

For a long time, Fang Qin took a slight breath and stopped cultivating.

When he reached this realm of cultivation, he didn’t need to practice non-stop every day, just stop it appropriately.

To be so relaxed and casual was naturally inseparable from his own extremely vast foundation and increasingly terrifying cultivation talent.

The two amazing physiques of achievement are in themselves Dao bodies with infinite potential, and the blessings at the time of cultivation are even more amazing.

Of course, the most important thing is that the three methods of [Jing Qi Shen] in the body are like eternity, and they never stop running.

Even if he didn’t take the initiative to cultivate, his own cultivation was getting stronger all the time, and it was becoming more and more terrifying!

Fang Qin stood up and looked into the distance, where the small world, with the passage of time, the terrain gradually increased, but under his suppression, it was extremely slow.

As a result, on the contrary, the concentration of Heaven and Earth Reiki climbed relatively quickly.

Not only the central attic, but also the surrounding land of a hundred miles, has gradually reached the level of a kind of aura liquid.

After roughly observing the change of direction of the flow between the aura and the mountains, Fang Qin thought about it.

At the confluence of this aura and the power of the mountains, perhaps after a few years, there will be a so-called spiritual pulse and spiritual creatures born. ’

The so-called spirit pulse is both the power of the aura and the mountains, which have formed a kind of heaven and earth creation over the years.

If the spirit pulse is completed, the entire earth realm mountain range will undergo a qualitative transformation, becoming more containing the treasure land without mysterious creation.

In such a treasure land, all kinds of things that arise from feng shui momentum or other mysterious things are legendary spiritual objects.

For example, in the world of the Immortal Sword, the Yin-Yang Purple Que found by Yun Tianqing is the spiritual jade that is created in accordance with the spiritual pulse, the mountain, and the feng shui.

Or all kinds of other heavenly treasures, they are all spiritual creatures that are naturally cultivated by various creations.

Most of the treasures that had been collected in the Divine Realm before were spiritual objects and treasures derived from that world over the years.

Although Fang Qin’s [Space] Small World was extraordinary and the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi Creation was extremely amazing, after all, the world was still a small prototype at the beginning of its formation, and there was not enough time to form such a creation treasure.

Thinking about this, Fang Qin was a little bit, and the aura of the surrounding land began to surge downwards, and countless brilliant aura disappeared between the mountains.

And directly invoked the power of the rules of the world, under the envoys.


Between the surrounding mountains, gradually a series of brilliant spiritual veins began to converge and form.

It was only with the changes in the surrounding land boundaries that Fang Qin’s previous falling formation seemed to have begun to have some impact.

Fang Qin frowned slightly, scattering the power of the rules.

“Well, forget it, just like that, or let it form naturally…”

After all, Fang Qin had not yet reached the level of the power of the rules that he could use at will.

On a large and broad level, he can display extremely vast and amazing terror powers, but the application of such rules is still crude.

It was only with one’s own [innate Dao Body], the vast [God], and the realm cultivation that it was possible to use the extremely terrifying power in the rules of the world at will.

However, because the perception of the Tao and the rules is still relatively shallow, some subtle levels cannot be comprehensive.

Just like in front of him, Fang Qin himself had already connected the entire surrounding land boundary to the center before, forming a huge formation that seemed to be formed naturally!

All the forces around them are condensed to the center, and all kinds of wonderful blessings such as gathering spirits, cultivating gods, and containing gods are all kinds of wonderful blessings.

Within its own range, it is already connected.

Now, if one of these places is used to mobilize the power of the rules, although it will have little impact, after all, it will make a corner of the Dafa Array produce a unique change, thus affecting the entire Fa Array.

As a result, Fang Qin also gave up the act of directly transporting the world’s rule power and directly giving birth to the ‘Spirit Pulse’.

Or let the whole of it evolve naturally.

Of course, if Fang Qin does not use the power of the world’s rules to make the call,

Instead, use your own strength, but will be much more casual, only in a thought,

But in that case, it is a big transformation of the whole small world, and there is no need.

Anyway, when these spiritual veins were formed, for him, it was just one more place where he could continuously cultivate the true Heavenly Treasures.

However, if you really want to say it, it is only a little meaningful, and it is not essential.

It doesn’t matter how long the derivative lasts, it is better to let it evolve and change at will.

Fang Qin pondered the gains and losses of the rules that had just been transported, and he had gained some gains, so he no longer cared about it.

Turning around and walking slowly down the mountain, it was as if the end of the world was within reach, and one step out was already in the distance.

In the next instant, you are already in a beautiful peach blossom forest.

This is the place where Huang Rong and Xin Fourteen Niang took care of it together,

Although the time is not long, under the rich spiritual nourishment of the small world, as well as the cultivation of the creation qi obtained from the previous promotion of the world, it is no longer a mortal thing, it can be called a spiritual plant.

Looking at the red-clad Qianying holding a small basket in the distance and picking flower petals, Fang Qin smiled gently and slowly walked up.

“Fourteen Ladies ~”

Hearing this gentle cry, Xin Fourteenth’s eyes lit up, her heart rejoiced, and she turned slightly to see Fang Qin, and suddenly the lotus step came briskly to Fang Qin’s body.

“Brother Qin~How did you get here~”

“The view here is excellent, so here.”

As Fang Qin spoke, he stared slightly at the Fourteenth Lady and laughed softly.

Xin Fourteenth Lady heard the words, her face was slightly dizzy, her eyebrows were affectionate, and she softly muttered.

Stretching out his jade hand to pull Fang Qin, he walked towards the peach blossom forest and introduced the results for him.

Although Fang Qin knew about this thing at a glance, he naturally wouldn’t be so disappointed.

Only a slight smile, with the fourteenth lady’s wishes, while walking and chatting.

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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