
Colorful peach blossoms, spiritual fog fluttering,

Fang Qin and Xin Fourteenth Lady sat down on a stone platform and spoke softly.

Xin Fourteen Niang’s body leaned slightly against Fang Qin’s side and smiled softly:

“Although this garden is taken care of by me and Sister Rong’er, the sisters often come to help.

Well… Sister Mengli loves it very much, and she often comes here these times, and she also gives a lot of good advice~”

Between the eyebrows and the smile, extremely happy.

Fang Qin was also aware of this.

Xin Fourteen Niang and Liu Mengli are both considered demons, one is a dream tapir, and the other is a fox.

Moreover, they all belong to the category of clear mind and pure spiritual power, gentle and elegant in nature, and they all like flowers and plants, so there are many common topics between the two, and they are very chatty.

Xin Fourteenth Lady held out her jade finger and introduced herself to a place:

“In addition to this peach garden, there are also some spiritual fruits and vegetables next to it, and that place is mainly taken care of by Rong’er’s sister, and the tea garden is also …”

Speaking, Xin Fourteenth Niang’s face was somewhat envious:

“Sister Rong’er is really skillful, extremely proficient in everything, and can know everything, but I can’t compare with it, and I need to consult well.”

In fact, the most envious is naturally Huang Rong’s increasingly powerful cooking skills, which have exceeded common sense.

There is no doubt that this is really the most skilled kitchen lady among the girls.

Other girls, such as Xin Fourteen Niang herself, Xiaolongnü, Xiao Zhao and other girls, although they are actually quite good when it comes to cooking, they are also the top level in the world.

However, compared with Huang Rong, it is incomparable, it is really talented.

When Fang Qin heard this, he also nodded in agreement:

“Rong’er’s craftsmanship is really excellent, but your skills are not bad.”

For Huang Rong’s cooking skills, Fang Qin really has nothing to say and likes it very much.

Seeing the fourteenth lady’s somewhat envious look, she was quite amused:

“You guys, it’s really funny, envying each other?” Rong Er also told me that your cultivation is progressing very fast. ”

Fourteen Niang shook her head slightly, and said softly, “If there is, Fourteen Niang will soon be surpassed…”

The Demon Clan and the Terran race are indeed different, although after becoming a goblin, their own life expectancy is much longer than that of the Terran race, but the growth cycle usually takes longer.

Even with the talent of the Fourteenth Lady, if you want to further break through the realm, it is not so fast.

And Xiaolongnü, Huang Rong… Several girls who had made relatively fast progress in cultivation were already almost about to break through the True Dan Realm.

Of course, this is also because with each realm, the practice will become more and more difficult, and the span between the innate True Dan and the True Dan to the True Intention cannot be compared.

Moreover, the Fourteenth Lady also had the idea of consolidating the foundation foundation, so she was not in a hurry to break through.

“Well, how to cultivate, just be diligent and practice slowly, and with me there, there should always be no problem.”

Well, your innate Fa is also well practiced, and it seems that you have a good understanding. ”

Fang Qin smiled and hugged the Fourteenth Lady into his arms, whispering against the white jade cheeks of the beauty.

The Fourteenth Lady blushed and muttered softly.

Not to mention that this innate method itself is extremely beneficial to the foundation foundation, let’s say that this is the method created by Fang Qin, and she will naturally seriously participate in the practice of understanding.

The two men grinded their ears for a while before they went back to the central attic together.

In the following period of time, Fang Qin was ready to accompany the girls more, of course, in addition to this, there was also serious cultivation to break through the realm of [gods].

Nowadays, Fang Qin’s realm cultivation is that only [Jing] and [Qi] have broken through, but in fact they already belong to the state of imbalance between the three [Jing Qi and Qi].

Although it did not have a great impact on him, it was not a perfect state after all.

With Fang Qin’s foundation, it is natural to pursue perfection.

So I thought, break through first, and then consider other things when the spirit is once again balanced and complete.


Martial arts world, Tongtian God Tower.

