

Around the Floating Immortal Mountain, there is the Dao Divine Charm that is evolving, which is the rule force that belongs to the world and is being changed on a small scale!

Time and space seemed to be changing, and a circular aura barrier was shrouded in the entire Immortal Mountain.

In an instant, the scene of the Immortal Mountain within the faint fluorescence became blurred, as if it was obscured by clouds and mist, hazy!

Located in the middle of the Immortal Mountain, Fang Qin on the jade platform was surrounded by colorful aura.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the changes in the surrounding space.

“In this way, the space and time here are different from the outside world.”

Fang Qin thought about it, and during the few days of meditation, he gradually understood and applied the power of the rules of this world, and changed and adjusted the rules within the Floating Immortal Mountain Junction here to a certain extent.

And maintained by the boundary, separated from the outside world, and does not affect each other.

Of course, these are just his attempts and random actions.

The most important thing is that there has been a lot of understanding and understanding of the ways and rules of this world.

The “Heavenly Dao Body” is indeed worthy of being an almost Dao Dharma body, and its affinity for the world,

Even though he was in a different world, Fang Qin could easily comprehend and apply the changes in the way and rules.

Changing the time and space within the Immortal Mountain Junction here at will was the result of Fang Qin’s understanding.

“Such power is quite similar to authority, and the difference is only in scope and in some areas that are deeper and more obscure that even I have not yet touched.”

Fang Qin thought about it, although understanding the world’s ways and rules and applying them was similar to the authority and power of the path of faith, but in fact it was still very different.

The fundamental lies in the source of the power and the limitations of its use.

One comes from the blessings of the world, and the other comes from one’s own perception.

The power gathered by the path of faith is actually blessed with the will of all sentient beings to obtain the power of the world’s authority in the underworld.

Although it involves the nature of a world, the power coverage of certain conceptual natures, if it is not limited by the power of faith, can almost be the scope of the world, and can do all kinds of incredible and super-standard things,

But when it comes to the fundamentals, the power in it comes from the blessings in the world, and the power of faith also comes from sentient beings, not the power that really belongs to itself.

If we cross or isolate the world, or if the faith of all beings disappears, we will lose our blessings and our power of authority will be extremely weakened or even die.

Previously, the Fuxi of the Immortal Sword World was isolated by Fang Qin with the Dragon Elephant Realm, losing most of the blessings of the world’s power, and was finally suppressed in the Divine Tree Monument.

In other words, Fang Qin, although he did not condense his divine personality, but gathered the power and authority of several worlds of extremely vast faith,

It is possible to consume a huge amount of faith power on the premise that it can use power in other worlds.

However, even so, at the time of the Immortal Sword World, Fang Qin’s power of authority was also greatly limited.

First, because of different strange worlds, they have not been recognized by the world.

In addition, in this world, there is already a Heavenly Emperor who rules the world, and his authority is affected, as if he is shielded.

The power that can only be driven by relying on the huge power of faith is even more insufficient.

The second is that the authority of faith has not really condensed the divine personality, ignited the divine fire, and truly transformed into a god of faith, power and divine power, which is inferior to that of the true god.

And if you understand the power of the rules yourself, in fact, many can do the same thing, and it is really your own foundation, everything comes from your own understanding.

The disadvantage is naturally influenced by the cultivation of the realm.

The scope of the rules that he could change now needed to be within his own general perception was far worse than the scope that his authority could cover.

Of course, his current understanding of the Tao and the rules was actually still very shallow, and Fang Qin was only slightly using some subtle power.

There is still a very long way to go to truly comprehend the profound and vast truths in it.


Every world is different, and the rules, paths, and changes of the world are also different.

For others, after all kinds of hardships and changes in the world, they may be able to gradually understand the law and the Tao in their own world.

If you take it to the rest of the world, it is difficult to change the Tao and the rules and immediately re-enlighten.

But for Fang Qin, this was a great opportunity!

In each world, he can feel the difference of the world, and explore the changes of various rules, such as time, space, life and death, fate…

And these different understandings will be transformed into a vast foundation, prompting the evolution of the [innate Dao Body] in a more mysterious direction.

It can also make Fang Qin constantly improve and transform and achieve the upper realm.

In the midst of countless evolutions, seek the most primitive of the ways and rules.

Understand the path to simplicity, never leave its sect, the most primitive way!

At that time, Fang Qin’s realm was not much different from the Immortal God he understood in his heart!

But none of this is a temporary achievement.

Fang Qin thought about sorting out his own understanding, slightly bowed his head, and consciously gained a lot.

Standing up and looking at the pagoda, the trials of countless figures appeared in his perception, and there was a smile in his eyes.

“Well, it’s not bad…”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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