
A number of netizens who watched the video were greatly impacted, and under disbelief, they continued to watch in a loop.

As a result, the click rate continues to soar, coupled with the content is too shocking, in a few hours, it has become popular all over the network!

Countless people were shocked and moved, commenting one after another, venting their shock and shock!

“That is to say, from now on, the other party also has a game system like us?”

Depend on! What the hell is going on and why is this happening!! ”

“The class representative is here! Let me sort out the core information!

First: The people in [Second World], in the Tower of the Gods, have synchronized the [Game] template!

Moreover, after the information exposed in the video, it can be seen that there are two templates of “trial” and “exchange”, and we are also missing two templates of “login” and “video”.

Second: In the Tower of the Heavenly Gods, both we and the people of the Second World have the ability to die and rise, that is, the nature of immortality.

Third: People in the second world, because of the influence of some unknown force, will turn a blind eye to some irrational places in our players. However, in the Tower of Trials, as long as thirty Spirit Points are obtained (the conditions are uncertain), this effect can be lifted.

That’s the general important information, Made! I have a very strange feeling when I see it, some hair, do you feel the same way? ”

“Empathy! I always feel a very strange feeling, similar to the Uncanny Valley effect…”

That is to say, the second world, as a powerful being, will be the first to discover our existence.

Then it is foreseeable that the number of people who know of our existence will surely soar over time…”

“Nope! You’re all wrong! Since they can get the [game] system and get two newly updated templates,

So can we explain that if they get the [login] template, can they log in to our world in turn? ”

“…… Well!? Sleeper! It seems that this is really possible! ”

“The angle is tricky, but I have to say, it is very likely! I was a little flustered, what to do! ”

“Hiss! Scalp tingling, dare not speak!! ”

The release of a video of Zhao Xiao was like an explosion, hammering out the entire blue star civilization in the real world!

If it can be said that you don’t have to care about the details before, then now, it’s really hard not to care.

After all, this is already the first real exchange between the two worlds.

And there are a lot of questions that are extremely frightening to ponder, all of which are shocking.

For example, there is a problem with the game system template.

For example, there is a problem of logging into your own world.

And all that…..

Many people have expressed their views and expressed great concern about this!

Of course, on the contrary, there are many different ideas.

“Oh, I don’t know what you people are thinking, are you persecuted fantasies?”

Don’t think about who is now in whose world, even if they are afraid, we have such a huge number of people, they should be afraid! As for being so sensitive? ”

“Agreed! Instead, I feel that this is good, mutual honesty, so that the two worlds really face to face communication, is the best.

Unlike before, it feels like the boots are itching and not having fun. ”

“Huh! Upstairs is easy, but in this case, who can know what the other party thinks?

You must know that there are a number of martial arts masters on the other side, although the current strength, in modern science and technology, is not a powerful force,

But with the Tower of Babel, everyone can get the opportunity to quickly improve their cultivation strength.

You have also seen that one of them, Qiao Feng, who is not the strongest, went straight up to the eighth level of the trial during the trial.

It was a full five layers higher than the strongest known on our side, and the gap was so big that there was no edge,

And it can be expected that the gap in strength will become wider and wider, and what will happen after that, who knows? ”

“……. I won’t say anything else, first of all, they have to have a [login] template, there is a very small possibility of happening, do they have? No!

So this topic doesn’t hold! Blind thoughts! ”

“I don’t think you’re big!” If you say so, didn’t they also have a [game] system before? It’s not the same now!

How can you be sure they won’t be in the future, fool! Think about it and talk about it again!! ”

Above the network, the views on this matter are gradually polarizing, and they can’t see each other eye-to-eye!

It also attracted many netizens who watched the battle to directly express their views to each other, and no one would disagree with anyone.

With the passage of time, the smell of gunpowder gradually became stronger,


“I’m a little confused, I don’t know what is going on in your head…

Let me tell you, it doesn’t have to be that complicated.

First of all, where does the [Second World] Man [Game] template come from? Tower of the Gods!

Where does the Tower of Babel come from? Under the crown of Wu Zu!

Then the update content of the [game] system, [Trial] and [Redemption], all related to the Tower of the Gods,

So can we explain that the [game] system was done by Wu Zumiao?

And then all the rules in the system are set under the crown?

Therefore, this time it is the meaning of Wu Zu’s crown,

And then…… Do you have any questions? ”



The whole network seemed to be quiet for a while, and it was a while before someone commented again.

“Ah this, gone…”

“It turned out to be the meaning of the crown, that slipped away.”

Cough, the Trial Tower Challenge has gone! ”

“What a mess! This is a matter of our vital safety!

What? You say it means under the crown? Oh, that’s all right. ”

“Good guys! I’m such a direct good guy! ”

If there is anyone who is revered by all the world, perhaps only this immortal god who preaches the world and opens up the way of eternal life for all sentient beings!

For this crown, all people have only reverence and piety,

After reacting and realizing that there was a connection with the crown, everyone seemed to wake up, think about it carefully, hey! No problem!

It turned out to be the meaning of the crown, then no problem!

As a result, the slight sense of panic in the hearts of many people suddenly dissipated.

The tension in their hearts disappeared, many people were relaxed, and many people were extremely happy about the possibility of the two worlds communicating with each other, and began to speak.

“Sigh, is it possible that the two worlds will communicate with each other in the future, I am really looking forward to it.”

“Great! I fell in love with Xiaohua, I don’t know if there is a chance in reality, marry him back home, look forward to! ”

“Bless upstairs! Definitely! ”

“Best wishes… Well? He!? Boy, you’re not right! ”

“Men plus men….. No way! This IP, I wish I had seen before, has been two years later.

Cough, I don’t know what to say, I can only say blessings 666! ”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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