
【Space】Small world.

In the central attic, when the girls saw Fang Qin return, they were all full of joy and said their own words.

Of course, although they were all extremely happy, they were a little different from the previous return of the evil world.

That time was a long-term farewell reunion, and naturally I missed it very much, thinking about the twilight.

However, since Fang Qin opened up the [Space] Small World, although he had been practicing in the Immortal Sword World most of the time, he could still come back to see them occasionally.

So I left twice, almost nine months, but it wasn’t as difficult as the last time.

After introducing each other, Liu Mengli, Han Lingsha and Long Kui were still a bit restrained at first, but they were soon influenced by the affinity atmosphere and gradually integrated into it.

Fang Qin smiled softly and quietly looked at the warm scene in front of him, only to feel comfortable and comfortable.

If you really want to talk about it, you still have to be comfortable in your own home, or that you have them there, you will have a warm feeling.

The little dragon girl walked to Fang Qin’s side, leaned slightly into his arms, and said softly, “Fang Lang, it’s been hard…”

Fang Qin gently hugged it and whispered, “What’s so hard about this, besides, with you, you accompany me.” ”

The little dragon girl looked up slightly, her eyes were full of emotion, the water was shining, and she answered softly:

“Well, I and everyone will always be with you.”

The two of them whispered softly, their ears grinding, talking about their feelings in their hearts and thoughts during this time.



Fang Qin stood between the voids, perceiving the subtle changes in the entire small world of space.

Now that I am the body of the “Innate Dao Body”, I have more infinite feelings about this small world.

In the small world, the various evolutionary processes of heaven and earth, the evolution of vitality, the change of day and night, the wind and rain, and so on, are all intuitively clear.

Of course, as a pioneer, Fang Qin himself had absolute control over this world.

Although this was done before, many changes were made to the small world to make it more suitable for the survival of living beings.

But at that time, after all, the realm cultivation was insufficient, and the understanding of the world’s way was not deep.

Therefore, the changes to the small world of [space] are quite crude, and they only flow on the surface, and there are not many enough magic in the interior.

Nowadays, Fang Qin can use it more rationally by virtue of the “Heavenly Dao Body” formed by cultivation.

After a careful understanding in my heart, everything around me gradually became clear and clear.

This little world is self-growing, and it has expanded a lot more than when I left.

But now, for me, it is already difficult to meet the requirements, and it is difficult to practice effectively. ’

The entire [Space] Small World was only a hundred miles in size, and although the concentration of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi was not bad, it was far inferior to that of the Immortal Sword World.

If compared with the Divine Tree Realm, the most prosperous place of Reiki Creation, it was even more barren to the extreme, but for Fang Qin, it was difficult to cultivate efficiently.

It turned out that when he left, although this small world could not keep up with the cultivation speed of Shang Qin, it could barely practice.

It was only in order not to affect the cultivation of the little dragon girls that they deliberately suppressed themselves.

Now, with the passage of time, Fang Qin’s cultivation has improved,

In the entire small world, the speed of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi generation was already far less than the speed of Fang Qin’s cultivation and refining.

If you practice in this way, you can only do half the work.

“This trip to the world has obtained a huge number of gas luck points, coupled with the continuous accumulation of gas luck points, but it is extremely abundant!

Raising the level of this small world should not be a big problem, and in this way, for me, there are dragons and children who can also benefit immensely. ”

Thinking about this, Fang Qin made a decision, summoned the system, and invested infinite qi luck points into the [space]!

“Ding, consume gas luck points…”


Endless points of luck are thrown into [space], fall into the origin of the world, turn into food, and constantly increase the foundation of the small world, with a roar!

The Tao creates a thousand paths of light!

The whole small world seemed to be greatly affected, shaking slightly, and constantly expanding outward.

Between the voids of the outside world, it seems that there are also a lot of mysterious qi that has fallen into the world, adding to the world’s heritage.

In just half a moment, it has expanded from the original land of hundreds of miles to the land of thousands of miles!

The vitality of the Dao Dao has emerged, and the creation of heaven and earth has even more miraculous!

The newly promoted tiny world, in the source, has fed back the breath of countless creations and metamorphosis,

In this way, the concentration of the aura of the small world suddenly increased, like a cloud of mist gathering around, and there was even a hint of the liquefaction of the aura.

It can be seen that the heavens and earth aura has changed drastically.

The central attic is even blessed by Fang Qin, and the Taoist charm is pervasive, becoming more exquisite and elegant, and vaguely in line with the world’s most reasonable.

In this way, the concentration of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi in this small world was extremely amazing, and it could already be compared with the Divine Realm of the Immortal Sword World, and it was only inferior to the most prosperous Divine Tree Realm.

Originally, the vastness of the qi luck points that Fang Qin had invested was unimaginable.

If you only want to open up space, you will certainly be able to expand the spatial scope of the small world rapidly, far exceeding the distance of thousands of miles today.

However, Fang Qin did not want this, but suppressed the ascension of space,

The mysterious aura of the origin of the small world was put more on the wonders of the creation of heaven and earth, making its aura more and more intense.

After all, this Dao [space] small world, Fang Qin thought of it as his home and cultivation place.

For the space of the small world, it does not need to be so big!

Therefore, he would not directly develop this realm in a large and broad direction.

Instead, it is developing in the direction of the wonderful scenery of the Immortal Family and the blessed land of Dongtian.

The main thing is to elevate the magic and creation of the world.

Make this place a real wonderland!

Although he constantly invested in qi luck points, even if Fang Qin did not promote in that direction, he would continue to expand the scope of the world.

However, in the early stage, Fang Qin was still more focused on the creation of heaven and earth in the small world.

After all, the size of the space has no effect on him.

Fang Qin looked at the small world that had expanded to thousands of miles in all directions, and his heart moved at will.

Relying on the control of this world and their own understanding and understanding, we transform the pattern of this small world and make it more extraordinary!

Mountains rise continuously, the Daodao River rushes and rushes, and the roar is constantly sounded.

After half an hour, everything has calmed down!

A pair of immortal spirits and immortals blessed in all directions, and between them, there seemed to be a mysterious sense of yin and yang, four elephants and gossip.

The girls who were watching in the attic were amazed and delighted!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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