
Fang Qin took Mengli with Lingsha and Dragon Kui, and quietly left the Illusion Realm, and no other existence knew about it except Chan You.

Although Chan You wanted to send it with the etiquette of a clan, she was rejected by Fang Qin with a smile and did not want to make a big fuss.

After that, Fang Qin and a few others went to Han Lingsha’s clan and let her meet the clan members close to her family as a farewell.

He also left behind a practice method, which is the six-fold method of martial arts, and then he also left.

“Brother Fang Qin, are we leaving now?” Or where to go? Han Lingsha asked with some trepidation.

Fang Qin smiled and said, “Well, let’s go to a few more places.” ”

Saying that, he looked at the dragon and asked softly:

“Xiao Aoi, you already know the thing, so what do you think?”

I know that you want to find your loved ones, but the world is small, and you want to find a soul like a needle in a haystack,

Even a being like Yama, who controls life and death, can’t find where Fei Peng’s soul wanders in the world, and if he just searches for it, it will be very difficult. ”

Even if Fang Qin had cultivated to the current realm, his strength was extremely terrifying.

But it is extremely difficult to find an illusory soul in a world.

How vast a world is!

Just being the main body of this world, the Divine Realm, the Demon Realm, the Immortal Realm, the Demon Realm, the Human Realm, the Ghost Realm, and the Six Realms are as vast as a sea of smoke!

The Divine Realm and the Demon Realm are not quite large, although they are the two most powerful realms, but the size of the space is much smaller than that of the other realms.

However, in the human world, as the main body of Pangu Kaihua, the territory is vast to the extreme!

The land of Kyushu alone is already incomparably larger than the boundaries of Kyushu in the evil world.

Not to mention the north of Kyushu, where endless grasslands and high snow-capped mountains spread widely, spanning endless distances, and finally reaching a more massive wasteland.

The other four sides, although there is no such dark place as the Great Desolation, but the vastness is not to be spared, and there is an endless sea, I don’t know the depth!

In addition, the Dongtian Blessed Lands distributed in the famous mountain realms or overseas areas contain the image of Qiankun, and they are also the realms of the Dao,

The more huge and vast ones are said to be the Immortal Realm, which serves as a dojo for some cultivators who have become immortals.

There are also demon realms scattered in all directions, like stars moving, operating in the world, and the illusion realm is one of the smaller ones.

Of course, among the countless demon worlds, the most vast place belongs to the Shu Mountains formed by the Heart of Pangu and the roots of the Divine Tree.

Inside it is a huge Qiankun Realm, called Lishu Mountain, which is also a gathering place for demons.

As for the ghost world, as the reincarnation place of all living beings in the world, except for the divine and demonic garments, the vast extent, strictly speaking, is not much smaller than the human world, and it is also extremely vast.

In addition to the Six Realms, there are countless folded space planes hidden in the void, and above the Heavenly Dome, the hanging Zhou Tian Stars are also unimaginably huge.

If he really wanted to look for them all, even Fang Qin felt that the distance was far away and his hopes were slim.


Long Kui’s face was slightly flustered, and he stretched out his jade hand and clutched Fang Qin’s clothes tightly, wanting to stop talking.

Liu Mengli looked at Long Kui Dao with a gentle face:

“Aoi, don’t worry, everything has us.”

Han Lingsha on the side also smiled and said, “Good sister, if you don’t join us, I don’t want you to leave.”

“Sister Mengli, Sister Lingsha…”

Fang Qin said gently, “No matter how you choose, we will support you.”

If you want to be with us, I will take you with me, and if you don’t want to leave this world, I will try to help you. ”

Although it was difficult to trace the soul of Fei Peng, the power and faith that were gathered in the Fang Qin Divine Sea were pervasive.

After the passage of time, when it is refilled, it is possible to exert the power of “omniscience” with full force.

Regardless of the passing of the power of faith, when you exert all your strength, you should be able to get some useful information.

Thinking about the power of belief, Fang Qin also muttered something in his heart.

Previously, I thought that the power I had was greatly restricted in this realm, and it should be because of Nafuxi.

After sealing it, the feeling of obscurity did not get much better.

It is still only possible to explore some very small things, some hidden things in the world, which are difficult to explore.

Either because Fuxi had not yet completely fallen, and his Three Emperors and Heavenly Emperors had hindered the fortunes of foreign powers and powers.

Either my power has not been fully developed, or I have not studied much at all…’

Fang Qin thought about it a little in his heart, but he felt that both were in possession.

I am now the “innate Taoist body”, and it would be extremely helpful to have more understanding and understanding of such forces as the way, rules, and authority of this world.

Maybe there will be some unexpected benefits to the way of faith, or maybe…’

What Fang Qin thought in his heart was not vain, the so-called way of faith was the result of the endless faith and desire of living beings.

The terrifying faith power gathered by several worlds, the condensed sea of faith, even if it is still a rootless Ping, no foundation,

But it can drain the power of faith, use the power of the rule class, and do some incredible things.

If Fang Qin himself could have a profound understanding of such related rules and changes, then he would be able to exert his power in this way, and he would be able to do much better.


However, these are all things that will be slowly studied and enlightened in the future, but at the moment I don’t think much about it.

Long Kui gently bit his lip, his eyes were serious, and said softly, “I, I don’t want to leave Sister Lingsha and Sister Mengli… And…”

His face turned slightly red, he glanced at Fang Qin and whispered, “Brother Fang Qin…”

This period of experience was the happiest and most secure life in her life.

No matter who it was, they treated her with gentle care, which was a warm feeling she had never had before.

Even long before he died, there had never been.

Although there was an imperial brother who treated her very well, there was no other in the palace.

The father and the queen have no time to take care of him, so naturally it is impossible to take care of her in everything.

The imperial brother treated her extremely well, but after all, the other party had already come of age, and as a prince, there were many political affairs that needed to be dealt with, and the exchanges were gradually reduced.

Although the palace is large, there is an inexplicable sense of loneliness.

After falling on the sword casting platform and transforming into a sword spirit, this loneliness was even worse, which accompanied her for thousands of years.

It wasn’t until the earthquake of that day, under the injured coma, the unforgettable feeling of warmth that came from sometime, that everything seemed to become different.


Han Lingsha’s eyes bent as she listened, and she happily stepped forward to hug Long Kui and spoke for a while.

Liu Mengli gently covered his mouth and smiled, Fang Qin also smiled mildly, looking into the distance, the sun and stars gradually fell, and a touch of dusky afterglow fell.

‘I’m almost leaving…’

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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