

A huge realm is like a star moving and stopping, following the original trajectory, hidden in the void, constantly running.

It is the Phantom Demon Realm.

At this time, the Illusion Realm had recovered from the damage of the previous period, and the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi contained within it was even greater than before.

The purple mist filled the entire demon world, and it was the best habitat for the dream tapir family.

Inside the Palace of Illusions, above the throne.

In Chan You’s plain face, there was a faint hint of sadness in the revealing place, and she said to Liu Mengli:

“Li Er, you and my mother and daughter have only just known each other, and then they are going to leave me again?”


Liu Mengli gently pursed her pink lips, and she didn’t know how to speak.

When Chan Yu saw her face, she knew the importance of her position in her heart, and sighed:

“Originally, I thought that my life would soon be over, and I would not be able to rest assured that I would not be able to reach the Illusion Realm.

After seeing you, not only are there surprises and happiness, but I can reunite with you for a long time, and I know that you are safe and sound.

But there is also a sustenance that wants to hand over this illusion world to you, so that you can be the lord of the illusion world…

It’s just, or rather, since you have such a heart, I don’t want to force it…”

Saying that, he laughed at himself and said, “Even if I want to keep you down, I don’t have the ability to do this…”

Thinking about what he saw that day, although he could not see any cultivation, he knew that there was definitely an extraordinary existence just by looking at the temperament.

It was also true that as she thought in her heart, the strength of the other party was simply unimaginable!

With a wave of his hand, the entire Amethyst Spirit Crystal damaged in the Illusion Realm was restored, and countless spiritual forces were gathered in the Illusion Realm than before.

And her whole body, injured to the source, the serious injury that had been dying for a short time, was also instantaneous, all recovered.

And under the influence of this, in the remaining period of cultivation, the cultivation has been further upgraded to a few levels, which is of great benefit.

Such an understatement, but the vast number of divine powers, has already shown the unfathomable strength of the other party, and it is incredible!

Now that I think about it, after I recovered from my injury, I still couldn’t see the slightest cultivation of the other party, which showed that the gap between the two was huge, just like the difference between cloud and mud.


Thinking about the many major events that had happened during this period of time, Chan Yu had some vague speculation in her heart and knew something.

Looking at his daughter’s dignified and virtuous appearance, he thought:

It’s not necessarily a good thing… Li Er can be with this … It is also a marriage that is difficult to find in the world.

Besides, he is also the great benefactor of my illusion world, so there is nothing to say. ’

Liu Mengli said softly, “Mother, I… I don’t want to leave him, I want to be with him forever…”

Chan Yu helplessly said, “Mother and father know, I only hope that you can still remember your mother and father in the future.”

The illusion world will be close to the human world within nineteen years, and you… If you think of your mother, come back and have a look. ”


Liu Mengli heard the words, and for a moment her face was a little hesitant, with her relationship with Fang Qin

Fang Qin naturally did not hide some of the secret things of the world, told her the truth of the matter, after knowing, if you want to be with Fang Qin forever, you will definitely leave this world.

If you leave, how long will it take to return, but it is not clear.

“Huh? How…… Is there anything hard to say? ”

Chan Yu saw her daughter’s look, and her heart was strange, and she asked with some concern.

“Oh, Li Er wants to come back, so I’ll take her back and relax your mind.”

A gentle and flat voice came, which slightly startled both of them.

Liu Mengli’s face was full of joy, and she looked at the comer and hurriedly walked over.

“Brother Qin~”

Chan You also stood up and said slightly, “Chan You, I have seen this sacred!” ”

She was self-aware in her heart, and naturally there would be no disrespect.

Even among mortals in the human world, they all need to pay attention to status, and such divine beings naturally need to be respectful and righteous, even if they have the relationship of their own daughters.

Fang Qin smiled slightly and said, “With my relationship with Li Er, you don’t have to be polite.” ”


Chan You’s face was somewhat complicated, and she glanced at her daughter, not knowing whether this was a mother and a daughter.

“Brother Qin…”

“As Fang Cai said, I am serious, if in the future, Li Er, you miss your mother-in-law, or your father in Shouyang, I will take you back.”


Fang Qin saw Liu Mengli smile, and also smiled slightly, then looked at Chan You, reached out and handed over a jade simple road:

“This is inscribed with the cultivation method of the Demon Clan’s bloodline, as well as the cultivation method of the Dream Tapir Clan that I have perfected before, I think it is also useful for you, accept it.”

“This… Is it too expensive? ”

Chan You’s heart was shocked, and her eyes widened slightly, although she didn’t know the contents, but there might be something wrong with such a sacred gift.

As for what Fang Qin said about the method of the Dream Tapir Clan, he did not feel strange, with the other party’s divine powers, his own cultivation method was only afraid of being very superficial, and it was an unimaginable favor to be able to get him to deduce and perfect.

“Mother-in-law, you will accept it, this is Brother Qin’s intention.”

Liu Mengli, who was beside her, also gently persuaded, Chan Yu saw this, and no longer pushed back, took over, slightly bowed down in salute, and thanked him:

“Thank you for the Divine Gift, the Illusion Realm will never dare to forget!”

Fang Qin was a little helpless to see this, but he also knew that the other party, as the lord of the Demon Realm of the Illusion Realm, was saddled with the fate of a clan, and in the face of his existence, handling things naturally did not dare to be careless.

I could only bow my head slightly and responded.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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