
For the setting of the two new functions of the [game] system, [Trial] and [Redemption], it has been roughly completed and ended.

With a wave of Fang Qin’s hand, a series of slightly flickering rays of light fell, these were all other random opportunities that were different from the hundred layers of trials.

It contains a variety of rewards, including the type of reward for completing the trial, or spirit points, and possibly various treasures in the [Redemption].

And the things inside are not static, always random and changeable.

In the countless random places of trial, shuttle and hide.

If the Trialist has such a chance and luck, and sees and succeeds in obtaining this light, he will receive the opportunity reward for it.

There is no difficult test in this, it is purely based on luck and character.

Perhaps it is not impossible for a certain trialist to have a deep source of blessings, and it is not impossible to encounter and receive the opportunity reward in the first level of the trial.

Of course, under the huge number of people in the two worlds, such opportunities will appear extremely rare, and the trialists who can be encountered can be said to be amazingly lucky, and the koi is still alive.

“Luck is also a kind of strength, and the importance is not low…”

Fang Qin acted arbitrarily, and he did not intend to stay in the Divine Tower any longer.

With a gentle sweep, the line of sight seemed to span an infinite distance and saw many familiar faces.

Zhang Sanfeng, the sweeping monk, Hong Qigong, Quanzhen Qizi, Guo Jing, etc., and some of the more famous people in the original work…

“The opportunity has been given, but I look forward to where you can go in the future,

Well….. Qiao Feng and… Have you noticed…”

Fang Qin smiled slightly, and he was not surprised.

When he was holding the Key to the World, he discovered all kinds of mysteries in it.

Therefore, it was set that as long as thirty spirit points were obtained, the inexplicable influence could be removed.

It is a process of gradual adaptation to the two worlds.


Fang Qin’s mind moved, the brilliant light flickered, and the figure disappeared in a flash, and he had returned to the small world of [space].


As soon as he returned, the first thing he felt was the rich heaven and earth aura surging in all directions, and Fang Qin stretched his body and sighed:

“Or is there enough aura here, stay more comfortable…”

The real world and the martial arts world are both barren worlds with extremely poor aura.

In fact, it is not suitable for cultivation at all, if there are monks from other worlds who come to these two worlds,

Cultivators who rely on the blessings of the power of heaven and earth will lose their strength in an instant, and without the support of external aura, their cultivation mana will gradually pass.

In other words, Fang Qin had another way, and on the six-fold method of martial arts, the magic method of devouring the energy essence of heaven and earth was integrated, so that the two worlds had the possibility of opening up the cultivation civilization.

As far as Fang Qin himself was concerned, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi within his complete perceptual range was not as vast and thick as his wisp of power.

The Heaven and Earth Reiki that can be borrowed and absorbed is too rare relative to itself.

Of course, it is not that in the two worlds, Fang Qin cannot borrow the power of the outside world.

It’s just that compared to the Heaven and Earth Reiki, if it is borrowed and mobilized, it is more mainly the energy force that is wandering in the world, and the power of the law that is gradually understood.

In fact, with Fang Qin’s realm cultivation, he was no longer very affected by the Heaven and Earth aura, and could adapt to any harsh environment in the outside world.

Coupled with the two amazing physiques of the “Heavenly Dao Body” and the “Dragon Elephant Sacred Body”, the world is so big that you can go anywhere!

However, relatively speaking, it is natural to stay in a place where the aura of heaven and earth is strong, and the mood is more pleasant.

Cultivating oneself, in a place where the aura is abundant, can also do more with less.

“Well, this…”

In the perception, I saw a shadow standing quietly in the small pavilion at the edge of the central attic.

Fang Qin smiled softly and came to Qianying’s side, taking his soft body into his arms.


Huang Rong was slightly shocked, and the next moment he reacted, overjoyed, and looked at Fang Qinjiao with disgust:

“Brother Qin, you are always scary ~”

Fang Qin smiled, “Who can scare you ghost spirits?” ”

Huang Rong drummed his mouth, leaned against Fang Qin’s body and hummed without speaking, and after a while he squinted his eyes and smiled slightly.

Fang Qin also smiled when he saw this, and both of them were enjoying a silent warmth.

For a long time, Huang Rong opened her eyes slightly, her beautiful eyes turned slightly, and she said softly:

“Brother Qin, what’s been the end of the recent business?”

He said and bit his lip slightly:

“Brother Qin’s affairs are always big things, and Rong Er can’t help you.”

Fang Qin tightened the girl in his arms and said softly, “In my heart, Rong Er is the big thing…”

Huang Rong’s heart was warm, his face was slightly red, and he was a little shy, so he buried himself in Fang Qin’s arms and said in a muffled voice:

“Hum ~ will coax people, people can really believe it ~ ”

Although the words were quiet, they were full of excitement and joy, and Fang Qin listened to them with a good laugh:

“Nature is real! Can you still lie to you? ”

As soon as he said this, Huang Rong immediately muttered:

“As far as you are the most deceitful, when I asked you about things before, I always used the old monk’s storytelling to fool people, so I was not honest…”


Fang Qin’s face was a little embarrassed, when he first met before, he was not so intimate, plus he himself was not easy to explain many things, and he was not willing to deceive this girl, so he kept fooling around, but he didn’t expect her to remember.


Huang Rong looked up slightly, glanced at it quietly, smiled softly, and his voice was delicate and gentle.

Fang Qin saw that she was full of autumn waves, her eyes were full of emotion, and her heart was hot, and she was immediately ‘annoyed and ashamed into anger’, and said:

“Oh well! I didn’t expect you to have such a vengeance, see I don’t teach you! ”


(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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