
Li Sheng’s face was in a trance, full of shock!

“The Breath of the Dragon… It turns out that there really is such a mythical god…”

Among them, there was a description of the Dragon of the Candlestick, which made his scalp tingle and he was shocked!

‘Call for the wind and rain, suck it for the frost to fall!’ Open your eyes for the day, close your eyes for the night! Hiss! Is this the power of the gods? It’s horrible!


Just a wisp of breath has this incredible power, Senzai Shouyuan and power blessing, if it is refined…’

Although there is no description of the utility after refining in the description of the Divine Dragon’s Breath, just by the blessings obtained, you can already imagine the horror of it!

The power of the gods is evident!

As for the so-called “Candle Dragon Law. The beginning] is even more reverie.

The need for such mythical blessings as the Divine Dragon’s Breath is a pre-requirement for cultivation, and it is conceivable that the mysteries in it must be extremely amazing!

And just literally, maybe… It is not necessary that it is the method of the gods!

Li Sheng’s eyes were red, he swallowed his saliva wildly, stood up, paced back and forth, and his excitement surged forward.

It took a long time to suppress the heat and vibration in my heart,

Shaking his palm, he looked at the next treasure, and the second treasure was a small branch of leaves, full of emerald green, and its appearance was not proud.

But Li Sheng didn’t dare to underestimate it at all, this first treasure was so amazing, wouldn’t it be even more terrifying in the back.

[Branch of the Divine Tree]: The Divine Tree is the source of the essence of life in one world, the six realms!

When the creation of the heavens is formed, the center of gravity of the Divine Realm is located with the six realms of the four directions and the great power of gathering the aura of heaven and earth!

This is the center of the sacred tree, a branch of essence plucked, containing incredible power!

The holder, nourished by the life essence of the sacred tree, has received the life of a thousand years! Coupled with the divine effect of Gu Ben Peiyuan.

(Note: The branches of the Divine Tree could not have grown apart from the Divine Tree, but with the blessing of mysterious forces, there was already a chance to create and reincarnate the mysterious tree, which could be used for spiritual planting!) )

Redemption: 300,000 Spirit Points!

“The Divine Realm…”

Li Sheng looked down with a wooden face, and his heart was already like turning the river upside down, and many thoughts appeared one by one.

He looked at the redemption of Spirit Points and muttered to himself:

“The branches of this sacred tree, three hundred thousand spirit points…”

Such a huge amount of Spirit Points, if the rewards of the Trial Land did not change, it would be impossible to accumulate them no matter what.

It’s just a matter of looking at the eyes.

“But why is it that the three hundred thousand spirit points, Shouyuan still only increased by a thousand years, is it because it contains some more mysterious power…”

However, there are too many places of doubt, and I can’t think clearly, so I can only give up.

Looking at the three treasures behind them, they were dark and unclear, hazy, and unreal, and they stared for a long time and had a certain sense of trance and vertigo.

Hurriedly returning to God, some painfully pinched his eyebrows, secretly stunned.

“I can’t even see the back of this, is it not unlocked?” Nor is it right… Or is it related to cultivation? ”

Li Sheng speculated in his heart for a long time, and he didn’t know why, and finally he could only sigh.


The two gods in front of them are already unimaginable!

If it is passed out, there is no doubt that everyone will be shocked!

Li Sheng eased up for a long time, before he exhaled slightly and stood up, only to feel that his vision of insight was already different from everyone else’s.

He! I’ve seen the world!

“It’s just a pity that the treasures inside are really too expensive, so many spirit points, when will you be able to have them?”

I hope that in the next trial, the spirit point reward will be more…”

With a sigh and a helpless shake of his head, the treasures inside, even the gods, were undoubtedly extremely shocking and terrifying!

However, except for the most basic [Spirit Jade], everything else was not what he could have now, and perhaps he would not be able to have it in the future.

This feeling of helplessness of having a treasure mountain in the emptiness and not being able to get it, and looking at the ocean and sighing, is really uncomfortable.

Tightening the blue demon in his hand, his face was much better, and he secretly said:

‘I have this source of blessing, and it is already a very good thing that I have received this opportunity and reward,

Other people can’t ask for it, or don’t think too much, too good and ambitious is not good, let nature take its course. ’

Thinking of this, he wanted to leave and go to the center of the place of trial, and bowed down with a respectful and reverential face.

“Li Sheng thanks him for the gift of the crown, and he will never forget it!”

Although there does not seem to be much description in the [game] system, he is not a fool, and if he thinks about it, he knows who these things come from.

To get this opportunity, you naturally need to worship under the crown!

After three prostrations and nine prayers, he breathed a sigh of relief and said softly:

“Give up the challenge, leave!”

Although it has obtained amazing benefits, it has not been transformed into its own strength after all,

He couldn’t have achieved great progress in cultivation in just twelve hours, so there was nothing to hesitate to give up and leave.

A ray of light appeared, and Li Sheng’s figure disappeared.


A quarter of an hour later, in the real world, somewhere in the dormitories of college boys.

Li Sheng opened his eyes, took off the game helmet, touched his arms with some nervousness, felt a cool force coming from it, and was immediately relieved, full of surprise!

In the past [second world], although everything acting on oneself could be synchronized to the real world,

But there has never been a case of bringing objects from the second world back to the real world.

If there is no hidden situation, then he has created the first history!

“Grass! Awesome! Oh! ”

Li Sheng could no longer suppress the joy in his heart, and shouted loudly with excitement,

Jump up, walk directly next to a few confused roommates, and go up to each of them with a slap!


“Gan! What nerves do you have? ”

“Sizzle! The other way around! How dare you beat your father and me! ”

“Click! You took the wrong medicine! ”

Several roommates were suddenly ‘furious’, looking at Li Sheng with unkindness,

If he can’t say why, there will be a ‘bloody storm’ today!

Li Sheng raised an eyebrow coldly, disdainful, Gu Pan Zixiong, and said proudly:

“Sons! Your dad is back! Call Daddy! I’ll take you to a delicious drink and a spicy one! ”

Several housemates looked at each other, laughed, and shouted directly: “Silly! Believe it or not Lao Tzu killed you! ”

Li Sheng coughed, shook his head, and said, “My son is a little restless, and listen to me one by one.” ”

Half an hour later,

“Daddy, I’m your son!”

“Yikes! Look at your old man, how tired you have just passed the trial, come, I will give you a pound! ”

“Stink don’t face, let me come!”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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