
In the second world, in the past, in Fang Qin’s view, there were two points that were difficult for him to understand.

One is the law of crossing the world, such an unknown field involving the secrets of the world,

Even some of the world’s top demon gods cannot be involved,

Such an eternal existence as the Dragon of the Candle can be described as the existence of infinite divine power in this world, but it is absolutely impossible to break through the barriers of the world and achieve the great power of traveling through the world.

If you want to get involved in the mystery, it is still far from the same!

Perhaps it will take Fang Qin to practice for a long time, and in the distant future, he will gradually understand the mysteries in this.

The two are the method of login, and for how to do it one to the same as the real body login,

But he can die and resurrect in the martial arts world, and he is puzzled.

However, since practicing so far, Fang Qin’s realm cultivation has been far greater than before.

Although the secret of the world is still not the area he can touch,

But the latter, although not very clear, asks himself if he can do similar and the same things.

Now that I have comprehended Yama’s many Daoist powers, I have a deeper understanding of the way of life and death, and I feel more comfortable.

If you can do the same thing in this way, can you do some wonderful things…

When Fang Qin thought about it slightly, he felt quite interesting, but it was just an idea, and he did not investigate deeply.


Two days later, the ghost world, the stage of reincarnation!

The platform of reincarnation is the place where the beings of this world are reincarnated, and a figure sits in the void, closing his eyes and comprehending the mysterious breath of all the surrounding beings.

Liu Mengli and the others were quietly waiting in the distance.

“Ding, understand [the cycle of birth and death], get the luck point…”

[Reincarnation of Life and Death]: The mysterious method derived from the reincarnation of the two worlds, involving the change of reincarnation of life and death!

Fang Qin opened his eyes, and a flash of mysterious light flashed with some thoughtfulness.

This [cycle of birth and death] is Yama’s “Law of Underworld Life and Death” and the “meaning of samsara” that comes from the realm of reincarnation in the evil world.

As well as the mysteries of the reincarnation platform in this world, the mysteries of the fusion are derived from the deduction.

It is a summary and integration of Fang Qin’s way of life and death, which is extremely mysterious and has many wonderful uses!

Fang Qin stood up and came to Liu Mengli’s side.

Looking at Han Lingsha, he said, “What’s the matter, with your uncle and parents, have you spoken to your heart?” ”

Han Lingsha smiled charmingly, “Hmmm, we’ve been talking for a long time, hee-hee-hee-hee-

The Han family has a short life, and although Han Lingsha’s parents love the only daughter of the two very much, they are afraid that she is too attached to the two, and if the two die in the future…

Afraid that she can’t take care of herself, plus she is also afraid that she is sad and sad, so she has been indifferent,

In the end, Han Lingsha mistakenly thought that her parents did not like her, and she was often sad and sad about it.

However, now in this ghost world, the misunderstanding with her parents has been solved, and she has seen her uncle who has taken care of her the most, Han Lingsha seems to be extremely happy.

Saying that he didn’t know what he had in mind, his face was slightly red, and he secretly glanced at Fang Qin, remembering the words his uncle had spoken to her.

“Lady, I don’t know what kind of powerful figure you have found, but many immortals in that mansion have been very polite to me…

But… None of this matters, what matters is that since you have found someone you can agree with, it happens that he also accepts and likes you.

Then get along well, don’t worry about us, hehe, give birth to a big fat baby early. ”

Han Lingsha thought about the words, his face was slightly red, and he muttered to himself:

‘Whatever, he didn’t talk to me… How…… Hum ~ but this girl also has to work hard! ’

Fang Qin: “…”

Shaking his head slightly helplessly, he waved the token in his hand and pointed at several people:

“Let’s go, and finally go to the rotary mirror table.”

The token was red and black, a warrant from the King of Yama, which was beneficial in the ghost world and was given to Fang Qin by the King of Yama.

One of them is that you can summon unreincarnated souls to meet at will on the rotating mirror table.

Liu Mengli heard the words, knew that he was because of his own affairs, nodded slightly, and sighed.


Above the rotary mirror table.

The revealed cloud sky blue was a little dazed, saw the scene, and muttered:

“How come it’s coming again?” Could it be the wild boy again? ”

When Liu Mengli saw this, she was slightly blessed and said happily: “Uncle Yun, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” ”

Hearing the voice, Yun Tianqing looked at Liu Mengli in surprise, frowning and wondering:

“You are… Well? Imperial Emerald? ”

The so-called Imperial Daughter Jade is a piece of jade that can cover up the demonic qi.

It was more than ten years ago, Yun Tianqing owned it, and then placed it on Liu Mengli’s body to cover up the demon qi on his body.

Seeing the emerald jade pendant worn by Liu Mengli at the neck of the snow, he immediately remembered it, and was surprised and happy:

“You’re Li’er!?” Be… Li’er?

Are they all grown so big? Also… That wild boy looks like an adult, and you naturally too…..

How did you come to the ghost world, what happened to this lately, everyone ran to the ghost world…”

Liu Mengli smiled slightly and nodded slightly, “Yes, Uncle Yun.” ”

“Mengli has always wanted to thank Uncle Yun in person, thank you for saving my life, Mengli has always kept it in mind.” ”

Yun Tianqing stopped and said, “Hey, don’t say thank you, I just can’t bear this…

Since you remember things from such a young age, then… Should I also know my own life? ”

Liu Mengli nodded slightly, “No matter what, the grace of saving lives will not change, and Mengli will remember it in her heart.” ”

Yun Tianqing thought about the past and sighed.

Looking at several people behind Liu Mengli, he had some questions: “These people…”

His eyes looked at Fang Qin, and he was suddenly shocked, secretly saying that this person’s popularity was extraordinary, and he didn’t know what the origin was.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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