
Of course, even if it is the first contact, because it is inside the God Tower, all the people are subconsciously convinced that this is the immortal law given by the crown,

In addition, some of the mysterious information that comes to mind and the operation of the game system are actually extremely simple, but I am quickly familiar with the general operation of this.

And understood the function, was shocked.

“As it is, this tower is a place of trial under the crown!”

“If you can pass the test, you will be able to get the gift of the crown!?”

Hiss! It is incredible that it can even be exchanged for Heaven and Earth Reiki for cultivation purposes! ”

After receiving the information, many people could not resist and directly began to enter the trial, hoping to obtain the supreme gift from the crown.

In the corner, Zhao Xu manipulated the handwriting written in the void in front of him back and forth, secretly lamenting the magic of the Immortal Ancestor Immortal Technique, and was also extremely excited about it.

“In this way, this god tower is really a great immortal edge given by the Immortal Ancestor!” Heaven and Earth Reiki and its gifts, and…”

Looking at the [Redemption] function that shows that it has not been unlocked, there is some burning in my eyes!

In his opinion, there must be the most amazing mystery in this!

“But here, it seems that certain conditions are required to be eligible to open… And this tower…”

Zhao Xu’s eyes were a little thoughtful, as an emperor, he naturally had the foresight he should have.

The Immortal Ancestor preached the world twice, and the Immortal Law Gate spread all over the Divine Land of God, which was already a major event that changed the world!

Now that there is such a trial tower containing endless wonders, people all over the world can obtain incredible gifts from them, and it is foreseeable that in the future, there will certainly be countless powerful people.

The court of the Great Song Dynasty carefully considered the changes in order to better deal with them.

‘It is both a unique immortal and a great test!’ ’

Zhao Xu made a qualitative in his heart, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice to the surroundings:

“Let’s go, Er and others also go to the trial and challenge, the god tower given by the Immortal Ancestors, this is the source of blessing and creation of the people under the heavens, and it is also the way to ascend to the heavens!”

If you can get something, … And don’t skimp on rewards! ”

The guards around them were in a hurry, and their eyes were extremely hot!


“100 floors of space… The land of trial is truly a great gift. ”

The sweeping monk exhaled softly, calmed the emotions in his heart, looked at Zhang Sanfeng and asked:

“What do real people think?”

Zhang Sanfeng brushed his white whiskers and exclaimed, “As soon as the trial of this Divine Pagoda opens, countless powerful people will surely emerge from all over the world, and perhaps the great world of cultivation that was speculated in the past will arrive ahead of schedule.” ”

After saying that, he smiled slightly and arched his hand:

“This is an extraordinary opportunity! Master, the old way is a little itchy, first of all to say goodbye. ”

The sweeping monk also bowed his head and said, “The poor monk is also in a difficult mood, go with him!” ”

“Haha! Good! ”

Two rays of light emerged, and the two disappeared, having entered the first layer of trial space.


In the space derived from the first level of the Trial Land,

There is nothingness on all sides, only a field of 100 meters in radius,

Two figures are fighting fiercely, one is naturally a trialist, and the other is a wooden puppet.

I don’t know what kind of magic can be like a human being, extremely flexible, and has a decisive power.


With the encouragement of True Qi, a move of Luohan shattered gold, completely cracking the humanoid puppet in front of him, scattering it into a place, turning into light and slowly disappearing.


Zhao Xiao used his internal strength, eased the breath in his body, and looked at the changes in front of him, secretly stunned.

“Well, this puppet can’t succeed in becoming a sperm, it’s really difficult, but it’s good to win…

It’s just that the first layer has such difficulty, and it is no wonder that there seem to be very few people on the previous forum who have cleared the second layer. ”


Just thinking, in the vanishing brilliance, a ray of light came to me, and in an instant, the disappearance disappeared and disappeared.

Zhao Xiao’s face was shocked, and there was some speculation in his heart.

Sure enough, a system prompt sounded.

“Ding, successfully pass the first level of the test, and get the reward for clearance: the method of martial arts [Luohan Voldemort’s hand].

Gain a Spirit Point, the number of consecutive passes is one, no blessing. ”

“Spirit Points have been counted into the [Redemption] system and can be used to redeem Reiki and treasures.”

“Do you accept the cultivation secret realm of [Luohan Voldemort Fist]?”

Zhao Xiao looked back and forth again, his face was excited, and he took a few deep breaths before he calmed down and pondered.

Sure enough, as the saying on the forum, this martial art is different for everyone, but it doesn’t seem to be completely irregular.

What I am best at is the “Arhat Fist”, and now the reward of this god tower is the “Arhat Voldemort Fist”, is there some connection between them, or is it in the same line?

According to the direction of the practitioner’s practice, the most appropriate martial arts method is given…

Well, it’s not easy to determine just one clearance reward, and this spiritual point…’

If he had known about it before, he would have thought of using this spiritual point to directly exchange it for Heaven and Earth Reiki and use it as a cultivation resource.

However, after calming down a little now, I decided not to use it for the time being, but to leave it after the [Redemption] function was unlocked and then made a decision.

After all, this thing can be known at a glance that the things in [redemption] must be extremely precious, and if it is unlocked at the time, but there are not enough spirit points, it is not a pity.

“Ding, please make a decision within a quarter of an hour, otherwise this cultivation secret realm will be regarded as abandonment.”

The sudden increase in tone made Zhao Xiao, who was thinking, suddenly return to his senses, a little shocked, and even said:

“Yes! Accept! ”

This so-called cultivation secret realm should be the so-called special teaching mode, and knowing some of the subtle mysteries in it, he naturally wouldn’t miss it!


(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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