
Fu Xi went all out to transport the remaining weak divine power, and the power to communicate with authority, wanting to resist and flee!

He knew that if he was really banned, it would be really difficult to have another chance to go out.

Since his birth, he has been extremely powerful in personality and divine power, and he has never been so embarrassed.

However, no matter how he struggled, it was difficult to have the slightest effect, and he was sent directly into the monument refined by the branches of the Divine Tree.


As soon as Fang Qin’s mind moved, the power of the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture suddenly began to operate!

In addition to the endless power of terror that belongs to the Dragon Elephant, this Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture also has the supreme forbidden power that belongs to the “Town Prison”!

A vast dragon elephant town prison, the terrifying picture of the four directions of the fixed pole reflected out, and the powerful and vast pressure swept through, hidden above the monument!

Suddenly, a burst of brilliant light erupted, and a powerful forbidden force appeared.


That Fuxi only felt that his perception of the outside world was infinitely reduced, and he was suddenly terrified and wanted to break through!

However, not to mention that during his heyday, he could not resist this [Dragon Elephant Power], and was directly suppressed and seriously injured.

Now that only a faint remnant of the soul remains, relying on the power of the world to hang the will to live, it is even more impossible to resist the power of such a mighty power.

However, in an instant, there was no sound, and it was completely sealed in the deepest void of the monument!

In this way, without the blessing of the resources of the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Force Creation, he only relied on a faint trace of world power to hang his life, and it was difficult for him to recover.

And even if he has a slight recovery, the stele also contains a killing chance, which will continue to wear away his Yuanshen body, maintaining his life force at the lowest minimum, so that he can never get out of trouble.

After the power of the Zhen Prison was unleashed, Fang Qin did not stop, and the True Yuan, Qi Blood, and Spiritual Power were used at the same time.

The golden hazy sword of Dao Dao Xuan constantly inscribed lines on it, outlining the blessings of the array,

The powerful life essence that originated from the Divine Tree was transformed into a source of strength for the formation.

In this way, even if Nafuxi wanted to use the slightest power of the Divine Tree, it would be absolutely impossible.

After the formation method was completed, it continued to carve the mysterious lines of the Dao, and the dragon and snake flew and hooked into lines.

However, a quarter of an hour later, above the monument, the mysterious lines of the Dao Dao appeared on it, and although there were no words or names, there was a sense that the truth of the world appeared on it, which was extremely wonderful!

Fang Qin nodded with satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, the giant monument suddenly bloomed with ten thousand radiances, and the magic was infinite.

With a loud cry, Weng fell straight down, breaking through the barriers of layers of space, falling towards the land of the earth, and disappeared in an instant!

Turning around and looking at the stunned Xi Yao, he slightly bowed his head and said, “Xi Yao, don’t go over for the time being.” ”

After saying that, he was about to leave, when suddenly he looked at Xi Yao again, looked at Xi Yao, and said:

“After that, there will be no more Fuxi in the Divine Realm!”

I see that you should have been here for many years and have never left, so why don’t you go out and see the world? ”

Xi Yao felt a little dizzy in her head, and she didn’t know what to do: “Ah, this…”

Fang Qin smiled, without words, glanced in a certain direction, and the figure flashed and disappeared!


Xi Yao was a little stunned, looking at the place where Fang Qin had disappeared, pulling his hair and digesting what he had just seen.

“The Heavenly Emperor is like this…

The previous shock was that he was fighting with the Heavenly Emperor…

I just said goodbye for the time being, could it be that he will still come here? ”


Now that the battle is over, it is not too much to collect some loot.

What’s more, in the Divine Realm, there are the most vast treasures in this world, and many spiritual objects and divine soldiers are like a sea of smoke.

Of course, none of this was very important, what Fang Qin valued was the divine magic of many gods in the Divine Realm.

In the ruins of a place that used to belong to the place of books, after collecting many methods of practice, I did not pay much attention to them.

After Fang Qin closed his eyes and felt it for a while, he shook his head slightly and muttered to himself, “Or go directly to them and ask them to come faster.” ”

Although an extremely large number of Divine Realm Methods had been collected, it was not known how much had been destroyed in the previous battle.

If you want to collect it all, it will be easier and faster to ask the gods directly.

Say a little bit and disappear.


The Nine Xuan Palace is a temple belonging to the Nine Heavenly Virgins.

The Nine Heavenly Divine Daughter looked at the figure in front of her, thinking about the huge monument that had fallen down in the realm of the Divine Tree of Fangcai, and there was some speculation in her heart, and she wanted to stop talking.

But in the end, there were no more words.

Fang Qin arched his hand slightly, “Before, thank you very much for your help.” ”

If it weren’t for this goddess to protect the Netherworld, Fang Qin wouldn’t be able to fight Fu Xi unscrupulously.

The Nine Heavenly Virgins shook their heads slightly, also in return, and said softly:

“No need to say thank you, even without me, it will be difficult for you to think.”

Speaking, he looked at his palace, and between his eyebrows, he said with a faint smile:

“However, my Nine Xuan Palace can be preserved, but thank you for the grace of your hand.”

Fang Qin was a little embarrassed in his heart and said:

“It still destroys a lot, after all, fighting with such a being as Fuxi, you need to do your best, and you can’t worry about much.”

“Well, I know…”

The Ninth Heavenly Virgin sighed slightly, and said:

“Although I roughly guessed that you could not stand up to the Heavenly Emperor, I still wanted to be bad, and I was…”

Shaking his head slightly, somewhat amazed,

Saying that, he held out his jade hand, and a few slowly glowing jade Jane appeared on his palm and handed it over.

“I see that you have asked for a lot of methods from those gods…

I don’t know, you have cultivated in such a realm, but why do you still need to look at these.

These are the collections of the Divine Realm, and some of my understandings, I will send them to you. ”

“The amount … Thanks a lot. ”

Fang Qin was a little surprised, but he did not refuse, and after thanking him, he left the Nine Xuan Palace.

The Nine Heavenly Goddesses looked at the chaotic Divine Realm, shook her head slightly, and turned back to the palace.

In the things in the Divine Realm, she didn’t want to be dry.

However, I think that after this incident, the gods in the divine realm will converge a lot.

I just don’t know whether the great changes in the Divine Realm are good or bad for the Six Realms.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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