
Above the wheel mirror platform, two figures, one black and one white, appeared and stood here, which were the two gods of black and white impermanence.

The eyes of the two frequently looked at Yun Tianqing, who was standing in the center and fell into a state of loss of understanding, and some doubts were muttered.

“How come it’s this person again, didn’t those two Terrans already go?” Why did he appear on the Wheel Realm again? ”

“…… I don’t know, it is better to be cautious when I see this man in the future, his son seems to be related to the god of the Buzhou Mountain,

And His Majesty the King of Yama specifically asked me to wait here for a while, and when he woke up, he thought that it was really a big deal. ”

“Anyway, don’t talk about him, do you know who the noble guests that King Yama has been entertaining lately?”

Why had he never seen it before that he could gain such respect from Yama? ”

“…… I don’t know, but who can make His Majesty Yama treat him like this, I think it is a god that has existed for a very long time. ”

As he was speaking, a blood-colored figure appeared, and a figure in a black and red dragon robe appeared, slightly sweeping the two.

Shocked, the black and white impermanence was shocked, and he rushed forward to salute, “I have seen Your Majesty the King of Yama!” ”


King Yan responded lightly and looked at Yun Tianqing, somewhat thoughtful.

Is this the man, that Mr. Fang is really open-minded, so inherited, so easily passed on to the souls of mortals…

Just doing so, if you go out of line, I’m afraid it will really cause the Heavenly Emperor to be dissatisfied. ’

Thinking about the previous vague talk about this matter, Fang Qinhun did not care, and the King of Yan was silent for a while and shook his head slightly.

Well, there is no need to meddle in this matter…

But because of this, I owe Mr. Li a huge cause and effect and human feelings, the people of the Han family and Yun Tianqing…

The Law of Soul Cultivation for Six Days…

Maybe my ghost world will benefit infinitely from this, but not necessarily…’

Although the Six Heavenly Pass Method of Soul Cultivation had previously learned a lot of content in Fang Qin’s words, it was not complete.

But even so, it was still extremely extraordinary, and even he had a lot of understanding.

If ordinary ghosts practiced in this way and attained the state of transformation, I am afraid that it would not be worse than the ordinary gods will come, which shows the depth and subtlety of this method.

Unheard of, unseen!

However, this cloud of heavenly blue and the people of the Han family had obtained a complete inheritance.

If you can use this as the source and spread this Fa in the ghost world, after thinking about it, the strength of the ghost world will be very different!

Thinking of the gentleman’s meaningful words when they were sent to each other:

“The king of Yama can stop here, there is no need to send more, I have understood a lot of life and death subtleties from this world,

As for whether the king of Yama accepted it or not, it was casual, haha! ”

King Yan pondered for a while, and with some helpless bitter smiles, Mr. Fang secretly gave him a problem, no longer thought about it, and said to the black and white impermanence:

“If he wakes up, he will bring him to see Honza!”

Black and white impermanence looked at each other, and Bai Impermanence said with some hesitation:

“Your Majesty Yama, what is the origin of this soul?” Could it be the two Terrans who came before…”

The king of Yama did not hide from them either, and said slowly:

“He has gained the attention of a divine being, and has passed on some Dharma to him, and even if he is a disciple of that one, you should not be neglected when you talk to him.”

After saying that, the figure scattered and disappeared.

Leaving behind a jaw-dropping black and white impermanence, somewhat incredible.

“What His Majesty Yama said is the god who has come here these days?”

“I think so! Hiss! There was nothing strange about this man, and it was really admirable that he had such luck. ”

The existence that can make His Majesty the King of Yan treat him with courtesy, even if it is some subtle methods, I think it is a very good magic power!

Although the two of them were gods of the Yin Sect, they were only holding the position of Yama, and they had divine power far superior to that of ordinary monks.

But compared to the real gods, it is nothing.

Except for some simple soul-snatching methods, there are few other magical powers.

Looking into Yun Tianqing’s eyes, there was some envy.

“Looking at the meaning of His Majesty Yama, it seems that he wants to reuse this one, and we can make friends with him…”



After returning to the human world, Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli both felt quite happy.

One is wishful, and the other is that after all, the yin qi in the ghost world is gathered, although there is Fang Qin’s protection, there is no damage, but there is still a lot of discomfort for the scene in it.

Now that I have returned to the human world, I feel open-minded.

Dragon Kuei is a little sleepy, but as a magic sword spirit, she will not be afraid of the sun like an ordinary ghost.

Just a little confused, gently following behind Fang Qin, looking extremely well-behaved.

Han Lingsha stretched her body and asked Fang Qin with some curiosity:

“Brother Fang Qin, is the method you just taught to Tianhe’s father also the six-fold method of martial arts?” Can such a Dharma soul body also be practiced? ”

Fang Qin smiled, “It’s not this Fa, it’s a special Soul Cultivation Method.” ”

“Soul Cultivation…”

Han Lingsha’s eyes lit up, as if remembering something, and he was a little surprised: “Brother Fang Qin, before you…”

Fang Qin nodded slightly:

“Well, it all depends on the wishes of your parents and uncles, and if they are willing to practice, they can naturally practice in this way.

If they don’t want to, Yama won’t embarrass them, and when the time is right, they will be reincarnated. ”

Previously, Fang Qin had also asked Ling Sha to bring a jade jian to send to Han Lingsha’s parents and uncles, which recorded the Six Heavenly Pass Method of Soul Cultivation.


Han Ling’s face showed a bright smile and soft eyes.

“Where are we going next?”

“Kunlun Qionghua.”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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