
The next day, as time passed, the effects of the changes in the Second World became more and more terrifying!

Players who have gradually left the game before are once again attracted, seeing the heat of horror, and hurriedly inquire about the course of events.

Without exception, they were horrified by the horrible and sacred sight.

Anyone who sees such a scene has a hard time staying calm and emotionally joining the discussion, and the heat explodes even more!


The real world, somewhere in the city.

Inside the house.


Zhao Xiao breathed in, exercised his internal strength, gathered his breath, and gradually withdrew from his cultivation, opening his eyes, and a wisp of essence flashed.

“Almost, it’s time to start breaking through the innate realm…”

Zhao Xiao is the up-lord of L station, and was the first gamer to burst the authenticity of the second world.

Now, after more than two years, it has been regarded as one of the uplords with the largest number of fans in the station.

Various videos about the Second World and martial arts practice have been posted on the Internet in high volume.

Of course, despite the various achievements in the real world, his current martial arts achievements are also in a leading position in the current world.

Thanks to the purple snake gall of Master Wang Jia, he was the first to understand the sense of qi,

And in the two subsequent preaching, Feng Wuzu’s crown gave the amazing creation, and the cultivation continued to rise and improve!

Nowadays, it has reached the realm of the Ten Heavenly Heavens, and it still belongs to the Spirit of Qi, and it is quite a strong foundation.

However, although Zhao Xiao had some breakthroughs, his face was not very satisfied, and he sighed a little:

“It is too difficult to achieve the complete perfection of the three spiritual paths mentioned by the crown…”

Although he is already a leading existence among many players,

And after ten days of spiritual rain and the nourishment of the Great Sun’s essence, but if you want to complete your spirit, you still feel hopeless.

At present, every point of improvement in the practice has been minimal, and this retreat practice has been stopped for three months, the only time it has been improved.

“Can’t wait any longer… There is a trade-off…”

In the real world, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, under the number of people in hundreds of millions, there can always be some people who have unique views on martial arts.

He published his ideas and opinions on the Internet and caused discussion, but many people agreed.

One of them is the speculation about the successful breakthrough of the three spiritual realms.

Is it advisable to blindly pursue the three perfections?

When cultivation is impossible to advance, it is necessary to make a trade-off, which is to continue to spend a lot of time and constantly sharpen the spirit of the spirit in order to achieve a state of perfection that is far beyond reach.

Or break through the innate as soon as possible to reach a more mysterious realm and life level.

At that time, this topic can be said to be discussed by countless people.

There are countless people in both directions, and at that time there was a majority of people who thought that the pursuit of the state of perfection was the majority.

But the end result is that the statement that it is appropriate to stop and break through the upper realm is recognized by most people.

All because at the end of the discussion, many people who are more advanced in cultivation have already vaguely sensed the terrible difficulty of the perfection of the spirit and spirit, and have invariably expressed their feelings and views.

When there is no way to advance, if there is no other creation, spending countless hours to sharpen the spirit is not a good choice.

When the heat became more and more high, eventually even the official added a point of view on the matter to the “Meditation Book”.

That is, there are various aspects of the perfection of the spirit and the spirit of the spirit and the good and bad.

In the end, the conclusion was gradually made and recognized by many people.

That is, unless the talent is different and the creation is increased, the state of perfection of the spirit and spirit cannot be achieved by the strength of one person.

Under such a premise, it is most important to make a trade-off.

Even many people who have experienced Wuzu’s two preaching and receiving various blessings of creation are difficult to cross the heavenly ravine, and the rest of them are even more difficult.

Although breaking through the innate realm will have at least a hundred years of life, but after the realm, everyone knows that it will become more difficult and obscure and profound!

If the time of life is swirling around in the realm of the day after tomorrow, even if it has a good foundation, but because of the Shouyuan problem, there is not enough time to cultivate and break through the realm, is it not an emptiness.

Of course, although this statement is widely circulated today, it is shared by most people.

However, as far as the matter is concerned, unlike what is involved, when it comes to this matter, there are still countless people who have expectations.

What if, what if you are different…

So far, no one had broken through to the Innate Realm.

Zhao Xiao himself also had this idea, but after half a year, he had made some slight progress in cultivation.

He also gradually recognized his natural potential, and could only give up, determined to prepare to break through the realm.

“Time is not waiting for me…”

Zhao Xiao shook his head slightly, got up and went to open the computer, ready to check to see if there was any new news during his recent retreat.

However, the next moment, I was reminded by the information on the screen in front of me, which made my scalp tingle, and the words about the second world appeared frequently.

“Sizzle! What’s the situation!? Such a terrible heat, what a big deal…”

Zhao Xiao’s face was straight, and his heart was a little nervous,

You must know that in the past three months, the discussion of martial arts and the second world has become peaceful, and everyone has gradually become accustomed to it.

The law of martial arts naturally does not need to be said, it is related to everyone’s life, although it is customary, but the attention to this is absolutely not less,

But in the second world, the heat is constantly decreasing, and even many people have retreated from the pit of the second world.

There were few such overwhelming feelings as before, and the strange and astonishing heat of this time made him have a sense of déjà vu and quickly clicked to check.

【Amazing! Where does the Rolling Mountains of the Second World Terminus South Mountain ascend!? 】

【Speculation of the Tower of the Ten Thousand Gods!】 Is it a legendary artifact? 】

[On the possibility of the third preaching under the crown of Wu Zu…]

【The vastness of the Ancestor of Budo!】 Guess at the true power of the crown and the power of the six-fold method of martial arts! 】


(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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