
The person with extraordinary temperament in front of him is the mysterious immortal who taught his own wild boy cultivation method.

Yun Tianqing’s face was suddenly wonderful, some changes, and he rushed forward to salute:

“It turns out that the gentleman is…

I had heard Tianhe talk about you before, and I didn’t think that I would have a chance to see you, but I was really lucky in three lifetimes! ”

Speaking with gratitude, he said, “Listening to what Tianhe said, you taught the Xuanmiao Dao Fa to him, and I really don’t know how to thank you!” ”

That day I saw my own wild boy, who was also a cultivator, although only the soul body remained,

But he can also feel that mysterious breath and know that the Fa he is cultivating is by no means simple, and the mystery is extraordinary!

After listening to Yun Tianhe tell some things, he knew that he had obtained an unpredictable god, or an immortal teaching the Tao!

At that time, he also said that the source of his own wild boy’s blessing was so deep that he could get this immortal fate.

Fang Qin smiled slightly, “No need to say thank you, but I, too, thank you for saving Li Er that year.” ”

Yun Tianqing was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Liu Mengli, who looked a little red, gentle and gentle,

How clever he was, he suddenly understood, and with some surprise, he said happily:

“That’s the way it is…”

He said, and sighed: “Sir, you don’t have to thank me, I was also guilty at that time,

Can’t bear to feel that a life that has just been born not long ago is because of Qionghua’s vision of ascension to immortality…

Heck, just try to make up for it…”

Thinking about the past, I thought that the person in front of me was a god-like being,

He should have seen a wide range of things, and I don’t know how he thought about the events of that year, but he hesitated for a moment or asked:

“Sir, I… There is one thing I want to consult, the Qionghua incident that year…

I ran away with Su Yu, although I prevented the tragic thing, but it also let Qionghua Shengxian’s act be ruined, Mr. … Is there a right or wrong thing to do? ”

Fang Qin was a little surprised that he asked about this matter, saw that he was full of complicated colors, and thought about it:

“You don’t have to blame yourself, there is cause and effect in the world,

It was also because of the fate of the meeting that your departure from Tianhe’s mother allowed the Qionghua Sect to continue. ”


Yun Tianqing was shocked to hear this, and did not know why this gentleman had said this,

However, the other party was a figure of the gods and immortals, and he must have known many secret things, and he couldn’t help but ask:

“Sir, why did he say this?”

With a flash of inspiration in his heart, he frowned slightly, somewhat uncertainly:

“Could it be… Is it the rumored projection of the sky light at the endless heights of Kunlun, which can make people reborn into immortals, but is it false? ”

Liu Mengli was also a little curious.

Fang Qin shook his head slightly, “That should also be based on some basis, but it is only the act of ascending to the Immortals, not that you can sit back and relax by flying up to the Kunlun Heavenly Light.” ”

Seeing that the blue face of the cloud was shocked, he said bluntly:

“Kunlun Heavenly Light is a projection of the Divine Realm, and whether it can become an immortal depends entirely on the meaning of the Divine Realm.

If you think about it, even if you insist, you will not succeed, and in the end it will be just a void…”

In the original plot, it is Xuan Xiao’s final fortune to make the Law of the Two Swords rise to the place of Qionghua, which has reached the place of Kunlun Heavenly Light and is about to make contact.

The Divine Realm directly mechanically descended to the gods, and the Nine Heavenly Virgins descended to the mortals, causing Qionghua to fall, and the Heavenly Fire to fall!

It is also to make the vision of the Qionghua Sect for many years turn into nothingness!

So visible, the so-called Kunlun Heavenly Light should be effective.

If Kunlun was at an endless height, there was no celestial projection that could make people immortal, and if he wanted to be proud of the Divine Realm, he should not pay much attention to it.

Yun Tianqing heard this and suddenly changed color.

“This!? ……

It makes such a point……. Qionghua’s three generations of painstaking efforts, the vision of generations of ascension to immortality is not ridiculous…”

Such an astonishing fact, even Yun Tianqing could not accept it.

Although he did not agree with the act of seizing the huge spiritual power of the Illusion Realm and killing more,

However, there was no contradiction to the method of ascending immortals with two swords, and there was also some yearning, hoping to become an immortal through this and become an immortal in the world.

Now listening to what this gentleman said, what Qionghua had done before was actually just a futile effort, which was really unimaginable!

He did not suspect that this gentleman knew from him that he was a very extraordinary existence just by looking at it.

And it was very likely that the gods existed, and he casually said the secret things of Qionghua more than ten years ago, and naturally did not think much about it.

Liu Mengli slightly pursed her pink lips, her eyes were slightly dark, thinking about the blood color in her memory, some of them were silent, Han Lingsha hurriedly whispered a comfort,

Seeing this, Long Kui on the side also went forward to hold her jade hand slightly, and whispered to Sister Mengli, and there was a sense of comfort in her tone.

Liu Mengli’s face was slight, she smiled softly, and shook her head gently to show that she was fine.

Yun Tianqing heard such an astonishing fact, and his heart was greatly shocked, and it took a while before he returned to his senses, sighed, and thanked Fang Qinxing:

“Thank you sir for informing me of this…”

After a long silence, thinking about the possibilities in it, he pondered and said, “Sir, the Divine Realm is not allowed to ascend, is it because…


Qionghua soared, could he get infinite aura from somewhere else, and he didn’t add more killing, would it be different? ”

Fang Qin shook his head slightly, and instead of answering his question directly, he asked a rhetorical question:

“As a great sect of cultivators that has existed for a long time, the Qionghua Sect thinks that many secret things are recorded in the door.

And I ask you, from ancient times to the present, how many people can really confirm the ascension to immortality?

If the Qionghua Sect succeeds in ascending, how many immortals will there be? ”

Yun Tianqing’s face was frozen and he was silent.

Oh, yes! Throughout the ages, what are the talents who can become immortals?

If the Qionghua Sect’s method of ascending with two swords is truly successful, if the thousands of disciples and elders in the door are all separated from the mortal womb of the flesh and transformed into immortal bodies,

In this way, there are countless immortals in the world in an instant, is it really possible…

You know, even if you add some rumors and untestable things, the records of the immortals are only a very small number.

Qionghua three generations have done something unprecedented, will it really be that easy?

If it is so easy, how can there be very few immortals in the world?

When Fang Qin saw his face, he said directly:

“Whether or not the method of Qionghua’s double sword ascension can be successful depends entirely on the will of the Divine Realm, and the ascension of a faction of immortals is a big matter.

If Qionghua is let become, it is estimated that from ancient times to this point, the people who have cultivated into immortals in the human race have not become immortals as many people as you Qionghua.

The Divine Realm would not tolerate such things happening.

Moreover, Qionghua sought to ascend to immortality, killed in vain, and had such a reason as the head, and was even more intolerant of the Divine Realm.

If you really became it at that time, the next thing you would face would not only be the illusion world, but the gods and gods from the god realm! ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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