
Inside the tower, in a space that has no boundary.

Qiao Feng laughed and said happily:

“Listening to Brother Zhao’s words today, I really feel that the world is so big that there is no wonder, and there is such a mysterious place in the world!” It was an eye-opener for Joe! ”

Although I had never seen the words described by the little brother in front of me, I still felt extremely incredible.

For example, the ‘Roc’ flying in the sky, the ‘Xuan Snake’ traveling underground, and the buildings that are more than 100 meters high, just like the sky and night.

If it had been in the past, he would certainly not have believed it, but after seeing all kinds of miracles in the land of the god tower, his ability to accept it had skyrocketed, and although he was amazed by this, he would not lose his attitude.


Zhao Xiao sighed slightly, and after a period of conversation, he also gradually calmed down from a chaotic state.

Moreover, in Qiao Feng’s mouth, he learned a lot of touching information.

Looking at the players who were still gathering and talking in the distance, as well as many ancient people, Zhao Xiao’s heart was extremely complicated.

The people of the [Second World] actually got the [Game] template…

So, what’s the difference with us players? And also… What kind of information is contained here…’

Some of the information, just a little thought, he felt extremely frightening to think about, which made people feel a little panicky in their hearts.

Qiao Feng himself was a Haojie figure, and it was needless to say that he saw Zhao Xiao’s face, shook his head and laughed:

“Why should Brother Zhao worry! Don’t say the truth how, there is first, well… Wu Zu’s crown is here, and there will certainly be no bad things. ”

Zhao Xiaoyan also felt that this was indeed the case, and nodded, “What Brother Qiao said is extremely reasonable. ”

When Qiao Feng saw that he was still a little confused, he shook his head slightly, and patted Zhao Xiao’s shoulder in fear:

“Brother Zhao thought about it carefully, I have gained a lot from this trial, I want to retreat for a while, so I will say goodbye to it, and I will see you again later!”

Zhao Xiao also wanted to think about things well alone, and hurriedly hugged his fist to return the salute.

‘Oh, I don’t know how to say it…’

Seeing Qiao Feng’s gradually disappearing figure, Zhao Xiao groaned slightly and looked at the figure that was constantly emerging nearby.

The [game] system is called out of the mind, full of complexity to exit the world.


In the top floor of the Divine Tower, Fang Qin’s Daoist Dao in his hand shone brightly, constantly falling and disappearing into the Divine Tower.

“Ding! 【Redemption】Add Dan Medicine【Red Snow Stream Zhudan】【Chikukidan】【Containing Spirit Elixir】…”

“Ding! 【Redemption】Add weapons【Breaking Evil Sword】【Heartlust】【Flowing Moon】…”

“Ding, [Exchange] Add Classics [Rune Book] [Refiner Essentials] [Alchemy Notes] [Yuheng Hundred Grass Sutras]…”


Since the situation of the initial test within the [Pagoda] was more in line with Fang Qin’s expectations, there was no longer any problem, and naturally all other types of rewards were covered at one time.

This time is not like before, it only includes the Dao Fa and treasures.

Instead, it includes all kinds of things, weapons, elixirs, charms, etc., as well as various corresponding texts, which is a more comprehensive increase.

“Since it is a great world of cultivation, how can it not have all kinds of sub-occupations, huh?”

Fang Qin was quite interested and murmured softly.

Such alchemy, alchemy, runes and other classics have all been sorted out and improved by Fang Qin, making them more in line with the martial arts lineage, and naturally there will be no situation that is inconsistent with his own law.

“Well, almost, set the Spirit Point again…”

[Red Snow Flowing Zhu Dan]: Born of white bones, living the dead, free from all disasters in the world! Note: The higher the life level, the lower the recovery effect!

Redemption: Two lark points!

[Rune Book]: Records the most basic knowledge of runes containing materials, drawing methods, etc., and can make a variety of more elementary runes (evil charms, fixed runes, divine runes, golden light runes…). )。

Redemption: 1,000 Spirit Points!


“Ding! Setup Successful! ”

In an instant, it was already set, and Fang Qin nodded with satisfaction.

Inside the Divine Tower, the various treasures in the [Exchange] were all kinds of random items that Fang Qin had refined at his disposal when he first understood the methods of refining instruments, alchemy, and spell-making.

In fact, most things come from the world we have experienced in the past.

Countless weapons, elixirs, and charms were piled up and stored somewhere in the small world of [space], and the number was unimaginably large like a star.

And Fang Qin’s realm cultivation was too terrifying to improve his speed, and these things were useless in the end, or useless to himself.

Fang Qin had occasionally remembered in the past, and he didn’t know how to deal with it, but now that it was the setting of this [Pagoda] trial, he had also taken it out as a reward appropriately.

Although, what is put into the [pagoda] is only a very small part of it,

But the number is still unimaginably amazing, and it is more than enough to supply two fledgling cultivation civilizations.

It can also be regarded as having a destination, and it will not be placed in the [space] to ‘accumulate dust’.

Moreover, it can also bring good luck points to Fang Qin, but it is not a loss at all.

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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