
In the land of the Kunlun Mountains, countless cultivators looked at the faint clouds and thunder left in the sky.

In the four worlds, there seems to be a thick and inexplicable sense of coercion.

At the moment of the previous quarter of an hour, the entire sky was still covered in an infinite black curtain, and only countless thunderbolts were tearing and rumbling, as if they wanted to destroy the entire Kunlun land!

That’s the power of the gods! It’s also a heavenly punishment!

All the cultivation immortal forces in the Kunlun Mountains were all shocked, and their faces looked miserable.

The scene experienced in the short period of time before really shocked everyone who saw it!

Originally, the matter of the ascent of the main peak of Qionghua had been fermented for several days and had spread all over the place, and as long as you were not blind, you could look at the mountain that floated up in the air!

There are so many monks in Kunlun Mountain, and there is no shortage of intelligent people,

Thinking about the legend of Kunlun Tianguang, he had already guessed such an image, or Qionghua’s ascension.

All are envious and excited!

The world’s act of cultivating immortals is really too illusory, and it has been a long time in the world that it has not heard of anyone who has become immortals.

It was too difficult, and all the Faculties in the world had specialized in studying and enlightening, but the expectation of becoming an immortal was still out of reach.

If it were not for the obsession in the heart, I am afraid that many people would have given up.

However, at this moment, the image of Qionghua’s ascension made all the cultivators who had speculated be shocked and suddenly realized!

Oh, yes! If you can reach the Kunlun Heavenly Light, can you directly bathe in the Heavenly Light and cultivate into an immortal body?

So they all looked forward to the changes after that, and wanted to see if Qionghua could really lift the sect to soar!

If that’s the case, it’s the Avenue of Immortals!!

It’s just that this vision was shattered after Qionghua ascended for seven days and seven nights!

A magnificent golden light appeared above the heavenly dome, and although it was difficult to see it, the shadow of the Divine and Holy could be faintly seen!

It was the legendary Nine Heavenly Virgins!

At that time, many people thought that the god that Qionghua worshipped was this lady, and they all thought that Qionghua’s ascension was going to succeed.

However, it is difficult for everyone to imagine that this famous god did not come for the next time, but brought the will of the Heavenly Emperor.

The divine will contained mana that spread in all directions, and the ignorant mortals could not hear it, but it made all the monks fall into the ice cave!

The heavens are burning and the earth is falling!

All the people of Qionghua were imprisoned by the East Sea Vortex!

What followed was like a rampage, and the unimaginable horrors of ordinary unimaginable appeared.

Finally, when the golden figure of the glass around the Dao appeared, everyone was shocked and lost their minds for a long time.

“But it turned out that… There really are gods in the world. ”

“Heavenly Fire and Thunder, such a terrifying sight, must be a heavenly punishment!” What a horror!

If it really falls, I am afraid that there will be no Kunlun in the world, and I and the other Kunlun Eight Sects will also be eliminated! Is such a mighty power a god…”

“Oh, that kind of power, not to mention Kunlun, even the land of Kyushu will be greatly affected, and the commission is extremely terrifying!”

“…… Fortunately, fortunately, there is a divine hand to save the world, if not, it is really difficult to imagine the consequences of the punishment that day,

However, is there such a god in the world…

That Five Spirit Circle and the Dragon Divine Beast, these two characteristics, how could I not have imagined that they could correspond to the myth…”

“I don’t know… But that divine figure, just by seeing it, already makes people feel worshipped! ”

“Yes! The power of heavenly punishment can be broken alone! It’s hard to imagine how powerful it is! It can be with the heavens…”

“It’s not something I can do with it, it’s just that… So… Could there be something wrong? What Lady Xuan said was…”

“How can I know that mortals like me have stopped, but it seems that there is a sign of rest, could it be over?”

Just that Qionghua, alas…”


In the town of Banxian, it was already covered with dust, and two figures remained here.

Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying looked at each other, and both saw the shock and joy that remained in each other’s eyes.

The others didn’t know who the last figure to appear was, but the two of them had been taught the cultivation method by him, and they had been together for a long time, so naturally they wouldn’t admit it!

“Big brother him! It turned out to be such a powerful person!

I used to think that Big Brother Fang Qin was very powerful, but I didn’t expect it to be so powerful! ”

Yun Tianhe’s face was a little surprised and happy, Fang Cai Tian’s punishment was in danger of falling, and even his heart was shocked and shocked!

Fortunately, in the end, there was Fang Qin’s big brother who stopped the danger!

Murong Ziying’s face was also a little confused, and he subconsciously nodded his head and smiled bitterly:

“Yes! Predecessor…… Such beings are like this.

Although I have long guessed, but such a great power, really…

Now that I think about it, I was really like a summer worm talking ice, I don’t know what it is! ”

Even though I had tried my best to guess that the ancestors were gods, I was still shocked to see the scene of the mighty power of such gods!

As he spoke, the heaviness in his heart was slightly relieved, and he said:

“Since the predecessors appeared here again, I think Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie should be fine…”

Just thinking about Qionghua’s demise, Murong Ziying’s face darkened.

Yun Tianhe suddenly clenched his fists and said, “I must practice well in the future, this feeling of powerlessness, I don’t want to try it again!” ”

When Murong Ziying heard this, he also nodded slightly, and with the cultivation behavior of the two of them, in fact, in most places in the human world, they were invincible beings.

But when faced with the gods, they are like ants… Even the ants are not as good, which is really unbearable.

“Let’s go! The people of Banxian Town have been rescued as much as possible, let’s go to Crescent Village to see,

Although it is not possible to do the earth-shattering act of saving the world like the predecessors, it can also do a little part! ”

“Well, you’re right, let’s go.”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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