

Above the Divine Tree Realm, the endless Heaven and Earth Creation and Life Essence Qi converged into a huge and vast vortex that poured into the center.

An astonishing figure of a gas machine sat quietly here.

Here, as the most concentrated spiritual power of the entire world’s heaven and earth, Fang Qin practiced like divine help!

After collecting all kinds of methods that could be collected in the Divine Realm, he came to the worldly treasure of the Divine Tree Realm and began to practice.

Previously, the evolution of the [Dragon Elephant Town Prison Classic], the breakthrough of the “Essence” of the “Spirit of the Spirit”, the achievement of the “Dragon Elephant Holy Body”, and the strength of it was greatly increased.

The spirit of the three are connected, mutual help and mutual benefit!

Although the rest of the Qi and God had not broken through, they were also affected by this, and the speed of cultivation was greatly enhanced.

This time, in the battle with Fuxi, the other party is one of the oldest and highest gods in the world,

A magic skill can be described as extremely exquisite, and in the end, the power of his envoy’s authority opened Fang Qin’s eyes.

Feeling the mysteries of the power of the world, when the other party transported the authority of the world, the vast power of the heavens and the earth was in charge, which was extremely extraordinary.

This kind of power that is in harmony with the world has also benefited Fang Qin a lot, and it is of great benefit!

Now, with this profound understanding, coupled with the countless methods that have been understood and collected in the Divine Realm, I want to make another breakthrough.


Fang Qin’s body Dao Dao Jade Jian appeared, it belonged to the entire Divine Realm, coupled with the many Fuxi Methods that he had understood in his heart, and the exquisite methods given by the Xuan Nu before, endless knowledge appeared in Fang Qin’s heart.

“Ding, open [comprehension deduction]….”

The state of Xuan Zhi and Xuan emerged, and Fang Qin was completely immersed in cultivation, and for a time, the speed of absorbing spiritual power was even worse.


In the distance, the Xiyao Divine Daughter hiding in the sacred tree only dared to sneak out of her head and quietly look at it a few times, secretly shocked.

“Good…. It’s awesome… The cultivation alone was already so amazing, and it was strange that he could overcome the Heavenly Emperor…”

He didn’t dare to look at it more, and he was afraid that he would move chaotically and disturb him, so he stayed quietly between the sacred trees, occasionally looking at the figure of the Dao cultivation in the distance.


The human world.


The roar resounded between heaven and earth, causing countless people from Kyushu, and even cultivators of the Immortals, to look up at the heavens and be shocked at once!

There was a divine light above the heavenly dome!

A vast and huge fireball, like a blazing sun star, continued to expand, emitting ten thousand rays of brilliance, and falling towards the earth on earth!

In half an instant, it fell into the land of Kyushu out of nowhere, and the whole heaven and earth seemed to be quiet!

In the next instant, an infinite radiance suddenly erupted, shining in all directions!

The strange thing is that such an amazing falling trend did not have much sound, but in the infinite brilliance, countless people’s illness and calamity were eliminated!

Such a wonderful and amazing effect, so that all people who feel it, for it, are sluggish, followed by endless surprises and fanaticism!

Kneel down and call out to the gods!

More intelligent and sensitive people seem to have been greatly inspired by it.

To put it bluntly, this is a miracle that has been sent down by the divine, and there must be a supreme immortal edge in it!

In the land of the human world, all beings who saw such an astonishing vision rushed to the source, like a pilgrimage!

The Imperial Dynasty, the Jianghu, the Three Sects and Nine Streams, and even the Cultivating Immortal Forces and the Demon Clan on Earth are no exception.

The beings of the other five realms, some of the top beings, were vaguely aware that there must be the results of the divine realm, the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor and a certain being.

However, all living beings do not know that an earth-shattering change is being conceived, and it is about to sweep the world!


A month passed in a hurry.

In the realm of the sacred tree.

The endless collection of aura seemed to have finally reached a critical point.


