

The roar of the dragon roared and resounded between heaven and earth!

The dark, thick, and vast realm of the underworld covers Hengyu, and the heavens and the earth are condensed for it!

The power of natural disasters that pervaded everywhere seemed to have lost its blessing, and its strength suddenly fell and was eliminated.


When Emperor Fuxi saw this, he finally couldn’t maintain the flatness of the victory in his hands, and his face was moving, full of horror!

In his perception, he only felt that the whole heaven and earth had changed drastically and entered some kind of unimaginable realm!

The heart is shaken, the divine power is also frozen for it, and the most critical and unimaginable thing is that

His most important dependence, the authority of the world, seems to be smashed by this shadow and infinitely weakened!

The so-called authority is to borrow the power of the world, and the vast power wielded by it has absolute power, just like the rules of the world!

In these six realms, thanks to the personality of the three emperors of the first world, infinite merit and the heavy responsibility of creation, as well as the personality of the Heavenly Emperor who has gradually condensed,

He can borrow the power of the whole world, rules, space, time, fate, and other unimaginable super-standard forces, and he can use this luck to make it out.

Like him, the only people who were entitled to borrow the power of the world were the other two Three Emperors, Shennong and Nuwa, but they were all under his calculations, and one by one they were equal to extinction.

Thus, in the entire six realms, there is only one who can wield the authority of the world.

Such a powerful and only power is also the vital force that can sit firmly on the throne of God and dominate the Divine Realm!

Otherwise, how vast the Divine Power of the Dragon of the Candle Isle, the unimaginable combat power of the Nine Heavenly Goddesses, and the Yama King, although inferior, were barely located in a gradient of existence.

Why would the existence of these innate gods recognize their position as emperors and be nominally subject to their jurisdiction?

You must know that although his divine power is much stronger than these innate gods, it is also extremely limited!

The same innate gods born of the opening of the heavens and the earth and the creation of infinity, and all of them are the beings of the first gradient, even if they cannot defeat him, they cannot perish because of it.

He was able to recognize his position as Heavenly Emperor and the ruler of the Divine Realm, all because of the authority of the world he controlled!

Of course, the authority of this world is not at will.

After all, the power of the non-own body, and the use of the power of a world, although only a slight hint, but also extremely easy to cause a reaction to oneself.

Therefore, for several extremely powerful innate gods, he always had a jealous heart in his heart!

After all, although the Divine Power of the Third Emperor of the First World was the most powerful type of god, because he only inherited one of the Pangu [Spirit Spirit Spirits], he was not perfect, and there were risks and defects in the sudden decline of divine power!

In this regard, it is not as good as the Dragon of the Candle and several innate gods can be as good as they are.

For a long time, I originally wanted to calculate Shennong and Nuwa and seek their own perfection, but the existence of the Three Emperors naturally failed one by one!

And there is a lot of money paid for it.

Today, such deficiencies of imperfection still exist.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, the stability of the Heavenly Emperor’s throne, the gradual increase of authority in the Six Realms, and the endless years of continuous study and understanding, he became more and more proficient in the fortune of authority, but he gradually relaxed his heart.

As long as authority is in his hands, the only apex of the world will remain him.

In this way, the authority of the world can be said to be his most important dependence.

But now there is a situation that has never been seen before, an unimaginable sense of obscurity!

He only felt that the whole heaven and earth had changed, not as before, but he could borrow authority and summon the familiarity of the world’s power.

Instead, it exudes an unimaginably heavy pressure, as if it wants to suppress it!

Under such an unprecedented sense of crisis, the mentality of the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor ruling the world finally gave birth to a trace of fear.

“You! Despicable mortals! What did you do!! Fu Xi’s face was cold and he drank.

The body was running with full force with a slight stagnation of divine power, and the vast thunder and creation divine light were constantly surging around the body.

But in his heart, he constantly connected with the power of his previous authority, and wanted to return to the strength of his previous authority.


Fang Qin’s qi and blood roared around him, and the lines of the Dao Dao Dragon Divine Elephant seemed to emerge between the flesh and blood, bringing unimaginable strength!

With a flat face, he announced the final end:

“Fu Xi, Ru’s death is even there!”

Since entering this world, the perception between the underworld has been constantly telling him that there is a mysterious and extremely powerful existence that has produced infinite killing intent on him.

From what Fang Qin had seen and heard, and from the various practices of this Fu Xi, the two of them were already irreconcilable situations.

In other words, even if Fuxi is hindered by his strength and is willing to reconcile, he will not accept it.

Since the other party has great malice, it is natural to accept the consequences of extinction.

“Ahem! I don’t know! The power of the ants also dares to compete with the heavens! ”

Emperor Fuxi’s face was gloomy, but his heart suddenly sank,

To tell the truth, he did not expect that the situation that was originally in the hands of victory was suddenly reversed.

The strength of the other party is obviously beyond their own prediction!

Don’t dare to think about it any more, use all the divine powers, and the unimaginable divine light illuminates the entire dark realm!



In the divine light, seven colors appeared, and between the flows, there was an endless killing terror, which instantly attacked Fang Qin!

Fang Qin didn’t say a word, his mind was moving!

The entire realm of the underworld was suddenly shaken!

Unimaginable terror overwhelmed in all directions, and above the heavenly firmament, a vast dragon hair appeared,

Using space as water, shaking the void, bringing unimaginable waves of terrifying power!

The incoming power was only a few moments away, it had completely shattered and dissipated, and the power was absorbed by the Celestial Realm, adding a sense of heaviness to the entire realm!


The pupils of the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor shrank violently, his heart was trembling, and an unimaginable sense of crisis enveloped his body.

Not daring to stay any longer, the figure suddenly dissipated and roared towards the center of the Divine Realm!

‘You can’t stay here anymore, the field here is weird, you need to leave early!’

Otherwise, the consequences are unpredictable, but…

Even if he was strong, he couldn’t cover a long distance and go to the center of the Divine Realm to let the gods buy the opportunity for me! ’


The divine light roared!

Under Fu Xi’s shock, the figure was already thousands of miles away in an instant!

However, what shocked and panicked him was that the strange realm covering the heavens and the earth seemed to have no end, and the pressure of the thick sky did not weaken in the slightest!

Endless coercion locked on him from beginning to end.

“Can you go…”

A faint slight word came out, which made Fu Xi’s heart tremble, and an unimaginable sense of crisis emerged!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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