
Now that a decision has been made, it is natural to take action directly!

Nowadays, Zhao Xiao’s ability to make videos has been extremely skilled, and there is nothing that needs to be specially edited, but half a day’s work has already sorted out a video.

After checking several times that there is no problem, log in to the account of the l station [I am smiling] and directly publish the video.


After the matter was settled, Zhao Xiaofa stayed for a while, and his heart relaxed a lot.

‘Second World, God Tower, Game System…’

Shaking his head slightly, he didn’t think much about it, and prepared to practice for a while to digest the results of this trial tower.

The video that was released has already had a very surprising impact on the Internet and even in reality.

As one of the uplords with the largest number of fans on the entire website platform, the video released by Zhao Xiao was first released, and many people have clicked into it and watched it.

Not to mention that he still has a video about the “second world”, which naturally attracts the attention of countless people.

The picture uses a real person to appear on camera, and Zhao Xiao is also a rare serious appearance in the camera, which makes many fans familiar with him have some doubts.

“Smile or don’t laugh! Grandpa Green Knot! ”

“How can it feel so serious?” What’s the situation? Laugh one to show Grandpa! ”

“Shhh! Don’t talk, block the subtitles, read on! ”

In the video, Zhao Xiao, first of all, greeted as usual, and then directly entered the main topic.

“……. Folks, I’m posting this video today not to discuss the Tower of Trials, but to focus on the Second World.

Although we all generally agree that this is a real world,

But I believe that everyone should still have a lot of game in it.

…… Have you ever wondered what is the difference between our players and them since this is a real world?

Is unknown login… Resurrection from the unthinkable…”

At this point in the video, many people are frowning and doubting, and the bullet screen has passed.

“Smile how… Talk about this old topic? ”

“Yeah, I thought it was the Trial Tower’s strategy suggestion…”

These related topics are old topics today.

Many people have seen countless similar arguments before, but without exception, they have all become unfounded conjectures.

At the beginning, many people like to watch these, but the passage of time has long been strange, and this topic is not deeply studied.

After all, in any case, there is no one to agree with, [Second World] too many unsolved mysteries, resulting in all speculation can not be justified, more than to say is useless.

Unexpectedly, today, when everyone was discussing the content of the trial, Zhao Xiao actually talked about the old topics of the past.

However, despite the doubts and some disappointments in their hearts, the crowd continued to watch,

After all, this is also an extremely popular uplord, I think there should be something different.

“…… Folks, I know you must have a lot of doubts, and to be honest, I am now.

But if you encounter something like me, everything will be clear.

Without further ado, go directly to the video, and after watching it, you should understand my feelings! ”

The video screen turned and directly became the picture recorded by Zhao Xiao in the “Second World”.

The initial picture is a flash of brilliance, a heroic figure just appeared, which made many people suddenly exclaim, and a barrage of bullets drifted by

“Is it that man?”

“Oh yes! This momentum is awesome, and it is indeed worthy of Qiao Feng’s big guy! The existence of being able to command martial arts is not ordinary. ”

“But no, a lot of people who have just finished their trials have experienced danger and terror, and most of them are very embarrassed, and this big guy is good, and he feels a feeling of invincibility when he looks at it.”

The video in the picture continued to advance, and when the two talked about the number of levels of the trial tower, the bullet screen was even more enthusiastic.

“Sleeper, clear the eighth floor!?” Is this Nyima still human? ”

“The eighth floor, the distant dream…

Is this the strength of the big guy? Qiao Feng was so awesome, didn’t Wudang Sect Master Zhang Zhenren directly explode and ascend to heaven? ”

“It’s all acquired ten, and the gap between them is too scary.”

There are also eight floors, how terrible is the reward? ”

“Judging from the current intelligence, Qiao Feng’s big man has at least thirty-six spirit points alone, and the rewards of the Martial Arts Method have been superimposed by eight layers, needless to say, I… What an envy!! ”

All the people who saw the video, most of them were shocked by the number of layers that Qiao Feng cleared, and then they spoke one after another.

Countless bullet screens drifted by, and the atmosphere was still quite good, after all, the gap was too huge, and they could not produce any thoughts of just lemons, but more of an exclamation.


In the picture, Qiao Feng’s words of ‘alien people’ fell, and the bullet screen of the entire video screen suddenly disappeared.


Everyone looked at the video with a look of bewilderment, full of disbelief, almost thinking that they had heard it wrong.

Turning back to God, I suddenly inhaled a cool breath, and I was shocked.

In the next instant, in the video, countless bullet screens flew by like explosions!


“What the hell are the aliens!?” Suddenly it feels so scary! ”

“Yikes! Wouldn’t it be us players? Mad, what a situation! ”

All the audience felt the horror and strangeness that Zhao Xiao had experienced before!

The video after that is also full of high energy, from Qiao Feng’s description of the player and the synchronization of the [game] template,

All the netizens who watched the video accepted that they could not accept it, and they were greatly impacted, their scalps were numb, and their backs were sweaty.

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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