
In the Divine Realm, in addition to the Heavenly Palace in the center, there is also a place that is also the most important area of the Divine Realm.

It is the Divine Tree Realm located in the Forbidden Land of the Divine Realm!

This place was far from the center of the Divine Realm, but it was even more amazing than the Heaven and Earth Spirit Power at the center.

And the so-called tree of the gods is an ancient tree that penetrates the heavens and the earth, born of the creation of heaven and earth, and is extraordinary!

Its essence is incomparably vast, spreading throughout the Divine Realm and fixing the four directions, so that the Divine Realm can dwell in heaven forever.

Nesu went deep into the space, leaving nowhere to be found, and some of them fell into the land of Shu Mountain on earth, combined with the Heart of Pangu, forming the first fairyland floating immortal mountain on earth – Shu Mountain!

It can be seen that it is extraordinary!

The sacred tree is the source of life in the world, containing endless life essence.

Fuxi created the god of the day after tomorrow, relying on the fruit of the divine tree, and used his own divine power as a guide, thus creating the god family.

Such a mysterious and fundamental thing, naturally does not allow any other gods to enter privately,

Except for a goddess who was born of the infinite life essence of the Divine Tree and the creation of heaven and earth, who guarded this place, there were very few beings in the Divine Realm who could approach this forbidden place.

Now, in thousands of years, there is a presence that has entered this place again.

Fang Qin slowly stepped into it and looked at the ancient tree that reached the heavens, thousands of brilliant lights fell, and the infinite life essence filled the air, which shocked people’s spirits.

His eyes lit up slightly, and he said:

This place should be the place where the aura of heaven and earth is the most concentrated in the whole world, but it is really extraordinary!” ’


A brilliant divine light appeared, and a Qianying was dressed in a Youlan purple dress, wearing a crown on her head, engraved with phoenix patterns, and a soft veil covering her face, although it could not be seen, but it was also very good.

“I am… Xi Yao, the guardian of the Sacred Tree, did not know who your excellency was, why, why did you break into the Divine Tree Realm without permission? ”

Xi Yao looked at the mysterious being in front of her and said with some trepidation.

Although I can’t see half of the other party’s divine power, being able to appear here already explains the problem.

The Divine Tree Realm was guarded by a powerful Boundary, and when this one entered, the Boundary did not change in the slightest, so it was obvious that it was definitely not simple.


The Divine Realm was undergoing a great change recently, and she knew it.

Some time ago, the vast power of terror shook the entire Divine Realm, and space and time seemed to have been greatly affected.

If it weren’t for the fact that this place was far from the center, and the power of the Divine Tree could stabilize the four realms, I was afraid that the aftermath of the violent power would also have a lot of impact on the forbidden land here.

Although she was very eager to know what was going on outside, the responsibility of taking care of the sacred tree bound her.

From the beginning of her birth, in the countless years to the present, she has not left this place for half a step.

Therefore, although I am a little afraid and worried about the outside world, it is not good to leave this place without permission.

Now that an unknown being had entered this place, she could not speculate and was worried in her heart.

Looking at the handsome man who seemed to be interested in front of him, Xi Yao was a little flustered and continued to whisper:

“If there is no order of the Heavenly Emperor, no god can go near the sacred tree, you, it is better to leave.”

Fang Qin shook his head slightly and smiled, “Is Xi Yao … I have come here for the purpose of Fuxi, to borrow the Tree of God. ”


Xi Yao was about to speak, when in the next instant, Dengshi’s eyes widened, covered his mouth, and almost exhaled.

‘Days… Emperor of Heaven!? ’

Just seeing Fang Qin’s wave, an illusory and countless scar-wound figure of Fu Xi appeared here.

His body seemed to be shrouded in an unimaginable realm, and there was a sense of isolation from the world.

“Fang Qin, don’t go too far!

If you are still to be entangled, don’t think that this god has no backhand.

To seal this God, delusional! What kind of existence in the world can carry this God! You….”

As soon as Fu Xifang appeared, he shouted loudly and scanned the surrounding land, and when he saw the Divine Tree Realm, his eyes twitched and his heart tightened slightly!

Fang Qin ignored Fu Xi’s words, casually looked at it, and reached out his hand to take a picture, and among the Divine Tree, the largest branch was instantly ingested!


The Divine Tree is so vast that even if it is a branch, it is still an extremely vast existence.

A golden flame void emerged, spreading upwards, burning the entire branch of the Divine Tree,

However, in a few breaths, the life essence and mysterious power of the entire branches and leaves of the Divine Tree were constantly gathered in the center.

Under the brilliant brilliance, it transformed into a huge monument.

This stele is like stone like jade like wood and iron, it is made of the essence of the branches and leaves of the sacred tree, although it is only the first casting, but it also contains countless powers.

Fang Qin seemed to be smiling and swept towards Fu Xi, which immediately shocked Fu Xi and said coldly:

“Rue! Do you really want to do it?

Become a mortal enemy with this god, and in the years to come, Ru will not have a good end! ”

Fang Qin found it funny:

“At this juncture, you and I have long been mortal enemies.”

It is useless to talk more, and do you think that if you enter this monument, can you still come out? ”

Not to mention that when the other party shot before, it can be said that there are killing opportunities everywhere, if it were not for Fang Qin’s breakthrough in the Great Desolation [Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic], I am afraid it would also be extremely dangerous.

Now that he saw that he could not do anything, he was hung by Fang Qin with a hammer, and he came to say peace, where in the world is there such a simple thing.

And the other side relies most on the power of the world’s authority, although Fang Qin currently has no way to deal with it,

But he was not a person of this world, and under the seal, it was extremely difficult for Fuxi to come out, and it was even more non-threatening.

Or even if Fuxi really broke through the seal, at least it was already a long time ago.

At that time, what is the significance of whether he came out or not, saying that he will not regret breaking the seal.

Fang Qin said, without words, he captured the soul body of the Fuxi Yuan God and sent it directly to the giant monument!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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