
Fang Qin closed his eyes and stared.

Summoning the “world” function of the system, a simple ink painting scroll slowly unfolded,

The fog on it drifted slightly, leaving only four star-studded points of light in the center!

The points of light that belonged to the world of the Immortal Sword had gradually emitted light from the darkness, and the illusory scene of the Dao Dao had emerged.

The world gradually evolved from a hazy scene, and the groundbreaking scene was not revealed.

Instead, it went directly to the Three Emperors to create many beings in the world, the wild world scene in ancient times, and the gradual evolution of the Six Realms…

There is no doubt that this is the evolution of this world.

Finally, Fang Qin’s figure gradually appeared on it, which were the two most important battles, the Battle of the Great Desolation and the Battle of the Divine Realm.

The final picture is a scene of a huge monument falling to the earth and a thousand rays of light.

Faintly, there seemed to be countless beings kneeling before the sacred monument with fanaticism and pious whispers.

In the end, everything was calm, and only a brilliant glint remained.

‘……. It is still the preaching world, the most great change, and it has obtained a huge number of qi luck points.

Sealing Fuxi, although it also got a huge amount of qi luck points, but there was some mismatch,

Well, it should be caused only by the seal, if it is really the existence of the Three Emperors, I am afraid that it will cause great changes and obtain extremely terrible luck points…”

In addition to the most basic points of qi and fortune, the cultivation methods collected this time are incomparably more numerous than the evil world.

The Law of the Human World, the Law of the Divine Realm, the Law of the Ghost Realm, the Law of the Demon Realm, and the Law of the Demon Realm are all involved, and my strength has also been greatly improved. ’

Fang Qin’s realm cultivation, although it had not really broken through the current realm,

But compared to before, when I first entered the [Dao Body] realm, I was already countless stronger!

Among the [Jing Qi Spirit], the cultivation that belongs to the “Jing” and “Qi” has been successfully transformed and derived from the exclusive Dao body of the performance!

The power of the Endless Great Terror contained in the Dragon Elephant Sacred Body is related to the affinity of the Heavenly Dao Body for the worldly path.

Both are mysterious physiques, and if they can continue to practice, they can have unimaginably powerful strength!

In the systematic evaluation, they are also one of the most powerful and potential Dao bodies among the heavens and the worlds!

Moreover, now that the breakthrough between [Jing] and [Qi], the three of the “Spirit and the God” are connected, and under the influence of each other, the metamorphosis that belongs to the “God” is not far away, and it is about to be conceived!

If there is another [god’s] Tao body conceived,

How terrifying the three amazing physiques, under the blessing of each other, would be, even Fang Qin felt a little unimaginable, and he was also looking forward to the scene at that time.

At that time, Fang Qin’s strength should also be able to enter the next level a little.

Fang Qin pondered what he had gained in this world for a long time, put away the picture scroll of the “world”, looked at the three girls who were standing next to him, and smiled:

“Let’s go, take you home.”

Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha heard the words, their faces turned slightly red, and they softly muttered.

Long Kui’s eyes lit up, and an inexplicable feeling appeared in his heart, and he whispered, “Home…”

Seeing that all three of them were overjoyed, Fang Qin smiled mildly and looked at the distant land.

The sun was dim and gradually fell, and between heaven and earth, it seemed to gradually calm down.

In the perception, it is constantly spreading, spanning countless distances.

Thinking about what I have seen and heard in this period of time, my heart is also a little afraid.

‘Oh, that kid from Tianhe…

What the future will be, but it is worth looking forward to, what interesting changes will there be in this world…’

Fang Qin smiled at the corner of his mouth and withdrew his gaze.

Yun Tianhe, Murong Ziying, Liu Fu and his wife…

Basically, they had already said hello, and they had also left the means they should have, plus they were protected by the Dragon of the Candle, Fang Qin was not worried.

“It’s time to leave too….”

With a single thought, the Daoist fluorescence flickered, and the figures of several people disappeared.

Has completely left this world.


【Space】In the small world, the clouds and mist are vague, and the aura of heaven and earth gathers in all directions, a wonderful realm of immortals.

On a white jade platform at the top of the mountain, there are two beautiful girls holding long swords and competing in competition!

One is dressed in white and wins the snow, the ice is clean and jade, and the temperament is like the fairy in the moon palace, which is not bad;

The other is also white, tied with a golden ribbon, with a delicate and beautiful face, and looks delicate and agile between a smile.

The two are just a competition, the point to the end, a line between a move, gorgeous and elegant.

However, even if neither of them gave their full strength, they were just trying their moves, so that the surrounding clouds and clouds were still stirred and shaken by the powerful True Qi of the Dao.

Mighty and mighty, unimaginable to mortals!

Around the edge of the jade platform, there were also several Qianying standing pretty, watching the competition.

It was Wu Xingyun, Zhong Ling, Wang Yuyan, and as for the other girls, they all went to do something else.

Some of them read the books in the library, and some of them practice themselves in places where the aura is strong, and naturally there are occasional competitions and skills here.

After a long time together, everyone has become extremely natural.

How to live and do things, are also extremely harmonious, and have their own set of schedules.

Zhong Ling’s eyes flashed and he envied, “Sister Dragon and Sister Rong’er are so powerful, I am so envious, when will I be able to think of them as powerful?” ”

Wu Xingyun retracted his eyes, some of them did not have a good airway:

“Xiao Zhong Ling, you have been a bit sluggish lately, if you could restrain some playfulness and practice diligently, you would have been able to break through it a long time ago.”

Zhong Ling heard the words and spat out his tongue in embarrassment:

“Oh, before practicing seriously every day, so boring, Brother Fang Qin also said, to combine work and leisure, I am the best, hee ~ ”

Saying that, seeing that Wu Xingyun seemed to be about to say something again, he hurriedly stepped forward to hug it, buried it in his arms and said:

“Sister Yun, Zhong Ling likes you ~ don’t say people anymore ~”


Wu Xingyun shook his head somewhat helplessly, and gently touched Zhong Ling’s small head:

“Be well, according to you…

What he said is also true, but the practice that should be practiced every day cannot be left behind, you know? ”


Zhong Ling quickly nodded his little head in response.

Wang Yuyan on the side looked at the cover of his mouth and smiled lightly, inside this girl, it is Zhong Lingxin’s favorite to play,

However, the character is delicate and cute, everyone treats her as a little sister and loves her, when something happens, even the most majestic Wu Xingyun, can’t take her.

Wu Xingyun hugged Zhong Ling and whispered some words, which made Zhong Ling nod his head obediently,

Suddenly slightly stunned, as if sensing something, the emotions in his heart surged up, and he looked at the distance with a happy face.


A strong wind blew, and the two figures on the jade platform also stopped their hands, and looked at it with some surprise.

The figure appeared, and Fang Qin looked at the crowd with a smile and laughed softly, “I’m back…”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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