
Zhongnan Mountain is suspended and floating, and a series of surrounding hills are also in the shape of a ladder, slanting towards the central Zhongnan Mountain and levitating!

When Fang Qin saw this, he groaned a little, and some of the remaining faint brilliance in his hand flashed towards the mountain below.

With a single thought, a small pagoda full of mysterious patterns appeared in front of him.

【Pagoda】: Trained by the Immortal Sword World, the Divine Realm, the Aoto Divine Wood and the White Jade Realm Stone!

Through the mysterious alchemy magic and vast power casting, it contains the image of Qiankun!

This pagoda was a treasure that Fang Qin had mastered and perfected after obtaining the many refining tools of the Divine Realm!

Although for Fang Qin, it was just casually done, and there was no brilliance.

But in the world, even the world of the Immortal Sword is an unimaginable artifact, containing endless mysterious power!

“Well, do you want to…”

Fang Qin’s eyes were dark and deep, looking into the distance, groaning.

And that scattered faint glow gradually shone brightly, becoming more and more prosperous, like the stars falling!


Endless clouds, hazy light, haunting the sky!

The brilliant light suddenly turned into a rich heaven and earth aura, filling the entire Zhongnan Mountain Realm, and there seemed to be a mysterious rhythm between them!

Father! Bang!

Dramatic changes play out everywhere on the suspended peaks!

The trees continue to grow, and in an instant, spanning a thousand years and ten thousand years of growth cycle, they become towering giant trees, full of jade, and exude a strong breath of life.

The hazy starlight, like raindrops falling, the hundred beasts on the mountain rushing and roaring, with endless joy, so the creation and opening of the spiritual wisdom, no longer ignorant to understand.

And a group of people located on the mountain, whether it is a person from the martial arts world, or a player in the real world,

They were all shocked by such a magnificent change in front of them, and the next moment, they came back to their senses and felt the comfort of their bodies, and the ecstasy of their hearts came to their hearts.

“Yes, Heaven and Earth Reiki!” When I preached for the second time before, I had the privilege of feeling it! ”

“Great Creation! Great opportunity! With such a strong aura, in just a split second, my cultivation had already made great progress! ”

The players’ reactions were even more intense, and their faces turned red with excitement!

“Yes… Spirit Rain!? ”

“This… Turns out this is Reiki empowerment, finally! Finally caught up once! ”

One of the young people, feeling the strength in his body, constantly flowing and gaining, cultivated to be getting stronger every minute and second, and suddenly burst into tears.

Twice before preaching, several times of creation, he did not catch up with once,

So he swore that he would stay on the Zhongnan Mountain every day and not leave,

Pilgrimage and worship every day, hoping to receive a gift from the crown of Wu Zu, but did not expect to finally achieve his wish today.

After the surprise, many people have narrowed their minds,

Such a rich and amazing heaven and earth aura, if you can practice for one day, you can withstand the work of several years.

If you don’t practice it well, you can’t say it.

Of course, there are also most people who are full of shock as they watch the entire Zhongnan Mountain continue to evolve, and the bursts of vitality are pervasive, as if they are changing!

The hazy mist that the aura turned into hung over the entire Hanging Mountain,

Immortality! A place of wonders!

“How sacred…”

Everyone was stunned and shocked by the power of Wu Zu’s crown!

The next moment…


A delicate little tower fell, small and invisible, but somehow, everyone could clearly see the small tower that exuded amazing wonder.

As it continues to fall, the wind grows!

In an instant, it turned into the size of ten zhang, as if it never stopped…

One hundred!

A thousand zhang!


When it finally really falls into the earth, it is already vast! At least thousands of feet high to count!

The pagoda radiates an astonishing brilliance, shining in all directions,

Above the top, there is this floating South Mountain!


Fang Qin smiled slightly, and as soon as his mind moved, he had already divided the huge space contained in the pagoda into a hundred layers of space!

And set up countless testing places at will, each scattered in a hundred layers of space.

“Set the [Trial] function, each layer….

After passing each layer of trial tests, the corresponding spirit points are counted, which can be used directly for cultivation or exchanged! ”

“Add [Redemption] function, the trialist can exchange spirit points for various objects inside the pagoda!”

“Ding, set successfully!”

[Trial] (unopened, restricted): Inside the Trial Pagoda, there are hundreds of layers of space, and in each layer, there are images of Qiankun, and there are countless corresponding testing places!

All trialists who enter will face this level of testing randomly, and only by passing the trial of the current layer can they get the opportunity to enter the upper layer.

Successful playthroughs will reward you with the corresponding Spirit Points as a count.

Note: One-time and consecutive levels of playthrough, the reward will be blessed, constantly stacked! (Starting with the number of levels that are cleared for the first time in the current challenge.) )

【Redemption】(Not open, restricted): You can use Spirit Points to redeem various things in the pagoda! (Current things: None)

Fang Qin glanced slightly, and in an instant, countless restrictions on filling in the loopholes were added.

“Well, it should be almost.”

In this pagoda, Fang Qin set up a hundred layers of space, and each layer was added to countless trials.

Each time the Trialist enters, he will randomly deal with one of the Trials.

When the Trialist passes the first level of the test, he will directly receive the reward of the first clearance, and the spirit point as a count,

This spiritual point can be used directly as Heaven and Earth Reiki for practice; It can also be accumulated and redeemed for various rewards in the pagoda.

In addition, you can qualify for the next level.

The higher the number of layers, the more difficult the trial will be, and of course, the corresponding rewards will be more and more amazing!

If you can continuously pass the first level, the various rewards will be stacked and enriched!

Of course, it can only be calculated from this challenge onwards, and the number of layers that have been cleared for the first time will begin to stack.

For example, if you have already cleared the first layer and failed at the second layer, the next challenge will only start to stack after the second layer.

If a trialist can pass the 100-layer trial at once, the rewards that can be stacked will be very amazing!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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