
Although the number of players in the Second World is a little smaller than in the past, the population base is here, and in any case, the number of players is still extremely large.

Therefore, the earth-shattering changes located in the sacred site of Zhongnan Mountain, video recordings of various directions and distances, can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

For a long time, when he read all the posts with the highest popularity, Zhao Xiao looked confused and a little distracted.

“The power to move mountains and seas… Tower of the Gods… The power of the crown is too terrifying…”

Although he had experienced the vicissitudes of the second mission, the spiritual rain that rained down on the land of a hundred miles, and the various mysterious scenes of ingesting the essence of daylight,

But none of them rose up in the air, hidden above the firmament, and the intuitive horror of the mighty tower falling to the earth.

The divine power is unmistakable at this time, and people have an infinite sense of smallness and shock.

Zhao Xiao’s gaze finally fell on a post.

[None of the big men on the Zhongnan Mountain have yet appeared, guess what gifts they have received?] 】

“…… Mad, missteps…”

Zhao Xiao took a deep breath and pressed down the bitterness in his heart.

Like many netizens speculated about the idea, he thought that the players located in it must have gained some earth-shattering creation.

After all, every time Wu Zu appeared under the crown, there was basically an infinite creation.

“And it’s more amazing than ever…”

Zhao Xiao thought about this, and felt even more congested, and because of the joy of some slight refinement, it had long gone.

Compared with his own petty cultivation, the gift under the crown of Wu Zu was the Great Creation!

If he had known about this matter in advance, he would not have gone to the retreat practice at will no matter what, and missed this grand event.

After reading a lot of posts again, I sighed, clicked on the L station, and suddenly there were countless private messages that were expected to explode.

“Smile, laugh, smile ~ you come out!”

“Out of a video about the sacred place of Zhongnan Mountain~”

“Shouldn’t the big guy also be on the Zhongnan Mountain?” No, no, no! ”

Zhao Xiao took a general look, all about this matter, not only that, the website platform, the home page is basically a video about this matter.

With a wry laugh, the editor posted a feed.

“As soon as the retreat practice came out, before I could be happy, I saw things about the Holy Land, and now I regret it, I regret it very much, my heart is congested, I am speechless, I ask for comfort…”

After all, as one of the UP masters with the largest number of fans, there are many comments just posted:

“Sofa! First! ”

“Hahahahahahahaha I have also been stuck in my heart for a long time, and now that I am balanced, it turns out that the big guy has also missed it. ”

“Cough, although it is very bad to think so, but I am also inexplicably much more relaxed.”

“Cut, upstairs, even if you missed the smile, but didn’t you really look at it, he actually broke through again!”

“Gan! Dog Gangster! ”

Zhao Xiao looked at it roughly, crying and laughing, and after a while, he was ready to shut down the computer and log in to the second world.

After all, no matter how to discuss it on the Internet, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, you always feel unwilling.

Sliding the screen at will, Zhao Xiao’s gaze suddenly froze.

“How come you still have time for water?” Go to the official forum of the second world to see, finally there is a big guy appeared!! ”

“what!? Is it the big guy who stayed on the Zhongnan Mountain? Slipped away! ”

“Go with you!”

Zhao Xiao saw this, but also a shock, now although there is a lot of speculation on the Internet about this matter, but the specific how, or inconclusive.

Now that the Lord has appeared, where can we not be curious and excited?

They all want to know what great opportunities those players who are located on the top of the Zhongnan Mountain have gotten into.

Even if you miss it, you can see it and get rid of it!

Log in to the official forum of the second world, don’t look for more, the top post is.

【The specific situation of the sacred place of Zhongnan Mountain! On the spot, let me talk about it. 】

“Thank you! Man in the God Tower, just out!

Seeing that many people on the Internet are discussing relevant questions, I will answer one or two!

First of all, the reason for the change of the Sacred Land of the Ultimate South Mountain, this is needless to say, everyone who understands it, the power of the Immortal God is always unexpected!

The crown of Wu Zu is my lifelong faith!!

Cough, back to the point.

First of all, where did the Sacred Land of Zhongnan Mountain soar?

To tell the truth, I don’t know very well, and by the last height, I can’t see the scene below.

It can only be said that it is infinitely high in the sky, and anyway, above the top of the tower of the Heavenly God Tower, it is a holy place.


Now there, it is not too much to say that it is a blessed place and a fairyland, and the aura of heaven and earth is abundant to an incredible extent, and it feels that in addition to the aura, there is still aura around. (Every moment is improving the repair, cool to explode!) )

If you can practice in the Holy Land, it is estimated that one day can withstand a year’s worth of kung fu, or even longer.

However, we were only there for a little half an hour.

This is one of the gifts of the crown.


After talking about this floating holy place, let’s talk about the most critical Tower of the Gods!

First of all, I would like to say, “Gentlemen, this is the great opportunity given by Wu Zu’s crown!”

It’s a great opportunity for everyone!

There are a hundred layers of space inside the tower, and each layer is a layer of trials!

As long as you pass, you can get rewards.


Aside from the useless ones, I’ll talk about the rewards you want to know the most!

Taking myself as an example, I cultivated to be the eighth level of the day after tomorrow, and only passed the first level of the test, and obtained a martial art [Tong Back Fist] as a reward.

Cough, don’t look at the name seems to be nothing surprising, but this martial art should be much more powerful than the martial arts of many martial arts sects, and it is just right for me.

Also, I asked the others and found that the rewards for each person are different…”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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