
“Can you go…”

A faint slight word came out, which made Fu Xi’s heart tremble, and an unimaginable sense of crisis emerged!

Subconsciously transported the divine power of the whole body to protect Zhou’s body and body.

In the next instant, a huge roar sounded!


Heaven and earth change, and the mysterious dragon above the heavens surrounds the heavens and the earth,

The central jade-colored barbarian god image appeared, and the power in the entire realm became particularly terrifying!

As soon as the two ancient beasts moved, the space collapsed and collapsed, and the dragon groaned like a roar!

Whoop whoop!!

Unimaginably vast divine light shone from above the dragon, threatening the land of the four directions!

In the center, the jade-colored savage god elephant roared up, lifted up an unimaginably huge figure, and stomped on it suddenly!

“Not !!!”

The Fuxi Heavenly Emperor’s eyes were split, his body was full of divine power condensed, and it was difficult to move a bit,

Although it was only a few moments, in the middle of the battle, it was enough to evolve endless killing chances!

That immensely vast and incredible divine image, as vast as the Immortal Mountain, with an endless momentum, slammed down in an instant!

The dragon is wonderful, and the gods are like stepping on the heavens and the earth!


Click, click, click!!

The roar of great terror resounded, and the infinite space shattered and disappeared.

Under the suppression of the Dragon God Elephant, it was like the power of the heavens, with the power of invincibility and great terror, it was fiercely suppressed!

Heaven and earth mourned, and it seemed that even the realm of the heavens and the underworld was suppressed by the terrifying and vast power of the vast dragon elephant, shattering and roaring!

The range within ten thousand miles instantly turned into nothingness!

Terrifying fluctuations swept in, and unimaginable storms spread like a circle in an instant, constantly expanding infinitely from the center of the realm to the four directions!

The vibrations and wailings in the Divine Realm turned all over the place into red land!

The many realms that remained far from the center of the concussion were also reduced to rubble in the terrible aftershock!


In the center of the Divine Realm, countless gods were also affected by such a vast and terrifying force, except for a few who had relatively great divine power, they were seriously injured and dying, and their divine power dissipated.

In an instant, there were many beings under the divine power, and under the aftermath of the power of the Fangcai, the divine power dissipated, suddenly descended, and fell into a permanent sleep!

If it were not for the fact that the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor had previously invoked the power of his authority to move the battlefield away from the center, it was extremely far away from this place, and the impact was small,

Coupled with the fact that this realm is the Divine Realm, these gods are protected by the power of the Divine Realm, almost like a rule, almost immortal!

I am afraid that in an instant, more than half of the gods existed, and their souls were scattered under the aftermath of Fang Cai.

However, even if he was now suspended by the power of the Divine Realm, he was still in a permanent sleep.

Whether you can wake up in the future is unknown, and it is difficult to guess.

Those whose remaining divine power had not yet completely dissipated looked at the distant place with a look of horror, which was already a blur of collapse, spreading beyond how far away.

It is necessary to know that the Divine Realm is the strongest of the six realms.

However, at this moment, in a huge and vast area, such a terrible shattering image was caused, and the battle in it was too terrible!

With their divine power, it was even difficult to probe the situation, and they could only see an extremely vague image of collapse!

In the divine consciousness, there was a great sense of crisis, knowing that if he released the divine consciousness to investigate, he was afraid that he would be destroyed in an instant!

Some gods had a miserable face and trembled:

“The Emperor of Heaven and… Who won? ”

Without a response from the gods, all beings trembled, and an infinite fear arose over the Terrans.

In the face of such a vast power, these gods who used to be high above,

It is like turning into an ant, so small that if you don’t pay attention to it, you will be destroyed under the terror of the afterglow!

They only feel that it is difficult to accept, but no matter how difficult it is, they dare not say anything.



In the Kunlun Heavenly Light, the Nine Heavenly Maidens Luo Skirt fluttered, and the immortal qi was vague, revealing a unique style.

Mixed body divine power to use full force to resist the terrifying fluctuations from the divine realm!

With all his might, all the fluctuations were resisted above the infinite sky, and not the slightest wave of power leaked to the human world.

But Rao was like this, the Heavenly Dome was still stained with layers of golden radiance, which was the boundary that she had to cast out!


The Nine Heavenly Geniuses breathed a slight sigh of relief, gathered their divine power, and their faces were extremely solemn.

Looking in the direction of the Divine Realm, there was a hint of confusion.

Although he was already known to be extremely powerful, to such an extent, it was still unimaginable horror.

“Just that… What the hell is that…”

Crossing the layers of obstacles, what he saw was a layer of blurred scenery, only after shattering, the last faint dragon god elephant stepped on the sky and shook the earth, suppressing the infinite power of the world!

The Nine Heavenly Virgins thought about the terrifying power that Fang Cai felt, and had a surprising idea in her heart.

‘Shouldn’t the Emperor of Heaven have been…’

The face was a little subtle, and there was thought in the eyes.


The demon world is also affected,

At the Well of the Divine Demon, the Demon Respect Lou blessed countless Demon Qi, and under the power of the terrible Demon God, it was enough to stop the aftermath of the wave that rippled.

The blood in his eyes appeared, and he was also shocked.

“Is this Ru’s strongest force, I don’t know if the Heavenly Emperor can resist…

It’s horrible…

With my strength, if I cast the [Demon God Disintegration] and go all out, can I take over this supreme divine power…”

For the first time, the demon respectfully felt a little powerless.

With his own strength, needless to say, as arrogant as he was, he had to admit that he was no longer Fang Qin’s opponent at all.

However, as a demon god in the demon world, there is a unique amazing method of the demon clan, called “Demon God Disintegration”.

With the Supreme Secret Method, all the Demon God power can be exploded, and the power of absolute terror can be exerted!

However, this method is at the cost of life, and only the immortal and immortal characteristics of the Demon Clan can be cast!

But even so, it comes at a heavy cost, with extremely serious consequences!

Ordinary demon gods do not need to say much, the demon body collapses and dies, and it is necessary to use the immortal and immortal characteristics of the demon clan to gradually condense and form from the new in the distant future, and it will be restored in infinite years.

Even if it is as powerful as the Demon Respect Building, if this secret method is used, it can only barely maintain the body’s immortality, but the power of a demon god will also dissipate, and it will take time to gradually recover.

In this way, the horror of this law can be seen.

The existence of non-demon clans is the god clan, and it is impossible to perform such disintegration secrets!

However, such a serious consequence, the combat strength blessed after unleashing, is also extremely terrifying!

But now…

Even this kind of method, with the feeling of heavy building, feels that it is not enough!

Suddenly there was silence.

His strength may have increased too much… Or did he keep his hand before? ’

The demon respected Lou and frowned slightly, but also felt that things were unimaginable.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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