
The endless high altitude of the Divine Realm.

Fang Qin’s Xuan-colored True Element flowed endlessly, the golden qi and blood of the glass soared into the sky, and the void shook for it!

Between movement and stillness, it brings unimaginable terror and power!

In contrast, the purple thunder carries an amazing breath of destruction, and the two collide countless times in an instant, bringing infinite vibration!

Make the space collapse for thousands of miles, roll up the space and soar the wind!


Everything around him was swept away by violent forces and divine powers, and space was shattered to pieces.

Countless spatial turbulences, under the fury of spiritual power, emitted terrifying fluctuations.


The Fuxi Heavenly Emperor was surrounded by divine light and destruction thunder, and his divine power surged and his majesty was infinite, just like the only god in the world.

His face looked coldly into the distance, and as time passed, the killing opportunity in his heart became more and more abundant.

After the real fight, you can know the horror of the other party.

The battle power is too terrifying!

The unimaginable flesh body is simply more powerful than the god demon!

Countless Dao Fa Divine Messengers came at hand, and the power displayed by them was extremely terrifying!

It was unbelievable that a mere Terran could have such a powerful power.

Since the birth of Pangu Essence, in the infinite years, there have only been two beings, and they can not stand up to him.

Shennong and Nuwa, who are also the Three Emperors!

The three are all transformed by the same Pangu wisp of essence, the same personality, equal divine power, and the same carrying infinite merit and the heavy responsibility of creation.

Only such a being can truly be incompatible with Fuxi.

However, even these two early three emperors were all under his calculations, which was equivalent to falling.

There should have been no existence in this world, and it was only right that it could be defeated by him.

However, for no reason, this mysterious Terran race appeared without knowing the origin.

The human race in front of you is too dangerous to control,

The most crucial thing is that since the battle, the other side seems to have become stronger and stronger, and the cultivation has actually made some progress.

Such a terrifying cultivation speed shocked the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor!

With this comes deeper murder and jealousy!

If you continue to let it go, after a long time, it is likely that you will no longer be able to compete with it.

‘Be sure to take advantage of this time…’


An ancient dragon’s shadow roared and roared, attacking with an unmatched momentum!

Fu Xi’s eyes narrowed, and the vast and infinite divine power waved!

A Creation Divine Light instantly fended off the onslaught of attacks!


Click! Click!

The surrounding space emitted a loud crashing sound, spreading to the edge of the sky, and countless space debris fell somewhere in the Divine Realm.

With endless winds and endless vibrations, they were destroyed into ruins in an instant.

In the midst of a shock, the two stood in the void, far away from each other, and the will to fight was full of killing intent!

Emperor Fuxi Tiandi’s face was expressionless, and the divine light of the creation of his body appeared, and he said coldly:

“Ru… It’s really powerful! But……

This god sits on the throne of the gods, stops on behalf of the heavens, and is level with the Tao, but not only relies on brute force, but don’t think that if you have some strength, you can do it!

If that’s all, then you can’t escape the fate of being suppressed by the gods! ”

A figure stood in the distance of ten thousand feet, Fang Qin’s body was surrounded by glass golden qi and blood and Xuan color true yuan, flowing in waves,

Exuding an extremely vast atmosphere, in the face of the killing machine locked by Fuxi, calmly said:

This sentence should be said by me, if you are nothing more, I will suppress you in an instant!”

Needless to say, let me use all my strength, let me see what the so-called Divine Realm Lord, the Three Emperors Fuxi, really has to rely on self-proclaimed Heavenly Emperor. ”

Although the divine power and divine power exerted by the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor were extremely terrifying, they were also much stronger than the Dragon of the Candle.

The divine power that destroyed the thunder and the divine light that created the divine light was even more amazing, and its power was infinite!

But if it was just that, it was not enough, it was hard to believe that he could use this strength to sit on the throne of God for endless years, and there must be something else to rely on.

Thinking about what Fu Xi said, and Fang Cai’s ability to transform space, Fang Qin had some conjectures in his heart.

‘It should be the power of the authority of this world, the power of the spatial transformation of the talents, and it should also be exercised by this…’

With Fang Qin’s current strength, even the terrifying power generated by the collapse of the surrounding space would be difficult to hurt him in the slightest.

Not to mention the simple space magic power, which absolutely could not be useful to him.

However, Fang Cai, without noticing it for a moment, was directly transferred by the other party to the infinite height of the Divine Realm!

There were no spatial fluctuations, just like the rules of uniformity, which made Fang Qin feel mysterious and difficult.

Fu Xi’s eyes were cold, killing Senran, and he reached out to the void a little.

“Ahem! Both! This God has perfected you! ”

In the next instant, the whole heaven and earth changed color!


Unimaginable pressure pervades all around!

