
No one knows how high the Tower of the Gods is, and there is no end in sight, but in addition, the area is extremely vast.

So there are countless people gathered nearby, in addition to the players, there are also many people from the martial arts world.

Seeing the sudden excitement of the players, they were a little suspicious, and it was even more surprising to see countless people disappear directly into the vicinity of the tower!

Somewhere, Zhao Xu, who was vaguely guarded by a group of elites, narrowed his eyes, felt some urgency in his heart, and said in a deep voice:

“Those people… Could it be that he was inspired by the Immortal Ancestor? ”

With that, he headed toward the tower and said, “We can’t wait any longer.” ”

When the surrounding guards saw this, they quickly followed the escort, as well as the civilian generals who followed along the way, and they also followed one by one.

In fact, the hearts of many people can’t wait to enter that tower,

After all, this is the amazing god tower that the Immortal Ancestor fell, and it is conceivable that it must contain incredible Immortal Laws, but it cannot lag behind others.

Everyone else, of course, is also a thought.

Countless people came forward in worship, came to the vicinity of the tower, were wrapped in light, and disappeared.


In addition to these people, who were already near the boundary of the Zhongnan Mountains, there were still countless people coming here.

There was an old monk of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone and an old monk of ancient clumsy Zen who also came here, looking at the Divine Pagoda from afar, and his eyes were full of shock.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed, “Moving mountains and moving the sea, such a miraculous power, it is unimaginable!” I don’t know what kind of supreme realm Mr. Li really is…”

The sweeping monk was extremely dignified, looking at the peaks of the Zhongnan Mountain, which had disappeared, and the divine pagoda that was full of heaven and earth and full of precious light, and sighed infinitely:

“Amitabha! The Immortal Buddha is sacred… Nothing more! ”

After a moment of silence, Zhang Sanfeng smiled, “When the old Dao was dying of old age, it was a profound blessing to be able to meet such a fairy god and see such a sacred thing. ”

The sweeping monk shook his head slightly, “Zhang Zhenren is now moving towards a profound realm, and his life is gradually glowing, but it is not an image of dying of old age, and he wants to come not far from breaking through the innate, and the poor monk admires it!” ”

The cultivation of the two of them, before Fang Qin did not preach in the past, should be the best in this world.

Visible Insight Qualification!

Nowadays, Feng Wuzu has passed down the six-fold method of martial arts, the path of immortality, and has a broader landscape, and naturally shows amazing understanding and progress in cultivation.

The spirit of the body is getting deeper and deeper, and the foundation of the foundation is also the top in this world!

“Oh, the master has been falsely praised, let’s go, go and see what Sir is hiding inside this tower, and he has such a big hand!”

Zhang Sanfenghun did not care about smiling, looking at the sacred tower, his heart was also faintly rising infinite expectations.

Although I don’t know what is inside, it is certainly not simple in terms of Mr. Wang’s past deeds and such a shocking scene in front of him.

“Amitabha! What the real people say is very true! ”

Without saying a word, the figures of the two old men suddenly flashed, turned into shadows, and swept forward, with extremely good speed.



A figure struck a hill and exhaled softly.

It was a young man with a thick face, looking at the sacred tower that had been revealed, full of reverence.

“I didn’t expect there really was… This must be the tower of the gods that the gentleman fell…”

On that day, the pagoda fell, and the scene of shining light, even if it was far away, could faintly see a flash of light, sacred and extraordinary!

However, it is strange to say that with the height of this god tower and the treasure light, even in the distance, I think I can see it.

However, even if the sky was clear before, it was difficult to see this god tower, and only now when it was close to the original Zhongnan Mountain Boundary, it was only when it was not far from the original Zhongnan Mountain Boundary that the shadow of the god tower could be revealed.

“I don’t know what happened to Master?” Have you already gone to the pagoda…”

The humble young man secretly thought that his master and the lord of the Yellow Island had been riding together for a long time, and they had not known where they were going, and this time such a major event would certainly come.

“Good brother! Wait for me! ”

Just thinking about things, a loud shout suddenly sounded behind him, and the young man’s face was slightly pale, and he was a little distressed, and turned back to look at an old man who was running fast.

The old man was full of white hair, long whiskers were hanging down, looking at the age, but the figure was unusually agile, Guo Jing now consciously cultivated although not very advanced, but also extremely extraordinary,

A tantric mastery of [Dragon Elephant Pan Ruogong] and “Nine Yin Forging Bones” cast the foundation, and then with the cultivation of the three ways of the spirit of the Wu ancestors, cultivation can be described as fast!

If it had been in the past, it would naturally be the world’s top realm, but now it is only the Ten Realms of the Acquired Heavens, and it is in the stage of refining the Spirit of Essence.

Just like this kind of cultivation, an old man on the other side can catch up frequently,

He could see clearly that the old man had not practiced the Three Paths of Spirit and Spirit passed down by that gentleman.

Just by relying on the previous martial arts realm, it was amazing that he could have such a skill.


The figure of the old man took a few breaths, tired and lying on the ground panting, and said hardly:

“Good brother! Hello great kung fu! But the old naughty boy can’t catch up with you, could it be that you are a martial artist who beats the mother’s fetus? So powerful, can you teach me? ”

Speaking of this, I rolled over and wanted to bow down, and cried out:

“Master is on top, and disciple Zhou Botong wants to worship you as a teacher.”

When he did this, he frightened Guo Jing into rushing forward to support him and prevent him from bowing down, and said bitterly:

“Old man, don’t you want to torment me.”

Where Zhou Botong was willing to give up, he had to kneel down again.

Guo Jing hurriedly said, “Don’t say goodbye! Old gentleman! Don’t you want to learn martial arts?

There is a fairy god in this world who is called the ancestor of God, who is the teacher of the people of the world, and if you want to learn, you can learn the martial arts he has passed down. ”

Zhou Botong obviously didn’t believe it: “You don’t want to frame me!” You have said it several times, where in the world are there such immortals? ”

Secretly saying that I am not a fool, such a joke to coax a child, but I can’t fool me.

Guo Jing had no way before, but now he was smiling and pointing to the distance:

“Old man, what do you think that is?”

Zhou Botong didn’t care to glance at that place, and suddenly there was a sound, a burst of scalp tingling, frozen on the spot, completely lost his mind and shocked!

Without the cover of the mountain and some wonderful power, there is a huge pagoda connected to the sky in that distant place!

Looking up at the heights, it radiates a bright light!

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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