
Zhou Botong looked shocked and stood still on the spot!

He had seen such a sacred and vast scene, and it took him a while to return to God, hastily prayed a few prayers, and called the Dao Immortals to be on top.

“Good brother, this god Ta Mo is the god you said… Maybe talk to me…”

Standing up, he pulled Guo Jing to ask quietly, his eyes frequently looked at the tower, and the shock did not fade at all.

Guo Jing was relieved to see that he was not talking about the absurdity of worshipping himself as a teacher.

Seeing Zhou Botong’s questioning, he nodded, “Old sir doesn’t know, this immortal god is…”

As he spoke, he told the legend of Wuzu Xianzu and various deeds.

The two preaching and various miracles were even more colorful, like the mythical Avenue of Immortality, Zhou Botong was stunned, his eyes were full of surprise, and he did not return to God for a long time, and he sighed for a long time:

“Old naughty boy, I have not been in the Central Plains for a long time, and I didn’t know that there was such a miraculous and vast immortal in the world!”

Guo Jing heard what he said, and saw that he was full of white hair, with a long beard like a lion, a mess, and a coarse cloth and linen clothes were also worn.

I thought to myself why this old man was so old, but why he was still wandering outside, and he was very pitiful, and he couldn’t help but wonder:

“The old man was not in the Central Plains before, but where is he located?”

Zhou Botong’s face was stagnant, as if he was a little embarrassed, playing haha, unwilling to say more, said:

“It’s all right! Just exiled overseas, has not returned to the homeland for a long time, but also by chance, came back, ha ha …”

Zhou Botong naturally left from the yellow and evil peach blossom island.

Previously, due to the entanglement of the Nine Yin True Scriptures, the two had an incident and resentment, and they formed a liangzi, and Zhou Botong was trapped on Peach Blossom Island by Huang Laoevil through the arrangement and formation of the island, and he had been in the peach blossom island for a long time.

During this period of time, for some reason, the old evil Huang left Peach Blossom Island and did not return for a long time, which gave him the opportunity to leave and return to the Central Plains with great hardship.

Before he could play for a long time, he ran into Guo Jing, and when he happened to see him shoot, he was suddenly shocked.

Sighing at the young age of this person in front of him, the martial arts were so proficient, and the number of martial arts paths was mysterious and profound, and he couldn’t even see the history at all, so he had the idea of worshiping the master, and wrapped himself up in Guo Jing all the way.

However, when he was trapped in Peach Blossom Island, he was a little embarrassed to speak to people and consciously lost face.


Guo Jing responded, and with his nature, he naturally would not investigate deeply.

Zhou Botong saw this, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the sacred tower again, amazed,

I don’t know what to think, the mood is a little low, sentimental:

“It turns out that there really are such immortals in the world, and in the past, when Master Brother asked the immortals, I didn’t think so, but now I know…

If my brother had not passed away, he would have rejoiced in seeing such a god, but unfortunately, he was not born at the right time…”

Guo Jing was a little overwhelmed, and he wanted to comfort him, but after the old naughty boy was sad, his joy floated on his face again, his face was flushed, he scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, and said excitedly:

“Good brother, in this way, that immortal has passed down an extremely good immortal martial art!” The six-fold method of martial arts, can you… Can you let the little old man see? ”

The unheard of the six-fold realm of martial arts really excited Zhou Botong, a martial artist.

After knowing that this amazing little brother in front of him is only the most basic post-heaven realm, it is even more shocking and longing,

If such a powerful martial art is only the day after tomorrow, then how powerful the realm after that must be, it is really unimaginable!

The eagerness in his heart was about to jump out, and he looked at Guo Jing with a burning face full of expectation.

Guo Jing was a little speechless, but still said:

“The amount … This, under the crown of Wu Zu, preached the world, everyone in the world can learn it, and if you want to learn, naturally it is okay. ”

Seeing that the old man seemed to be so happy that he wanted to jump up, he also felt funny, and secretly said that this old man was so old, and he could still be like a child’s heart, but it was really strange.

However, it is also this martial art that has never been practiced before, and it is really unbearable.

Then he said, “However, this place is already close to where the Holy Land is, so why doesn’t the old man go directly with me to the place where the sacred tower is?” I don’t dare to teach it carelessly, so I might as well go and have a look…”

Zhou Botong heard the words and felt that it was very reasonable, now that the Divine Present, how not to go forward to worship,

Besides, if you want to learn the Immortal Martial Arts handed down by such immortals, you naturally have to perform rituals, and you quickly nod your head.

The two talked again, and then they headed towards the tower, and the figure gradually disappeared.


Meanwhile, inside the tower.

A group of players understood the rules of the Trial, and according to their impatience, they directly joined the Trial Challenge, hoping to get the reward gift under the Martial Ancestor’s crown.

The person who entered the martial arts world one step after another step was looking at the system template that was slightly shining in front of his eyes with a confused face.


“This… Have you ever heard a strange sound? And the words in front of you… The end is magical! ”

“I also heard it, as if it was saying something about trial and exchange, and hey, the words really appeared, and the handwriting appeared in front of my eyes!”

“What is this? It’s magical! ”

Wherever a crowd had seen such a strange thing, they were shocked.

Not to mention them, even if they are real-world players,

At the beginning of the game, I was also amazed by such system templates.

But as the real world of scientific and technological civilization, and there is this concept, this acceptance is extremely high, and it is easy to understand how to operate.

And in turn, it can also complain about the rudimentary game system.

But the ancients were the first to contact such things, so they all felt that the magic was very much, cautious and excited to explore.

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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