
The real world,

A college dorm somewhere.

A girl with a delicate and pure face browsed a recent video about the Second World, and her eyes shone slightly.

“Coronal… Pass the God Tower, the Hundred Floors of Trials…

Could it be that he gave such a holy place of trial in consideration of the Silver Light Civilization…”

Xiao Qin thought about the gentle and intimate figure of the Who Immortal, his face was slightly red, and a warm smile appeared.

If she had been reborn at the beginning of the previous period, she would have been terrified and despaired of the technological strength of the alien civilization, the overwhelming power, and the impending collapse of the Azure Star civilization.

So now, after more than half a year of observation, she has no despair at all, only full of confidence!

Whether it is the second preaching, the incredible six-fold method of martial arts, or the current Tower of the Heavenly God, the hundred-story trial,

All let the real world, the entire Azure Star civilization have the opportunity to rise strongly, compared to the past life, it can be described as an epic dream start!

In addition, what Xiao Qin heard from a certain staff member was about the Silver Light Civilization Creation given by the Crown, and he could make research and various prejudgments on the science and technology of the Silver Light Civilization in advance.

Under the superposition of multiple advantages, if this is the case, they will lose…

“No… You can’t lose, you can win!! ”

Xiao Qin shook her head slightly, clenched her small fist, looked determined, and murmured in a low voice.


Among the various videos on the Internet, the vast divine power of Wu Zumian to move mountains and seas at will, as well as the divine tower that is like connecting to the sky, and many netizens speculated about the source of the [game] system…

All of this shows the power of the gods.

With this divine asylum, there can be no problem.

Xiao Qin spat out her tongue, secretly saying that before, she was silly and cute,

In front of such a fairy god, he cried in front of him and talked about the horror of the alien civilization, and now he thought that his face was really red and shy.

It should be known that even in the past life she had experienced, in the last period of time, the fleet of the Silver Light Civilization only showed the amazing lethality of the unknown Silver Light Energy Force.

But to say that a huge range of mountains is raised at will, and everyone is unharmed, how to think, it is difficult to compare.

And this is only the power displayed under the crown, perhaps the real divine power will be even more vast!

Another point is that if the [game] templates are related to the crown,

The ability to travel through the world and the method of resurrection from the dead contained in it may be caused by the divine power under the crown,

Although there were some doubts about this, after a little thought, I felt that the power of the Immortal God was extremely vast and unpredictable! There is also a great sense of peace of mind.

Remembering the scene where the crown gently said to her and reassured her, Xiao Qin’s face flushed, hugged her legs, and laughed softly.


After a while, I looked at the video again, and thought that although I had reached the tenth weight of the day after tomorrow,

But at present, it feels that there is still a stage of improvement, the opportunity is precious, the first trial, or wait.

Thinking deeply, Xiao Qin was a little dazed, raised her hand, touched the center of her eyebrows, and smiled softly.

Inside the dormitory, it was naturally impossible to have only Xiao Qin as a student.

The three girls in the same dormitory, who also looked quite good, all looked at Xiao Qin with some shock,

Then they looked at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise.

One of them said sarcastically:

“Xiaoqin ~ laughing at what, so happy?” Could it be that he has a boyfriend? ”

“I see, it must be ~ you see her smile so sweetly, isn’t it the way the little girl is in love?”

“Tell me who he is, even our flowers are going to fall?”

Xiao Qin was slightly stunned when she heard this, she didn’t know what to think, her face was even redder, and she looked at several funny roommates with a look of disgust and said:

“What are you all talking about?”

After saying that, he said, “I want to cultivate, so I won’t tell you.” ”

After the words were over, he had already walked out and left the dormitory.

In the real world, in order to cultivate without being disturbed by others, countless schools and colleges have specially built new cultivation rooms for the cultivation of a group of students.

The place where Xiao Qin planned to go was precisely these special cultivation rooms.

The remaining three girls all looked at her back with a look of shock and uncertainty.

“The amount … Can’t really guess right, right? ”

To tell the truth, for this roommate in the same room, although they usually laugh and play, they still have some awe in their hearts.

Let’s just say that her Heavenly Ten Heavy Realm cultivation after her death, but also a small proportion of people, the main cultivation of the genius of the Divine One, the talent is so high that the whole academy is well-known,

And such a gifted person is a person who can know that if it goes well, the future achievements will certainly not be low.

In addition, people are also beautiful, and there are many people who admire her.

Although they often teased her as a flower, if they really want to study it carefully, they are also worthy of the name, and even it is not too much to say that it is a school flower.

However, in the academy, there is naturally no such name, and they are just laughing and playing in private.

However, in the face of such a powerful and talented big man, several girls in the same room, they actually have good intentions in their hearts.

Of course, the most important point is that the rumors in the academy from nowhere say that she has a deep background and cannot be provoked.

At first, of course, no one believed it, but then gradually, somehow, it seemed that suddenly the words were chiseled up, and it was really not simple to think about.

Such a powerful, talented and talented person, and the background is not simple, can it be that he really has a master?

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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