

Endless thunder suddenly surged and raged.

A terrifying spiritual power riot, a wisp of purple consciousness emerged!

Suddenly, ten times more terrifying than Fang Cai’s power came!

Fang Qin’s eyes froze, looking down, the Kunlun Mountains were endless, and the fearful emotions of many beings arose,

I thought that if there was a war here, if I didn’t notice, Kunlun, which was thousands of miles away from the netherworld, and the surrounding lands, the edge of Kyushu, I was afraid that I would all suffer.

Looking to the side, it seemed that the Nine Heavenly Genius Sect was also a little shocked:

“I don’t know if you can help each other to keep Kunlun from being destroyed?”


As soon as the words fell, the terrifying thunder roared down, carrying the momentum of destruction, and in an instant, it had suddenly arrived from the divine realm between the underworld!

Fang Qin’s brow frowned, his body surged with strength, and Zhenyuan moved,

The Five Spirit Circle itself, which covered thousands of zhang, instantly expanded to tens of thousands of square meters, devouring and destroying the purple thunder that struck it!


With a strong momentum, Fang Qin’s face was somewhat solemn, and he only felt that the power of thunder was extremely terrifying.

‘How powerful is it?’ It still seems that he is still a little underestimated.

With such divine power, it is no wonder that it can reign supreme for nine days and claim to be the Emperor of Heaven!

But it seems that in addition to divine power, there are others…

Is it the power of authority…’

With this power alone, although it was slightly worse than the Dragon of the Candle Candle, it was definitely not bad enough to bless the power of heaven and earth, and even more victorious!

That Fuxi was able to have such a mighty power across the two realms, and it was conceivable that if it were to be confronted in person, its true strength would be strong!

Nowadays, although it is not difficult to resist, if it is a bad one, it leaks out a trace of power, which is a disaster for the Netherworld.

In the face of Fu Xi, one of the three emperors of the early world, the power displayed by him, even Fang Qin’s more refined cultivation behavior now, did not dare to distract himself at will, and needed to go all out.

With a quick turn of mind, a choice has been made.

Can’t fight here! In terms of the situation, it is extremely unfavorable!

He gave a salute to the Nine Heavenly Goddesses, “The Daughter’s benevolence, I know it, the safety of the Netherworld, please please!” ”

Say it, don’t wait for the other party to respond, figure a little, cast a spell, and rush up.


The Nine Heavenly Goddess’s face was a little speechless, the Dark Dao Honza and you had only met twice, what do you know!

Just looking at the thunder destruction in the sky, he sighed slightly, and the divine power of luck and the faint golden light emerged.

If it had been over before, she wouldn’t have cared.

However, what the Heavenly Emperor had done had already exceeded the boundary, completely disregarding all the beings around him, and even the Nine Heavenly Virgins could not see it.

Even if Fang Qin didn’t say it, she was in this place, and naturally she wouldn’t ignore it!


‘The Emperor of Heaven is real… In this way, what is the difference between what Qionghua has committed before…

How do the beings of the world view the Divine Realm…’

If we talk about the matter of Qionghua before, although we feel that the Heavenly Emperor’s actions are inevitably cruel,

But Qionghua Zhongren did do a lot of evil deeds, and was contaminated with murder, and for this reason, it was really not appropriate to be an immortal, and she also came down to seek as fair as possible.

But what the emperor did today was even worse than Qionghua, completely disregarding Kunlun and the land of Kyushu.

The Nine Heavenly Geniuses frowned slightly, their divine power gradually condensed, and the Dao Dao glow gradually became more profound.

Since it has been decided to strike, it is natural to come in the true body, otherwise it is difficult to intervene in such a level of fighting, even if it is impossible to deal with the aftermath.


The Nine Heavenly Goddesses looked at the Heavenly Dome with some shock.


In the next instant, a terrifying dragon roar resounded throughout the heavens and the earth!

The huge five-colored ring dissipated, followed by the appearance of a vast shadow of an ancient dragon,

Yang Tianchang roared, opened the dragon’s mouth, and directly swallowed up the falling vast thunder, carrying the infinite power towards the dark and incomprehensible heavenly dome!

It was also the celestial projection of the Divine Realm, with a hint of spatial fluctuations, and it was absolutely difficult for ordinary beings to enter, but beings like Fang Qin could naturally enter at will!

Although the shadow of the dragon had never really been revealed, it was still vast!

Roaring into the dark curtain of the Heavenly Dome, emitting a terrifying roar, and constantly devouring the thunder in it!

Rush up with unparalleled strength!

In an instant, we have arrived at a sparkling sky!

If ordinary people are bathed in this light, they can have the magic of creation, transformation, and rebirth, which is not a problem, and immortality can also be achieved!

As Fang Qin swept by, he already knew the mystery of this place, but he did not pay attention to it.

Such creations are of course supreme creations for mortals, but they are of no use to them.

Without staying, Fang Qin’s mind moved, and he used the method of “Getaway” to cross the layers of spatial obstacles.

The surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and it had reached a cloudy fairy palace, and the fairy land was sacred and magnificent!

The richness of the Heaven and Earth aura converges into a trickle, flowing around it, and the creation of Heaven and Earth is more profound than the earthly caves and blessed places!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the land of the gods is the most blessed realm in this world!


The moment Fang Qin broke into this place, the heavens and the earth changed color, the killing intent was like a knife, and the thunder with even more power swept in in an instant!


Fang Qin used the power of the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic, and the golden qi and blood of the glass rushed up into the sky, and the terrifying momentum swept through!

The thunder that struck and the clouds and mist in the Heavenly Dome were instantly shattered, and there seemed to be some faint tremors in the entire Divine Realm!

Fang Qin’s body was surrounded by glass golden qi and blood, and the Xuan Color True Yuan flowed, and his face was cold and calm.

However, the battle intent that soared into the sky covered all four directions and deterred the entire Divine Realm!

In the main hall in the center, a group of gods were shocked!

I only felt that my body was stagnant, it was difficult to run a little, my body was like falling into an ice cave, and my heart was shocked!

“How could it be… So powerful! ”

“It’s hard to imagine, such a terrifying breath, my divine power can’t even be transported.”

The Jurchen God who was located in it was also ugly and pale, only to feel that on the traces of burning in his body, there was a faint pain again.


Emperor Fuxi opened his eyes and stood up gently, and the infinite light of creation emerged!

The majestic aura that dominated the world swept through, far away from that war will, and the killing intent overflowed in his eyes!

“Dare to enter my divine realm!” But it’s bold! ”

In the next instant, no more words, no confrontation!

The two are directly shot!

The terrifying light and heat filled the whole heaven and earth, and the gods were horrified!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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