In the space that immediately formed, a figure gasped for breath and fell to the ground to rest.

There is a healing radiance around the body that is given after the success of the trial.

It was a young man in his mid-twenties, named Li Sheng, a third-year student in the real world.

Although it has not really stepped out of society, on the Internet, it is also a little famous, and people send nicknames “Jin Li”, which is familiar to many netizens.

Such a reputation is not that he has any special talent,

His appearance can only be regarded as a decent appearance is not ugly, and there is no bright spot in appearance.

Even the talent of martial arts cultivation is not high, or it belongs to the inferior kind, and the progress of ordinary people’s cultivation for one day cannot be said to be worth several days of catching up.

However, this humble young man has one thing that makes everyone who knows him remember it vividly, and that is luck.

Among the players in the real world, those who can get the creation gift given by the Wuzu are undoubtedly people with good luck.

What can be created twice is even more envious and jealous, and it is very rare!

And this young Li Sheng, even if he is the best of these, in the “Second World”, it is really full of luck!

Pushing back the time, whether it was Wuzu’s first vision, the aura gift on Wudang Mountain, or the spiritual rain and sun essence of the two preaching after that, and so on, not even one of them was missed, and he was met by him.

Such a good thing as a luck explosion is extremely rare in the huge player base in the real world.

His deeds were later posted on the Internet by a friend, causing the envy and jealousy of many netizens.

At that time, there was a lot of popularity, because his surname was Li, and he was jokingly called ‘Jin Li’, which means ‘Koi’.

In this regard, Li Sheng also knew about it later, and he was also somewhat self-satisfied, secretly saying that although he had no ability, this luck was completely true.


The recent major events of the Tower of the Heavenly God, on the contrary, he did not have the luck of the previous one, and did not get one of the big opportunities.

The gift of Reiki and the number of first challenges were not related to him.

Li Sheng felt quite disappointed by this, and was also ridiculed by many netizens who paid attention to him that the luck of ‘Jin Li’ was gone, Ye Qingjie.

Of course, disappointment is disappointment, and Li Sheng naturally understands the major events that have happened recently.

This is his first time to challenge the Babel Tower Trial, which can be said to have been fully prepared.

Not only have you watched various strategies over and over again, but there are other kinds of related information, especially the relevant information recently released on the official website, which has been studied a lot, and finally adjusted your mentality to this challenge!

Simply put, the kung fu pays off, all the preparations, not without effect, successfully passed the first two levels of trials.

“Ding! Successfully pass the second level of the trial, the continuous stack number is two, get the blessing!

Reward for clearing the level: The Law of Budoku [Spirit Micro Nineteen Styles], and get two Spirit Points! ”

“Ding, have you entered the [Cultivation Secret Realm]?”

After the experience of the first layer, Li Sheng was already somewhat familiar, with a happy face, and rushed to respond.

After a burning time, all the trial rewards had ended, and I was relieved and my face was a little excited.

But then comes entanglement.

“Do you want to continue to challenge the next level…”

Li Sheng’s face hesitated, this time the second layer he passed the level was relatively reluctant, although after receiving the reward, the strength was improved, but for the third layer trial, there was still no confidence.

He had always been self-aware, knowing that he really had nothing to say except some luck.

Just by virtue of the fact that he had obtained the creation given by the martial ancestors several times before, but his strength was also able to withstand the ten weights of the day after tomorrow,

Compared with the rest of the people who had only obtained the opportunity to create twice, or even once, it could be seen that his own cultivation talent was really low.

If you challenge the third layer, there is a great chance to hang, if you don’t challenge, you feel a little unwilling.

“Hiss ~ or forget it, just stop is the right way…”

Li Sheng struggled for a while, and finally felt that he had slipped away, after all, he really didn’t have much chance to pass the customs, or he was spared from suffering.

Opening his mouth, he was about to say the end of the trial, his eyes flickered, and suddenly he was stunned, and the words were held back.

I looked in amazement at a halo of light swirling in the distance in the small space formed here.

“What’s that…”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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