
Among the nine states, the Great Song Dynasty and Mongolia all issued tacit orders to suspend military affairs, and the Liaoxia and Jin countries also breathed a little ease.

As a result, the rulers of the nations rushed to the Holy Land of Preaching!

The astonishing benefits of the Second Evangelism have long been known to the people of the world,

Not only is it recorded in the history books of various countries, but also the folk have compiled myths and spread them to the world.

How not to make people moved, and their hearts yearn for fire.

Above the court, all parties have already made moves, and the folk rivers and lakes, because of this, have been alarmed.


The martial arts world is boiling, and the real world is not to mention more!

Located in the huge changes in the Junan Mountain Boundary, there are many players around,

In addition, when the pagoda finally fell to the earth, the light shone brightly.

Basically, as long as they entered the martial arts world, players located in the land of Kyushu had already witnessed the shocking scene.

This time, after experiencing the initial shock, all the players turned back to their senses and went towards the Zhongnan Mountain with a muffled voice.

The previous two preaching, failed to catch up, under the bloody lesson, let everyone have learned!

Only players who are already located in the realm around Zhongnan Mountain can have more time,

And after discovering that no matter what, you can’t enter the mysterious pagoda that emits the mysterious light of the Dao,

Can only helplessly retreat, in the real world, above the network, crazy refresh the forum,

As a result, the whole network exploded!

“I originally thought that after experiencing the various miracles of the second preaching, there was nothing that could move me, after all, I was a person who had seen the world.

Until, in front of you, the whole mountain range flew up and flew up!? ……..”

“Let me calculate the energy contained in the whole mountain range to rise,

First of all… And then again… And then……

What a fart, Wuzu Awesome!! Broken tone!! ”

“Wuzu is awesome! What is that pagoda for?

I feel that there must be a mystery in it, but I don’t know why I can’t get close, it’s sad. ”

“This is also to say, everyone can see that the height alone, the tower is conservatively estimated to be more than 10,000 meters, attention, I am talking about conservatism!”

“It’s not scientific, it’s not scientific from any point of view, how is this possible?”

“It’s amazing that it’s been so long, can anyone still talk about science to the gods?”

“I have a guess that after the first ministry of the crown, it took nine months to begin the second ministry.

This time, just another nine months, you say… Will it be the third mission~”

“Oh, what do you say, hiss! Possibly. ”

“It’s true that the timing is very coincidental, there is a possibility, but I don’t think it’s preaching.

Don’t think about it, until now, no one has broken through the innate realm, and the great power under the crown will not be seen? It’s not good that you’re so ambitious. ”

“Agree, don’t say whether there is a realm method after that, now even the innate realm has not arrived, just think of those who don’t, tut…”

Throughout the network, there are questions everywhere.

Have you asked where the Holy Land of Zhongnan Mountain rose and flew to?

I asked what was inside that huge tower that didn’t know how high, and what was its use?

There is also speculation about the purpose of Wu Zumian’s order.


“That said, seeing that no one asked, let me ask, is there a player on the Zhongnan Mountain?” Come out and tell me what’s going on with you? ”

As if awakened, many people reacted.

Yes, a group of people here blindly guess what kind of energy, just ask the right lord is not good.

So they took the floor and asked questions:

“The big guy came out and answered, what happened to the above?” Have you broken through the atmosphere? Funny~”

“The feeling of flying with the whole mountain range should be very sour, I hope people are okay!”

“Are you serious upstairs?” Do you really think we’re worried about them? ”

“It is true that with the protection of Wu Zu’s crown, it is impossible to think about it, but I am really curious about what is going on?”

Time passed, for a long time without a decent reply, a number of netizens gradually felt that things are not simple, faintly, there is a bad idea arising.

“Wait… Shouldn’t they be…”

“Huh? Do you feel that way too? ”

“Yes, every time Wu Zu Da’s appearance is basically given by a terrifying creation, this time, shouldn’t it be that only these people in the Zhongnan Mountain will benefit?”

“……. Sleeper !?? ”

“No! Alarmist! I absolutely don’t believe it! ”

“Ah Gan! Lao Tzu was only a few tens of meters away from the front, so why didn’t he hurry up and run a few more steps! ”

“Then wouldn’t I be even more miserable, I was already inside, but I was scared and took a step back, stepped back… Back off… Am I supposed to explode in place?? ”

“Poof! Although it is very sad, but I still have to say, the upstairs is a heavenly show! Forgive me for not being able to laugh out loud for a moment. ”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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