
The land of Shu Mountain.

In a prayer building, the old man spreads out the scroll and writes in ink!

【…… During the year, April, the natural changes, the north of Kyushu, the depths of the great wilderness, the great power, shaking the earth Kyushu… Until the two-month period, it will end. 】

[In June, the Ancient Gate Sect, the Kunlun Qionghua Sect, the Secret Method, lifted up the mountain peaks, and suspected that they wanted to soar to the heavenly realm and become immortals,

However, the sky did not allow it, there were ten thousand golden rays of light like meteors breaking through the void, and the heavens had a divine punishment for falling!

Sky Fire Thunder… The five-colored holy ring, the shadow of the dragon, seems to have a divine salvation…]

[In October, above the heavenly dome, there was a ‘great sun’ falling, hidden in the unknown place of Kyushu, the light of the heavens, illuminating the world’s living beings, all calamities and diseases were extinguished, and the world thought it was a miracle!] 】

[In November, a huge monument was born…

There is no name or word on the stele, but there is a supreme texture that emerges, containing infinite magic!

The worldly beings can understand the mysterious and wonderful Fa in the eyes of the world, and the hope of eternal life is not vain. 】

[In December, the earth shook, the monument was hidden, and it was missing, and I regret it!] 】

After writing, the old man stopped writing, watched for a long time, was silent, and then added the following additions after the June and October notes:

[Near the sea, it is rumored that there are ten thousand golden rays in the sky that day fell into the East Sea, and it is unknown where to go.] 】

【Shushan Ancestor Soul Lantern Silence and Dimness… There seems to be a great change in the Divine Realm, and the matter of the Heavenly Meteor Divine Tablet may be related to it. 】

After writing it, proofreading it again, and there is no difference, it is rolled up and collected in the scripture building.

Looking back, he looked back and saw that there were many handwritten scrolls full of Shushanmen people who had gone out to investigate and returned, and sighed.

“What exactly is going on, big things happen frequently, and where is that sacred monument hidden…

I heard that there seemed to be quite a few goblins and goblins, and they also gained endless benefits from them, and I didn’t know what would happen in the future. ”

Just then, a footstep sounded, and soon there was a knock at the door.

“Master, the disciple is coming.”

“Come in.”

There was a creak of the door, the old man turned back to look outside the door, and a teenager slowly stepped inside.

The appearance of the young man was not unusual, but between the walks, there was momentum, his eyes were bright, and there seemed to be a sharp flicker between them, which made people dare not look down on them.

When the old man saw this, his heart could not help but be satisfied.

This young man was his beginner disciple, and his only disciple.

Although he had some talents in the past, he was always not diligent in his cultivation, so that it was difficult for him to keep up with his peers and even his juniors, which often made him hate iron and steel.

But there is no way to take him, after knowing that he is like this,

So he thought of letting him do something else in this door, and when he thought about it, he asked him to come to this building to do some work of copying and sorting.

I thought that my own disciples could only stop here, but I knew that recently, somehow, I suddenly became enthusiastic about the sword technique.

Every day, he practiced diligently, and many basic sword techniques in Shu Mountain were perfected by him, which was appreciated by many elders in the door.

It also made his face shine and he was very happy!

But because of this, he also often muttered in his heart:

‘Could this stinky little devil really have the trick?’ But this is also good, inherit my mantle.

Well, let’s wait a while and then don’t be half-hearted. ’

“Stinky little devil, sort out these scrolls, and wait until you come down to perform martial arts and find a teacher.”

After the assignment, he also left.

Only the teenager was left alone.


The young man’s eyes lit up slightly,

Recently, the rumored sacred tablets from the outside world should have been recorded by Master, and I had to take a good look at what was going on. ’

Thinking about some magical rumors heard in the door, that as long as you have seen the sacred tablet, you can get incredible benefits, you can live forever or something.

I couldn’t help but secretly look forward to it, and I thought about it and said:

I don’t know if these rumors are true, but if there is a book like that…”

The young man didn’t think much about it, walked in, and at the top of the scrolls, began to flip through and sort it out.


Above Qingluan Peak, two sword rays fell.

It was Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying.

“Haha! Finally back! Yun Tianhe looked happy, stretched his body, and only felt comfortable.

How fun and interesting it is outside, it will eventually be the most comfortable and relaxed place to grow up.

Moreover, as his experience gradually increased, he also felt more and more that the outside world was not as good as he imagined.

Fortunately, it was all over.

“Ziying, did you say that Elder Brother Fang Qin had returned?”

Murong Ziying shook his head slightly, “I don’t know.” ”

Just as he was about to speak again, he found that Yun Tianhe had gone far, and he shook his head helplessly to keep up.

When I walked to the ancient tree, I was a little surprised.

The ancient tree had not been seen for a while, but it was smaller, but between the branches and leaves, it was crystal green and emitted a burst of life essence.

The ancient tree shook slightly, as if greeting the reunion after a long absence.

“There is already such spirituality.”

Murong Ziying was surprised and slightly bowed, and then slowly walked into the room and was stunned.

The house seemed to contain a clean and full of treasure!

There were several treasures suspended in mid-air, an ice-blue long sword, emitting a burst of cold air, a brilliant blue ball, which was also overflowing with spiritual power, and the water was sparkling.

“Wangshu Sword!? There is also the Qionghua Supreme Treasure Water Spirit Pearl, how could it be here? ”

Murong Ziying was a little suspicious, but he reacted instantly.

Yes, it must have been done by the predecessors. ’

Knowing the answer, his eyes couldn’t help but turn to the last object.

It was a reddish-colored bow, faintly revealing an astonishing aura.

“Tianhe, what is this?”

“This, it seems, is called the Houyi Shooting Sun Bow…”

“Is it this legendary bow of the gods?” Such a breath is indeed worthy of the name of the Divine Bow! ”

Murong Ziying was a little amazed, but also a little confused:

“These are all left by the predecessors?”


Looking at Tianhe’s face was a little wrong, Murong Ziying frowned slightly and said, “What’s wrong?” What about the seniors? ”

Yun Tianhe’s face was rarely depressed, and there was no joy in returning home at the beginning, holding a jade jian in his hand, slightly emitting brilliance, slowly dissipating and disappearing, and saying silently:

“Big Brother… He said he was leaving. ”


Murong Ziying was shocked and rushed forward to inquire.

“He didn’t say anything more, he just told me to practice diligently, and these were sent to me and Ziying you, and the rest, as you wish…”

Yun Tianhe said, instead of taking the divine bow, he slowly walked out of the wooden house.

The breeze blew slightly, looking at the two exquisite wooden houses nearby, thinking about the past, I couldn’t help but be stunned and silent for a long time.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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