
Fang Qin said in a faint voice, “So… Saying what you have done is not a bad thing for Qionghua. ”

What Fang Qin said was not false, not only from the original plot, but also from what he saw and heard, Qionghua’s soaring move was doomed to be impossible to succeed.

Although Fu Xi and the like had never really seen it, the various means left behind to deal with the Terran race could be known, and it would certainly not allow Qionghua to ascend successfully!

It should be known that even the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, which is personally supported by Fu Xi,

It was also that only a few people had achieved immortal bodies, so how could they possibly allow all the cultivators of Qionghua and more than a thousand people to bathe in the sky and soar into immortals!

Yun Tianqing was stunned and muttered to himself, “Face the God of the Divine Realm…”

Liang Jiu smiled bitterly, “How can He De, how can the power of the gods be resisted by mortals?” ”

He didn’t have to think about it or knew how terrifying the power of the gods would be!

It was definitely something that an extraordinary person could resist, if Qionghua had suffered heavy casualties at that time, even if he had been lucky, seized the huge spiritual power, and transported the Law of the Two Swords to fly up to the Kunlun Heavenly Light, it would be in vain!

In this way, he also understood what Fang Cai Qin had said, and his coincidence with Yu Yu had allowed the Qionghua Sect to continue in this way.

With a sigh, he bowed his hand and said, “Thank you Mr. for solving my puzzles, Yun Tianqing is very grateful!” ”

Han Lingsha heard everything and felt that things were uncertain, and whispered:

“Although the Qionghua Sect has done something extremely wrong, the Divine Realm…

Since it is not allowed to ascend to immortality, why should it…”

But in my heart, I thought with some concern:

‘If the Divine Realm does not allow mortals to become immortals, then I am not able to, how can I stay with Brother Fang Qin in the future…’

She is different from Mengli, who is a family of dream tapirs, plus she is a highly gifted being, that is, she does not practice, and her life expectancy itself is much more than ordinary people.

Although she was now cultivating and had reached the innate realm, she couldn’t help but feel a little worried in her heart.

After all, many myths and legends are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they are inevitably affected.

Yun Tianqing was also silent when he heard this, and he was also greatly puzzled by this.

However, when it came to matters concerning the Divine Realm, he did not dare to say much, so he was careful in his words and deeds.

Fang Qin saw that Han Lingsha’s face was somewhat delicate, and he knew in his heart what she was thinking, and he was a little amused, and comforted:

“Ling Sha, you don’t have to worry, what you are practicing is not that kind of ascension method, you need to use the Kunlun Heavenly Pass to transform,

Just practice well step by step, and the Divine Realm can’t take care of these things! ”

What the Divine Realm controlled was the matter of ascension, and the way that Fang Qin preached was not the cultivation method of cultivating immortals with the mainstream of this world.

Rather, it is the six-fold method of martial arts, which is mainly practiced by oneself and is naturally not subject to it.

Han Lingsha heard the words, and only then did he relax his heart and slightly spit out his tongue.

Since Brother Fang Qin said that there was nothing to do, there must be nothing left.

Thinking about the previous battle between Brother Fang Qin and the Dragon God of the Unknown Mountain, he felt even more worried.

With Brother Fang Qin’s strength, he couldn’t control it if he wanted to come to the Divine Realm.

Yun Tianqing was a little suspicious, listening to what this gentleman said, it seemed that he was not a god of the Divine Realm, and he could not have been different before.


‘The Dharma preached by this gentleman must be extraordinary…’

Remembering that his own wild boy had also passed on the True Fa, he couldn’t help but feel relieved.

Immediately as if remembering something, he hesitated and said:

“Sir, I don’t know if I can let Tianhe tell Qionghua what can’t be done,

Tianhe should have already returned the Wangshu Sword to Qionghua, and I am afraid that when the time comes, the mind of soaring will rise again in the door…”

Fang Qin shook his head slightly, “And rest assured, I will deal with the matter of the Li’er Illusion Realm.” ”

It’s different now than when I first came here!

At that time, he planned to use Qionghua’s matter to lead out the Nine Heavenly Virgins of the Divine Realm, so he did not have much influence.

But at this time, Fang Qin’s cultivation realm no longer needed to be so complicated, he just wanted to deal with the matter of Liu Mengli’s illusionary realm, and he would forget it.


Fang Qin glanced at the distance, somewhat thoughtful.

Yun Tianqing heard the words, although there were still doubts, but he did not say much, nodding his head and thanking.

Fang Qin bowed his head slightly, “Since everything that should be said has been said, then… Farewell. ”

Yun Tianqing hurriedly saluted, “Yes, sir! ”

Liu Mengli also slightly stepped forward and said, “Uncle Yun, take care.” ”

“Li Er is also, haha, go back and remember to help me and Brother Liu say hello,

Forehead… Haha, gaffe, I’m a dead man, or don’t scare him ~” Yun Tianqing nodded and smiled.

Liu Mengli covered her mouth and smiled lightly, nodded slightly, and came to Fang Qin’s side.

When several people reached the edge of the wheel mirror platform, Fang Qin paused, thought about it, and turned back and asked:

“By the way, since you don’t want to reincarnate and exist in this ghost world, I have a cultivation method here, do you want to learn it?”

Yun Tianqing was a little stunned, and in the next instant, his face turned straight, and he performed a very formal teacher ceremony, bowing down and bowing down:

“Mr. Yun Tianqing Xie preached the grace!” Such a favor, the sense of the five, never forget! ”

Fang Qin: “…”

Han Lingsha, Liu Mengli, Long Kui: “…”

Fang Qin was a little amused, and said wordlessly, “The difference between your nature and Tianhe’s is really huge, and I don’t know how you taught him so simple.” ”

However, thinking about it, under the Qingluan Peak, the Taiping Village circulated this person, all kinds of cynical bad deeds, but also felt normal.

Liu Mengli on the side was also a little surprised, feeling that Uncle Yun’s image was far from the impression, but he also felt that such a character seemed real.

Yun Tianqing laughed and said, “Sir, when I was a teenager, I was also extremely fond of the immortals, so I searched everywhere for immortals to visit the Dao.

Oh, that boy in Tianhe can get Mr. Fa to teach, I am still envious!

Besides, when my husband asked this question, my heart also longed, and if I resigned, it would seem hypocritical. ”

Fang Qin smiled, slightly bowed his head, and reached out a little, and a faint fluorescence flickered.

And said, “So, you can understand it yourself, I am going to leave, and it is up to you to see how far you can practice.” ”

After saying that, he left with Liu Mengli and the others.

Yun Tianqing was about to say something to thank you, and in the next instant, the fluorescence fell into the heart of his eyebrows, and he suddenly fell into a state of absenteeism.

Condensed soul, yin body, soul Dan, yin god, yang god, and underworld god, all kinds of wonderful methods appear in the mind, extremely deep and difficult to understand.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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