
Ultimate South Mountain Boundary!


The two figures hurried to the vicinity of the pagoda, looking at this incomparable pagoda with shock and emotion.

Only by truly facing this can we truly understand the divine mystery and unimaginable greatness!

Guo Jing muttered to himself, “I don’t know how high this god tower is, could it be that it is connected to the Immortal Realm on the top?” ”

Legend has it that above the Nine Heavens, there was the Heavenly Court Divine Palace, and in his opinion, this sacred tower was so terrifying that it could not really lead to the Immortal Realm.

Zhou Botong on the side also looked at him with a sluggish face, and did not return for a while.

Even with his playful nature, it is difficult to maintain an attitude of indifference to the world in the face of such earth-shattering things.

After returning to the gods for a long time, he hurriedly prayed, muttering to himself that the immortals were on top…

Seeing the others step forward one after another to enter the Divine Tower, the treasure light burst out, and he couldn’t resist in his heart, and his face turned red with excitement, and he said to Guo Jing:

“Brother Guo, do we want to go in and have a look, old naughty boy, I have never seen such a long time in my life…

It would be a great blessing to be able to see it! ”

Guo Jing naturally came here for this purpose, nodding his head, and the two of them stepped forward at the same time, and in a flash of brilliance, entered the pagoda.


Inside the pagoda, in a vast space of light, countless lights and shadows have emerged, and these are the trialists who have ended the challenge.

Most of them only pass the first level of the trial level, and the second layer sinks into the sand.

However, even after failure, they are not willing to simply leave.

A crowd of people gathered to blush and discuss:

“What’s up, how many trials have you passed?” What happened to you? ”

“Oh, don’t mention it, it was directly a man dressed in black who was the same as me, the same as the day after tomorrow, almost overturned, fortunately in the end it was dangerous and dangerous, but on the second floor it was still a street …”

“I met the stake man, and the ghost knew how the stake moved, which almost scared me.”

“Oh, how the difference is so big, I am climbing the mountain trial, although very tired, but also barely passed, well, the second floor is the same as the street.”

“The second layer is much more difficult than the first.”

When the crowd talked about the second layer, they all had some regrets and fears, and they were full of sighs.

Regretting that they failed to pass the trial and get the reward, they were afraid of the thrill of it, and many people experienced the fear of death.

But even so, after everyone sighed, their faces were filled with excitement.

After all, the reward of the first level is already extremely expensive in their opinion!

The martial arts that are very suitable for oneself, as well as the magical [Secret Realm of Cultivation], is already worth any adventure!


Then a flash of light flickered, and a figure appeared.

Zhao Xiao’s face was sluggish, full of panic, and he didn’t seem to have recovered from the thrill and fear he had just had.

There are many similar situations around him, and when he sees his face, he understands things and watches a good play on the side, which is quite a bit of schadenfreude.

“This guy seems to be scared silly.”

“But isn’t it, after all, after experiencing a ‘death’, it is difficult for everyone to slow down, normal.”

“It’s already calculated, just saw one, all scared to cry…”

However, a few players only looked at it a little and did not look at it much.

After all, this situation, in the past few days, has seen a lot, there is nothing new.


Zhao Xiao could hear the rather noisy sounds around him, and gradually returned to his senses, somewhat bitterly smiling.

“Sure enough, it failed…”

As he expected, the difficulty of the fourth layer of the trial challenge had once again increased a lot, and the danger had increased innumerably.

Thinking about the pain of being pierced by the sharp blade at the end, Zhao Xiao hit a clever blow and his heart palpitated.

“Hey, everything is good, it’s just too real.”

However, the face is also a little strange, looking at his intact body, it feels very subtle.

This world is obviously a real world, but what kind of existence do we players belong to, and why can we be ‘resurrected’ after we die…

And also……

After the death here, isn’t it directly forced to quit the world and can’t log in for a month? How about this time…’

Hurriedly called out the [game] system and inquired about it.

After a while, I realized something.

“Even the interval between deaths has been adjusted, and this [game] update is really comprehensive…”

Not only did the one-month interval between deaths become a ten-day interval.

There is also a tower located in the god tower, after the death of the trialist, it can also remain in the second world,

However, it can only be located inside the tower, and if you go out, it will be forced to go downline.

And even if it remains in the tower, if you want to re-test, you will need to be ‘resurrected’ after ten days before you can continue.

Zhao Xiao looked at the huge space here, and countless people gathered together to discuss the matter of the trial fiercely, and there was some understanding in his heart.

‘This should be a place where we can exchange ideas…’

Just thinking about things, a bright light shone next to him, and a heroic figure gradually emerged!

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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