The heavens and the earth changed for a while, the vast and mysterious breath emerged, and a hazy vision enveloped the heavenly dome,

It was a hazy meaning, and in an instant, the changes were endless, and it evolved into a huge and vast Taiji yin and yang pattern!

With that, there are endless creations and mysteries!

One gases yin and yang, yin and yang give birth to four elephants, four elephants turn to gossip, and gossip evolves all things!

The sun, the yin, the stars, the thunder, the wind and rain, the four hours, and the cycle of reincarnation seem to be constantly revealed!

In the end, there is a faint star map that shines brightly, and countless stars shine endlessly!

Everything seems to be contained in it, and there are endless changes!

Only in an instant, the vast vision dissipated.

“Ding, [Tai Yin Yang True Scripture] Fusion Characteristics [Innate Dao Body]…”

“Ding, the [Taiyin Yang True Scripture] characteristic [Xuanyuan Zhendan] was enhanced to [Zhou Tian Xing Qi]…”

【Innate Dao Body】: Derived from the integration and deduction of [Immortal Bone Jade Chalcedony] [Life and Creation] [Heart Like Water] [Martial Arts General Outline], and the combination of infinite magic methods,

Xuan and Xuan, the door of all the wonders! In the heavens and all the worlds, the innate is almost the Dharma body of the Tao! All the Taoist gods are self-contained! The mysteries and laws of the world are easy to understand!

For the innate charm, infinite vitality gives birth to the whole body, containing great mysteries!

【Zhou Tian Xing Trick】:Opened up by the [Xuanyuan True Dan] Fusion Endless Method, there are three hundred and sixty-five tips in the human body, endless number of tips! The stars are like opening up the stars, which contain divine powers and are extraordinary!

【Taiyin and Yang True Scripture】:【Heavenly Dao Body】【Taiji Yin and Yang】【Zhou Tian Xing Trick】【Northern Meditation Has Fish】

Fang Qin’s body was full of water, crystal like jade, long hair was hanging down, and between breathing and stopping, infinite mysteries seemed to be hidden here.

Like the true gods and immortals who rule the heavens and the earth, everything in the world has lost its color!

Slightly closing his eyes and feeling the infinite mysterious feeling brought about by the breakthrough.

The so-called “innate Dao Body” is the Dao body that is closest to the Tao among the heavens!

Feeling the way of heaven and earth, rules, mysteries, and changes, in this Taoist body, like looking at the texture in the palm of the hand, it is easy!

Everything that Fang Qin perceives now seems to have more infinite mysteries than before!

The slight changes in heaven and earth, the sunlight, the breeze, the aura, the essence of life, and even the slight changes in time and space, are all incomparably clear.

He could easily know the rules, changes, and even fortunes of it, borrowing the infinite power between heaven and earth to exert the power of terror and vastness!

This is not a simple intake of heaven and earth aura, energy, and simple use as in the past.

Instead, it can really begin to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

It is like the power of Fuxi’s authority.

It’s just that compared to Fu Xi, he can only use such authority in this world, while Fang Qin can easily understand the laws in the heavenly world and use them for his own use.

In this way, it can be described as extremely mysterious!

Even Fang Qin was amazed and surprised!

Thinking about the past battles, just simply ingesting all the spiritual power within the perception, it was really…

The power I had used to do so before was too crude! ’

Fang Qin sighed slightly in his heart.

Of course, although it is much more mysterious than before, it is extremely difficult, even extremely difficult, to truly understand the way of heaven and earth.

All things are entangled with each other and affect each other, and the whole heaven and earth can be clearly expounded without some simple rules and changes, and it is necessary to constantly seek and move forward in order to gradually gain.

Fang Qin now possesses the Heavenly Dao Body, and will be more simple and intuitive than before, understanding the way of the world!

However, it is also necessary to keep the mind of seeking the path and constantly practicing understanding.

That’s it!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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