
‘Someone has ended the trial…’

Zhao Xiao was slightly shocked, so he reacted, his face was interested, and his heart was inexplicably disgusted.

The moment of ‘death’ before, the pain and fear really made him remember it vividly, and his heart palpitated.

Nowadays, when I see others appear, I not only have the idea of wanting to come forward and talk, but also have some thoughts of wanting to see the hilarity.

It is not that there is no compassion, but although this trial will have the horror of facing death, it is not real death in the end.

However, the next instant, he knew that his idea had gone astray!


The figure appeared, the tiger’s gaze condensed, a touch of amazing power swept through, startling the nearest Zhao Xiao’s heart jumped, his breathing was stagnant, as if he was being stared at by a beast, and his back was in a cold sweat.

‘This man is fierce!’ ’

Zhao Xiao was horrified in his heart, and subconsciously appeared with such a thought, and then he heard a voice of surprise, and the terrifying momentum suddenly disappeared.

That heroic figure was none other than Qiao Feng, his brow frowned slightly, scanning back and forth, and suddenly some of his attention returned, gradually converged from the previous state of battle.

‘Previously… I failed in my trials to the point of death, but why…’

I was shocked and uncertain in my heart, as if I remembered something, and I quickly checked it out.

“Ding, the trialist fails, and there can be no more trial challenges within ten days!”

Qiao Feng’s mind must have been clear, and he slowly exhaled.

‘The place of trial, sure enough, is no small feat, too…

The trials set up by the gentleman naturally cannot harm human life,

It’s just too mysterious, whether this is a real death or a fake…

If it is true, then how can I survive again, if it is false, it is too real, and…’

Qiao Feng’s slightly active body’s abundant and thick True Qi, as well as the extremely mysterious Martial Arts in his mind, were all absolutely true and real.

After thinking about it for a while, the next moment, he smiled slightly and said secretly:

‘Qiao Feng, Qiao Feng, you are a mortal, short-sighted, how do you know the immortal magic power of Mr. Qiao Feng, it is really not self-sufficient, Xia Worm Ice!’

I’m afraid that in the eyes of Mr. Wang, life and death are just waiting for idleness. ’

Thinking about this, he relaxed and did not study deeply, after all, whether it was the miracles such as the Tower of the Heavenly Gods, the Holy Land of Ascension, or the various incredible things he experienced during the trial, it was not something he could understand.

No matter how confused you are, you can’t understand, just don’t think about it, just know that it is Mr. Mister’s magic power.

Before the meeting, a man looked at him stunned, Qiao Feng looked at him roughly, and there was some understanding in his heart, and he slightly held his fist and arched his hand:

“In Lower Qiao Peak, I have seen this little brother!”

When Zhao Xiao heard this, his heart was shocked, and when he looked at the other party’s appearance, he suddenly felt a little familiar, and he was suddenly surprised and hurriedly replied:

“It’s the legendary Joe Gangster!” Long heard of the big name, now when I see it, it is really imposing, the little brother Zhao Xiao, has seen Qiao Gang Lord! ”

After saying that, he muttered in his heart:

‘Mom! It turned out that this was Qiao Feng’s big guy, no wonder the momentum alone was already so amazing, and I didn’t know what level his strength cultivation had reached, after this trial tower, it was estimated that it was even more terrifying! ’

For this early [Second World] celebrity, Zhao Xiao was indeed as he said, although he had never really seen it, he had also heard of it for a long time.

After all, on the Internet, there are also many [character chronicles] of the second world sorted out by the gods, and this Qiao Gang Lord is one of the most popular ones.

The deeds he did were really admirable, and later there was a matter of life entanglement, and finally quit the jianghu, which also made many people sigh with regret and lamentation, and complained about this hero with some tragic meaning.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party has once received the guidance of Wu Zu’s crown, and this alone has made him have a great reputation.

Although he has been in hiding for a long time, there are still many people who often discuss this person.

Now that they really met, such a heroic and magnificent momentum suddenly made him feel a little heartbroken,

Thinking of the terrifying power of the other party and his calm but not angry arrogance, he secretly sighed in his heart:

Look at people, face death directly, there is no impact at all, there is still such a mighty attitude, I don’t know how many layers of his strength have been challenged? ’


Qiao Feng smiled and stopped: “Falsely praised, Qiao Mou has lived in seclusion and does not ask about the affairs of the rivers and lakes, nor is he a member of the gang, but there is no way to talk about the helper.” ”

Zhao Xiao realized that he had said the wrong thing, nodded his head hurriedly, and asked after a moment’s thought:

“Qiao Daxia, the younger brother knows that you are strong in martial arts, and I don’t know how many layers you have passed through the trials given by this crown?”

To tell the truth, he was extremely curious about this, not only curious about the number of layers that the other party had passed, but also wanted to know whether there was a difference between the people of the “Second World” and players like himself.

After all, these players have [game] templates, and all kinds of things are extremely convenient, but the other party does not know how.

Although Qiao Feng failed on top of the trial, after all, he had a great harvest, a very good mood, and a small talk interest, and he was also somewhat curious about the person in front of him.

“Haha, the difficulty of the trial here is extremely high, Qiao is ashamed, only passed the eighth layer of the trial, but in the ninth layer is a failure.”

Saying that his face was a little regretful, he naturally knew the rules of this trial, if he could pass the level continuously, the rewards would continue to stack, but now he only stayed at the eighth layer.


Zhao Xiao’s face stagnated, and he looked at Qiao Feng with a wooden face.

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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