Fang Qin’s heart jumped, and he was a little surprised, only to feel that between the darkness, an awe-inspiring crisis came.

In the next instant, the mind moved with his thoughts, and he performed the method of “Getaway”, and the figure suddenly disappeared!


The position where Fang Cai was located was covered by a gray and unknown force, and even the space turned into nothingness!

Fang Qin’s figure had reached tens of thousands of feet away, and he was a little surprised to see that the land of a hundred miles had turned into nothingness, and he suddenly felt something interesting, and such a power was really amazing.

“Is this the power of authority?”

In response to him, an endless crisis struck him!

Fu Xi’s body was filled with divine light, and in his eyes, it seemed to reflect the world’s running reason, like the only true god who held the authority of heaven and earth!

Exudes unimaginable coercion and divine power, and everything in the world is controlled by it!

Thunder, red heat, soaring winds, meteorites, heavy water, rotten poison… The mighty power of countless natural disasters in the world, seemingly through infinite blessings, contained an unimaginable atmosphere of destruction, attacking Fang Qin from all directions.

Between heaven and earth, there was no place to stand, and even Fang Qin’s current cultivation realm felt an unimaginable sense of crisis coming.

This is not a simple natural disaster, it contains a terrible power!

Fang Qin’s gaze froze, True Yuan, Qi, Blood, Spirit, and Strength flowed!


Ten Thousand Swords – Aura Sword Array!

Ten Thousand Swords – Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram!

The sword light of the Dao Dao appeared to bless the four directions, and the mysterious yin and yang patterns flowed around the body.

The power of heaven and earth that came from around them, as well as the heavy pressure, suddenly eliminated part of it.

However, the remaining power is like a gangrene attached to the bone,

Fang Qin’s brow frowned slightly, his mind moved, and he cast the “Getaway”, and his figure suddenly disappeared, crossing layers of obstacles.


Seeing this, the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor sneered, transported his authority, shuttled through space, and dodged the terrifying dragon shadow that attacked.

Fang Qin was not surprised, while dodging the power of those natural disasters that struck, he made the vast dragon elephant power and infinite sword light attack Fuxi!

The two instantly clashed more than a thousand times, and the power of terror swept through the collapse!

‘…… How could it last so long…’

Emperor Fuxi frowned slightly, under the blessing of his own authority, the other party could still have spare strength to resist for such a long time, it was really terrible,

Fortunately, it will be suppressed now, otherwise it will be repaid later!

“Being able to persist for such a long time, Fang Qin, this god also has to admire your strength,

But no matter what, the result will not change!

I am the god of the world, and I control everything! ”

Fu Xi’s eyes were cold, and between the surges of divine power, the authority was exerted with full force, and the power of violent destruction was even more violent!


The heavens and the earth seemed to be permeated with endless natural disasters, intent on devouring Fang Qin.

When Fang Qin saw such a mighty power, he couldn’t help but sigh slightly, and exclaimed:

“It’s amazing…”


Under such an attack, even Fang Qin’s achievement of the body of the Dragon Elephant Sacred Body could not fully dodge and resist, only a quarter of an hour.

The corrosive, burning, and scorched black scars of the Dao Dao appeared on his body, and the infinite destructive force seemed to be pervasive, trying to wipe out the vitality in it.

If this continues, the situation will become more and more dangerous.

Fang Qin’s face remained unchanged, and if he thought about it, his heart was already clear.

“That’s the way it is…”

The power of the world that Fu Xi has transported is the power blessed by this world, and the power of every natural disaster is extremely terrifying.

After all, no matter how strong one’s own strength is, when it does not reach a certain height, it is absolutely difficult to compare with the world.

Although in Fang Qin’s view, the other party only relied on the authority of his personality and borrowed some of the world’s power.

But even so, it is still extremely terrifying!

If it were not for Fang Qin’s breakthrough in the [Jingqi God], the achievement of the [Dragon Elephant Sacred Body],

The strength of the flesh is extremely terrifying and amazing, and the infinite power and the extremely huge flow of life essence qi are even difficult to persist for long under such forces.

However, after feeling this kind of power, Fang Qin was not ready to continue the wave.

The power of the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture was directly activated, and the terrifying glass golden qi and blood roared!

No longer paying much attention to those natural disasters that struck, the mind and will locked into the distance, and Fuxi, whose face was a little suspicious, the infinite momentum directly exploded!

Hell of the Underworld!



Like the roar of a dragon from ancient times, it resounded throughout the heavens and the earth!

The sky suddenly darkened, and an unimaginable field covered Heng Yu!

The mighty power of the thick and vast breath enveloped the heavens and the earth, and the aura of heaven and earth condensed for it, and the mighty power of the natural disasters that pervaded the surroundings also came to a standstill!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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