
‘Sizzle! Eighth Layer Trial!? What a god of this Nyima…’

Zhao Xiao looked at Qiao Feng with a look of horror, if he had not experienced the trial, he naturally had no intuitive feeling.

But he had been through trials, and he had confronted the terrible fear of life and death, and with the contrast, it felt extremely incredible.

Only the fourth layer of the trial, even now, he looked back, he thought that his current strength would not have the slightest chance of success,

Perhaps you need to have a good grasp of the harvest of the first three layers and carefully polish your practice before you can continue to challenge upwards.

However, the big guy in front of him had actually directly broken through to the eighth layer, five more layers than him, and it was also a five-tier trial whose difficulty had risen in a straight line, and it was conceivable that the difference in strength between himself and this big guy was between himself.

‘Is this the big guy of the second world, awesome!’ ’

If it was a gap of one or two layers, although he would be shocked and amazed, he still felt that he could understand it in his heart.

After all, the other party’s martial arts practice began from an early age, and the real world, if it were not for the supreme creation of the martial ancestors’ teachings and the various gifts at the time of preaching,

If players want to catch up with the progress of the cultivation of the Second World, it can be said that it is impossible in a short period of time, or even within ten or twenty years.

And even now, with the welfare of real scientific and technological civilization, under the large base of popularization, on the whole, it has been equalized or even surpassed, but at the top level, it is impossible.

However, although I knew that there was a gap with these tops, I didn’t expect the gap to be so large!

The gap between the entire five layers of trials…

Zhao Xiao calmed down a little, and asked with a subtle face:

“Could it be that Qiao Daxia has already broken through to the Innate Realm?”

If the other party has broken through the realm, it is still acceptable, if not…

That’s really scary!

“No, the acquired realm involves the foundation of the foundation, Qiao naturally will not break through at will, but brother, you…”

Qiao Fenghun didn’t care, after saying that, he looked at Zhao Xiao thoughtfully, and then looked at many players gathered in the distance, and there was a color of inquiry in his eyes.

When Zhao Xiao learned of the result, he felt some lament in his heart.

Is this the gap between people?

I heard that although Qiao Feng is powerful, there is still a gap between him and the existence of Wudang Zhang Sanfeng and Shaolin sweeping monks.

Qiao Feng is so powerful, aren’t those who are the most awesome even more…’

What he thought in his heart was only a moment, listening to Qiao Feng’s words, he was slightly shocked and quickly inquired:

“Oh, me? What does Joe mean? ”

Qiao Feng smiled and arched his hand and said:

“It’s nothing, but I’m a little curious about you and other celestial aliens, and now take this opportunity to get to know your brother well, please don’t hesitate to advise.”

“Ahh… Well!? ”

Zhao Xiao was about to answer the call, reacted, his heart suddenly exploded, jumping wildly, some scalps tingled,

‘Aliens!? ’

A moment of stunned eyes, a moment before cautiously said:

“Joe, what does Qiao Daxia mean by the aliens of heaven, but the younger brother has some doubts…”

The face tries to pretend to be confused, but the heart is already a mess, full of horror,

It’s kind of like when you’re playing a game, and suddenly the characters on the display screen are talking to themselves off-screen, forcing them to be horrified!

‘Mad!? What the hell is going on! Why did Qiao Feng ask these questions, and the Celestial Aliens!? Isn’t that about players! ’

Although in the real world, many people have generally believed that the “second world” is a real world, but after all, logging into the world in the form of a game warehouse still makes people subconsciously feel that some of the meaning of the game is inside.

Now, all of a sudden, it’s weird to see an ‘npc’ talking to you about the real world.

Qiao Feng saw that Zhao Xiao’s face had changed and changed, and he smiled and gave up slightly:

“Little brother don’t need to be too cautious, Qiao Mou has no malice.”

Seeing Zhao Xiao’s stunned look, he laughed rather than laugh:

“And if you think about it, how many people should there be, and how many people should come to my land of great Song?”

Zhao Xiao opened his mouth, somewhat speechless.

Indeed, if you really study carefully, more than half of the people in a world have ever logged in the “second world”,

Even though the number of people who landed on the land of Shenzhou was much smaller, the number was still extremely large.

Such a number of players, on the premise that the Second World is a real world, unless the people of this world are collectively blind, how can they hide?

Qiao Feng continued, “In addition, your behavior and demeanor are mostly inconsistent with worldly etiquette.

Although you have not differed much in terms of conversation, quite decent, but… After all, there are differences,

I took a quick look and knew you were one of them. ”

Zhao Xiao was stunned and slowed down for a long time before he asked with complexity:

“But you… If you all know the situation, why have you not been…”

If you knew, it would not be possible that no one would have mentioned this matter until now.

Thinking about it from another position, if there is a large group of people in the real world who behave retrogradely, and the number is extremely large, I am afraid that it will cause a huge impact in an instant.

It may be like the opening of the “Second World” for more than two years, without any movement, and everyone in this world seems to be blind to the many strange things of the player.

As a result, all players have ignored this matter, or rather, not to delve into the unknown.

After all, if you really want to dig deeper, it will lead to more difficult questions.

How does the player traverse?

How does login work?

How do players die and come back to life?

Why is there a one-month interval?

How does realm cultivation synchronize between the two worlds?

If these cannot be answered, it is useless to talk about the details of it.

So at the real-world forum, although not no one mentioned it, it did not cause much discussion.

No matter how carefully investigated, it is also a question that cannot be solved, and there are too many unsolved mysteries.

When Qiao Feng heard this, he also smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly: “Actually, I just knew.” ”

Seeing Zhao Xiao’s surprised face, he smiled:

What I just said is actually an inexplicable thought after clearing the eighth layer of the trial.

Faced with such a situation before, I had never doubted it once. ”

Speaking of this, Qiao Feng also felt that things were extremely strange.

In the past, I had been as if I had ignored such phenomena, and even if I had seen them more than once, I did not have the slightest doubt about the inappropriateness in them.

It wasn’t until the eighth layer of the Clearance Trial and after the Spirit Point broke through the Thirty Paths, that it seemed that there were some strange feelings.

Until the end of the trial, when facing Zhao Xiao, the memories of the past suddenly surfaced, and they suddenly noticed the strangeness in it.

He glanced at the radiant brilliance above and muttered, “Maybe it’s the meaning of the crown…”

Qiao Feng thought about it, and the only one who had such unimaginable magical power was the gentleman.

‘Well, the time when Sir appeared in the world seems to correspond to the above…’

Thinking of this, my heart was slightly in a trance, and I was more sure of the connection.

Zhao Xiao still had a confused look on his face, and he felt that the whole person’s brain was in a mess, trance, and overwhelmed.

Qiao Feng turned back to Zhao Xiao and said, “Little brother, Qiao Mou has no malicious intentions, but he has more doubts and curiosity, can you solve some puzzles for me?” ”

“Ahh… Good. ”

What else could Zhao Xiao do, he could only agree to it with a hard scalp.

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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