life and death of mortal beings.

Although Fang Qin did not have such an instrument of authority as the Book of Life and Death, with his current cultivation behavior, he could also exert even more extraordinary strength, which was extremely rewarding.

If you can understand the profound understanding in this way, it will also have unimaginable power!

Moreover, after comprehending such a mysterious law, not only in terms of the number of life and death, but also in terms of life and death, they are more enlightened and understood.

Even in the future, perhaps it can be used to do other things.

Fang Qin thought about it in his heart, and suddenly a thought popped up.

‘These methods of life and death and the soul, can we take this as a basis and try to simulate the operation of the ‘second world’…’

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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